Monthly Archives: April 2017

Pope Francis: “martyrs are the living blood of the Church”

  • Pope Francis on Saturday paid tribute to modern day martyrs whom he said “are the living blood of the Church”.

    The Pope was presiding over a Liturgy of the Word at the Church of St. Bartholomew on the Tiber, a shrine to the martyrs of the 20th and 21st centuries.

    Speaking during his homily, the Pope had words of closeness for the many Christian communities being persecuted today “because of the hatred of the spirit of this world”…

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“What are we building our lives on? Is our hope still in the Lord?” – Archbishop

Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna celebrates mass on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the consecration of the Holy Trinity Church, Marsa

  • On Wednesday, 19th April 2017, Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna celebrated mass on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the consecration of the Holy Trinity Church, Marsa.

  • Homily by Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna
  • Holy Trinity Church, Marsa

    19th April 2017

    Dan l-Evanġelju (Lq 24, 13-35) li għadna kemm smajna joqgħod tant tajjeb għall-okkażjoni li qegħdin niċċelebraw illejla…

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The Gospel of the day: 22nd April

  • Saint Mark 16:9-15

    When Jesus had risen, early on the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had driven seven demons. She went and told his companions who were mourning and weeping.

    When they heard that he was alive and had been seen by her, they did not believe…

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Jesuit priest kidnapped in Nigeria

  •   Patri Samuel Okwuidegbe, Ġiżwita Niġerjan ta’ 50 sena, nhar it-Tlieta li għadda, 18 ta’ April, inħataf minn grupp ta’ nies mhux magħrufa.   Il-ħtif sar fit-triq li tgħaqqad Benin City ma’ Onitsha. Skont il-ġurnal “La Croix”, Patri Okwuidegbe kien sejjer imexxi rtir, 150 kilometru ‘il bogħod minn fejn jgħix ma’ 3 patrijiet oħra. Il-karozza tiegħu nstabet abbandunata mill-pulizija.   Is-Segretarju Reġjonali tal-Ġiżwiti fl-Afrika u l-Madagascar, Patri Rigobert Kyungu Musenge, qal li “sa issa m’għandhomx dettalji dwar l-għejbien…
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The Gospel of the day: 21st April

  • Saint John 21:1-14

    Jesus revealed himself again to his disciples at the Sea of Tiberias. He revealed himself in this way.
    Together were Simon Peter, Thomas called Didymus, Nathanael from Cana in Galilee, Zebedee’s sons, and two others of his disciples.

    Simon Peter said to them, “I am going fishing.” They said to him, “We also will come with you.” So they went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing…

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The Duty to Commemorate

A message on the occasion of the 5th centenary of the Protestant reformation

  • This week, on two separate evenings, the Otto Philharmonic Orchestra of Berlin, will be commemorating the fifth centenary of the Protestant Reformation. It was 31st October 1517 when the Augustinian friar, Martin Luther, nailed a list of ninety-five grievances to the door of the church of Wittenberg Castle in Germany. That was the beginning of a long series of events which unfortunately lead to separation and bitterness among Christians, wars – in particular the Thirty Years’ War (1618-48) – and hate-filled suspicion…

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Pope to canonize Fatima visionaries during May visit

  • Francisco u Giacinta Marto, iż-żewġ aħwa ta’ Fatima, se jiġu ddikjarati qaddisin nhar it-13 ta’ Mejju li ġej.

    Dan ifisser li l-kanonizzazzjoni tal-aħwa Portugiżi se ssir waqt il-vjaġġ apostoliku li l-Papa Franġisku se jkun qed jagħmel ġo Fatima fit-12 u t-13 ta’ Mejju, fl-okkażjoni tal-100 sena mid-dehriet tal-Verġni Marija.

    L-aħwa Marto kienu mietu ftit snin wara d-dehriet mirakolużi tal-Madonna, meta Franġisku kellu 11-il sena u Giacinta għalqet l-10 snin…

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The Gospel of the day: 20th April

  • Saint Luke 24:35-48

    The disciples of Jesus recounted what had taken place along the way, and how Jesus was made known to them in the breaking of bread. While they were still speaking about this, he stood in their midst and said to them, “Peace be with you.” But they were startled and terrified and thought that they were seeing a ghost…

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St Gregory’s traditional pilgrimage held in Żejtun

  • Dalgħodu, l-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna mexxa l-pellegrinaġġ tradizzjonali tal-festa ta’ San Girgor fiż-Żejtun, li jsir l-ewwel Erbgħa ta’ wara l-Għid. Il-pellegrinaġġ beda mill-kappella ta’ San Klement, waqaf ftit fil-knisja parrokkjali u ntemm fil-kappella ta’ San Girgor stess.   Din it-tradizzjoni ilha ssir sa mis-selu 16, bħala ringrazzjament lill-Mulej talli ħeles lill-Maltin mill-marda tal-pesta.  
  • Click here to view more photos of the pilgrimage of St Gregory in Żejtun…
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“The Risen Christ is the hope of Christians” – Pope Francis

  • Pope Francis held his weekly General Audience in St. Peter’s Square on Wednesday, continuing his catechesis on Christian hope.

    Reflecting on 1Cor 15, the Holy Father said the Risen Christ is the hope of Christians, since his resurrection is the event that grounds our faith.

    Please find below the official English summary of the Pope’s catechesis:

    Dear Brothers and Sisters:  In these joyful days of Easter, our continuing catechesis on Christian hope looks to the Risen Jesus.  Saint Paul tells the Corinthians that Jesus himself is our hope.  His resurrection is the event that grounds our faith; without our confident belief in its historical reality, the Christian faith would be a mere human philosophy, and Jesus himself simply another great religious figure.  Our belief is based on the testimony of those who encountered the Risen Christ, from Saint Peter and the group of the Twelve to Saint Paul, who was converted by his dramatic meeting with the Lord on the road to Damascus.  Encountering Christ in faith is always a surprise; it is a grace given to those whose hearts are open.  It overturns our comfortable existence and opens us to an unexpected future, sowing life and light in place of death and sorrow.  This is the reason for our Easter joy: in the risen Jesus, who dwells in our midst, we encounter the power of God’s love, which triumphs over death and brings ever new life and undying hope…

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