Monthly Archives: July 2016

Final preparations for WYD in Krakow

  • The final preparations are underway in Krakow for World Youth Day which begins on the 26th of July. While the city prepares for Pope Francis, the finishing touches are being made to many of the areas the Pope will visit over the course of the celebration. Preparations “All over Krakow we can already see that World Youth Day is approaching”, Dorata says, adding that everything is almost ready at Campus Misericordia where Pope Francis will celebrate  the final Mass…
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The Archbishop announces the decision to open ‘Dar il-Ħniena’ (The House of Mercy)

  • Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna announced that a search is being undertaken launched to locate suitable premises for ‘Dar il-Ħniena’ – a new residence that would offer the latest palliative care for persons with terminal illness. He explained that this service will be provided by a registered Foundation in collaboration with entities which are already active in this area. The Archbishop said that this House shall be the tangible answer that the Church in Malta would be offering to those who are afraid of death without dignity due to the suffering related to terminal illness…
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650 Maltese youths participate in World Youth Day

  • ‘Il fuq minn 650 żagħżugħ u żagħżugħa minn Malta, ġejjin minn 23 għaqda reliġjuża differenti u minn diversi parroċċi, jinsabu l‑Polonja għall‑Jum Dinji taż‑Żgħażagħ (JDŻ). L‑organizzazzjoni tal‑parteċipazzjoni Maltija qed tiġi kkordinata miż‑Żgħażagħ Azzjoni Kattolika (ŻAK), li ħejjew ukoll il-verżjoni Maltija tal‑kanzunetta uffiċjali tal‑Jum Dinji taż‑Żgħażagħ, ‘Ħenjin li jħennu’. Youtube link: Mal-wasla tagħhom fil-Polonja, iż‑żgħażagħ Maltin ġew milqugħa f’diversi parroċċi qrib Krakovja, u matul din il‑ġimgħa ser jattendu għall‑attivitajiet prinċipali tal‑Jum Dinji taż‑Żgħażagħ, fosthom is-sessjonijiet ta’ katekeżi u l‑laqgħat mal‑Papa Franġisku fi Krakovja bejn l‑Erbgħa u l‑Ħadd li ġej…
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Programme of Pope Francis’ visit to Poland for World Youth Day

  • The programme for Pope Francis’ 27-31 July visit to Poland for the 31st World Youth Day celebrations.  The Pope will depart from Rome’s Fiumicino airport at 2 p.m. and will arrive at the John Paul II airport of Balice-Krakow two hours later. After the welcome ceremony he will transfer to the Castle of Wawel, where he will address the civil authorities and diplomatic corps, followed by a courtesy visit to the president of the Republic…
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Bishops’ Open Letter to the Members of the Maltese Parliament on medically-assisted dying

  • Honourable Member of Parliament, In the coming days, the issue of medical assistance to the dying with the intention of terminating their life, that has emerged in our country, will be discussed in a number of Parliamentary Standing Committees. As the Bishops of many whom you represent in the Maltese Parliament, we are writing to you this letter to express our concern about this matter and at the same time share with you the following ethical and moral considerations:
    1. We strongly believe in the respect of the dignity of human life that every citizen has the right to enjoy throughout all the stages of life, from conception to natural death…
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“L-imħabba tagħna trid tkun konkreta, mhux biss bil-kliem” – L-Arċisqof

L-Arċisqof jiċċelebra Quddiesa Pontifikali fil-festa tal-Madonna tal-Karmnu, fiż-Żurrieq

  • Il‑Ħadd 24 ta’ Lulju 2016, l-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna ċċelebra Quddiesa Pontifikali fil‑festa tal‑Madonna tal‑Karmnu, fil‑Knisja Parrokkjali, iż‑Żurrieq. Wara l-Arċisqof iltaqa’ man-nies u żar ukoll l-Għaqda Karmelitana Banda Queen Victoria, fl-istess raħal.    Homily by Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna
  • Knisja Parrokkjali, Iż-Żurrieq 24 ta’ Lulju 2016   “Fjur tal-Karmelu, dielja bil-frott mghobbija, dija tas-sema”. Dawn il-kliem mis-sekwenza antika fit-tifkira solenni u fil-liturġija tal-Ordni tal-Karmelu, jagħtuna t-tifsira wkoll ta’ dak li l-għolja tal-Karmelu kienet fi żmien għall-poplu ta’ Alla, hi llum u nawguraw li tibqa’…
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Social Media at World Youth Day

  • As the countdown continues to World Youth Day (WYD) in Krakow, young Catholics from across England and Wales are getting ready to pack their bags for Poland. Many will be going as pilgrims to the event which will be presided over by Pope Francis, but there are also young people who, while there, will be using their skills and talents to communicate the faith…
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By way of the community Jesus leads us to the Church – The Archbishop

The Archbishop meets 300 young people from the Neo-Catechumenal Way who are attending World Youth Day 2016

  • It-Tnejn 18 ta’ Lulju 2016, l-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna iltaqa’ mat-300 żagħżugħ u żagħżugħa mill-Mixja Neo-Katekumenali, li se jmorru għall-pellegrinaġġ tal-Jum Dinji taż-Żgħażagħ, fi Krakovja, il-Polonja. Il-laqgħa saret fil-Katekumenju, il-Ħamrun.   Message by Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna
  • Katekumenju, il-Ħamrun 18 ta’ Lulju 2016 Fl-Evanġelju tal-lum, Ġesù juża’ l-parabbola tas-Samaritan it-Tajjeb biex lil dan l-għaref fil-Liġi jgħallmu xi tfisser tkun proxxmu…
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Schedule of Pope’s Assisi pilgrimage released

  • More details have been released about Pope Francis’ upcoming pilgrimage for the eighth centenary of Franciscan feast of the “Pardon of Assisi.” On 4 Aug, the Pope will make aprivate pilgrimage to Assisi, a small medieval town in the Italian region of Umbria known for being the birthplace of the Franciscan order. While there, he will pray in the Porziuncola chapel, where the feast of the “Pardon of Assisi” originated…
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Pope sends video message to WYD participants and to the Polish nation

  • Pope Francis has sent his personal greetings to young people from throughout the world gathering in Krakow for World Youth Day and to all the people of the “beloved Polish nation” as he prepares to travel to Poland next week. The Pope’s 15th apostolic journey abroad, from 27 to 31 July, will take him to Krakow where the 31st WYD is being held, to Czestochowa and to the former Nazi extermination camp Auschwitz-Birkenau…
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