Dear brothers and sisters, good morning! Today, the feast of the Holy Trinity, the Gospel of St. John gives us part of the long farewell discourse proclaimed by Jesus shortly before his Passion. In this discourse, he explains to the disciples the deepest truths about himself, and thus he outlines the relationship between Jesus, the Father and the Holy Spirit…
The Archbishop meets columnists, radio and TV presenters, and journalists on the World Communications Day
On Saturday 21st May 2016, Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna met newspaper columnists, radio and television presenters, and journalists, on the occasion of the World Communications Day. The meeting was organised in collaboration with the MOAS Foundation (Migrant Offshore Aid Station), on board the ‘Phoenix’, in Marsa, Malta. Message by Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna
On board the Phoenix21st May 2016 First of all, thank you to all newspaper columnists, radio and TV presenters, and journalists for coming. When it was suggested that we celebrate the World Communications Day on board the ‘Phoenix’, we were not only thinking of the important gesture of Pope Francis when visiting Lesbos, but also the essence of his message this year, which is about communication and mercy…
The Archbishop meets columnists, radio and TV presenters, and journalists on the World Communications Day
On Saturday 21st May 2016, Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna met newspaper columnists, radio and television presenters, and journalists, on the occasion of the World Communications Day. The meeting was organised in collaboration with the MOAS Foundation (Migrant Offshore Aid Station), on board the ‘Phoenix’, in Marsa, Malta. Message by Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna
On board the Phoenix21st May 2016 First of all, thank you to all newspaper columnists, radio and TV presenters, and journalists for coming. When it was suggested that we celebrate the World Communications Day on board the ‘Phoenix’, we were not only thinking of the important gesture of Pope Francis when visiting Lesbos, but also the essence of his message this year, which is about communication and mercy…
Announcing the word of God should never be dissociated from the understanding of human weakness. That was Pope Francis’ message during the daily Mass at the Casa Santa Marta. Commenting on the Gospel passage in which Christ speaks with the Pharisees about adultery, he said the Lord overcomes the human vision which would reduce the vision of God to a casuistic equation…
***** Direttur: Bryan Singer Atturi: James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Oscar Isaac, Nicholas Hoult, Rose Byrne, Tye Sheridan, Sophie Turner, Olivia Munn u Lucas Till Maħruġ minn KRS Releasing Ltd. Ħin tal-Film: 144 min. KLASSIFIKA TAĊ-ĊENSURA: 12A KLASSIFIKA TAL-KNISJA: 12 En Sabah Nur, magħruf bħala “Apocalypse”, l-ewwel wild bħala mutant, jinsab jaħkem ġewwa l-Eġittu fis-sena 3200 QK sakemm rebelljoni kontra tiegħu ssib ruħu midfun f‘piramida, waqt li l-Erba’ Rikkieba taż-żwiemel jinqatlu fl-istess attentat…
Exploiting the working people to enrich oneself is like sucking blood; it’s a mortal sin. That was the message of Pope Francis during the morning Mass at the Casa Santa Marta. The rich who suck the blood of the poor The day’s first reading, taken from the Letter of Saint James, is a forceful warning to the rich who accumulate wealth by exploiting the people…
Caritas Malta fetħet uffiċjalment binja li għadha kif ġiet rinovata li fiha se tilqa’ tfajliet, nisa u ommijiet li qed isegwu programm residenzjali ta’ riabilitazzjoni mid-droga. Is-Sur Leonid McKay f’kelmtejn tal-okkażjoni qal li din kienet ħolma ta’ ħafna snin li n-nisa jkollhom post residenzjali kif jixraqilhom. Għal diversi xhur saru diversi laqgħat biex anki jiġi ddentifikat il-post, anki saru laqgħat ma’ tim magħżul ta’ esperti fil-qasam biex il-programm jevolvi għaż-żminijiet tal-lum…
Pope Francis says that to ignore the poor is to despise God and that the Lord’s mercy for us is tightly connected to our own mercy for others. Speaking on Wednesday morning at the weekly General Audience in St. Peter’s Square the Pope also decried the inequality and contradictions in the world as he reflected on the parable of the rich man and Lazarus…
Nhar it-Tlieta 17 ta’ Mejju 2016, Caritas Malta ppreżentat l-istudju bit-titlu A Minimum Essential Budget for a Decent Living – 2016, liema studju huwa aġġornament tar-riċerka li saret fl-2012. Caritas temmen li strateġija effettiva kontra d-deprivazzjoni materjali, irid ikollha qabelxejn diversi indikaturi biex ikun jista’ jitkejjel in-numru ta’ persuni u familji fil-faqar.
Is-Sur Leonid McKay, Direttur ta’ Caritas Malta, spjega kif il-Caritas qed tistabbilixxi kemm jiswa basket ta’ oġġetti u servizzi essenzjali għal familji bi dħul baxx biex ikunu jistgħu jgħixu ħajja diċenti…
Saying Jesus’ path is serving others, Pope Francis urged Christians on Tuesday to overcome the lure of worldliness and human ambition and warned against social climbers who are tempted to destroy the other in order to reach the top. His remarks came during his homily at the morning Mass celebrated in the Santa Marta residence. The gospel reading where Jesus’ disciples were arguing among themselves over who was the greatest was used by the Pope for his reflections about the dangers of power, money, ambition and vanity…