The Archbishop's homily at Mater Dei Hospital Chapel
It-Tlieta 29 ta’ Marzu 2016, L-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna iċċelebra Quddiesa fil-ftuħ ta’ Konferenza Internazzjonali dwar l-Etika fil-post tax-xogħol, l-Isptar Mater Dei. Il-Quddiesa kienet iċċelebrata fil-Kappella tal-Isptar Mater Dei. Homily by Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna
Kappella tal-Isptar Mater Dei29 ta’ Marzu 2016 Ippermettuli naqsam magħkom ftit ħsibijiet ispirati minn dan l-Evanġelju. L-ewwel ħsieb huwa dwar ir-reazzjoni ta’ Marija ta’ Magdala għall-mewt ta’ Ġesù…
Mother Angelica, the foundress of the EWTN Catholic Television Network, died on Easter Sunday at the age of 92, years after suffering a debilitating stroke. The Poor Clare nun started the Eternal Word Television Network in 1981, and since then it has grown into one of the largest religious media enterprises in the world, comprising television and radio stations, websites, and publishing entities…
Pope Francis said “we also stand today before the empty tomb of Jesus, and meditate with wonder and gratitude on the great mystery of the Resurrection of the Lord” during his Easter Monday Regina Coeli address. “Life has conquered death. Mercy and love have conquered sin! There is need of faith and hope to open this new and wonderful horizon,” Pope Francis said…
Nhar il-Ħamis li ġej, 31 ta’ Marzu 2016, ser issir Ċelebrazzjoni Djoċesana għat-tfal bħala parti mill-attivitajiet tal-Knisja f’Malta għall-Ġublew tal-Ħniena. Din l-attività ser tittella’ mill-Kummissjoni Djoċesana Tfal. L-attività tibda fid-9.00 a.m. fil-pjazza ta’ quddiem il-Katidral tal-Imdina u għaliha mistiedna jipparteċipaw it-tfal kollha mill-gruppi u għaqdiet reliġjużi. Iċ-Ċelebrazzjoni Djoċesana tibda b’attività interattiva għat-tfal fil-pjazza, fejn ser issir ukoll spejga mill-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna dwar il-Ġublew u l-Bieb tal-Ħniena…
Pope Francis delivered the traditional Urbi et Orbi blessing on Easter Sunday, following Mass in St. Peter’s Square. Speaking to pilgrims and tourists gathered in the Square for the occasion, Pope Francis especially remembered the suffering peoples of Syria, Iraq, Libya and Yemen. Below, please find the full text of the Holy Father’s prepared remarks. “The Easter message of the risen Christ,” said Pope Francis, “a message of life for all humanity, echoes down the ages and invites us not to forget those men and women seeking a better future, an ever more numerous throng of migrants and refugees – including many children – fleeing from war, hunger, poverty and social injustice.” The Holy Father also spoke directly to all people everywhere, who struggle to keep faith and hope…
Nhar il‑Ħadd 27 ta’ Marzu, l-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna iċċelebra l-Quddiesa Stazzjonali tal‑Għid il‑Kbir tal‑Mulej, fil‑Kon‑Katidral ta’ San Ġwann, il-Belt Valletta. Matul din il‑Quddiesa Monsinjur Arċisqof ta s‑Sagrament tal‑Griżma tal‑Isqof lil żewġ adulti. Fi tmiem il‑Quddiesa, l‑Arċisqof ta l‑Barka Appostolika bl‑Indulġenza Plenarja.
The Celebration of Mass on YouTube
Homily by Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna
I am told there is a sizeable contingent from Germany today so willkommen heißen – but that’s the end of my German for this homily today…
The Archbishop celebrates Mass on the Solemnity of Easter Sunday
Nhar il‑Ħadd 27 ta’ Marzu 2016, l-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna iċċelebra l-Quddiesa Stazzjonali tal‑Għid il‑Kbir tal‑Mulej, fil‑Kon‑Katidral ta’ San Ġwann, il-Belt Valletta. Matul din il‑Quddiesa Monsinjur Arċisqof ta s‑Sagrament tal‑Griżma tal‑Isqof lil żewġ adulti. Fi tmiem il‑Quddiesa, l‑Arċisqof ta l‑Barka Appostolika bl‑Indulġenza Plenarja. The Celebration of Mass on YouTube
Homily by Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna
I am told there is a sizeable contingent from Germany today so willkommen heißen – but that’s the end of my German for this homily today…
The Mdina Cathedral Museum, the prestigious institution housing priceless paintings, unique prints, ancient reliquaries and other outstanding objets d’art will be inaugurating the specially-designed Baroque Period Hall tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. The museum, a baroque palace once the seminary built by bishop Paolo Alpheran de Bussan (1728-1757) is considered as one of the best church museums in Europe fully deserving the appellation of Crossroad of Faith and Culture…
Nhar is‑Sibt 26 ta’ Marzu, l‑Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna mexxa l‑liturġija tal‑Vġili tal‑Għid, fil‑Kon‑Katidral ta’ San Ġwann, il-Belt Valletta. Iċ‑ċelebrazzjoni bdiet bit‑Tberik tan‑Nar il‑ġdid fuq iz‑zuntier tal‑Kon‑Katidral, u tkompliet b’liturġija tal‑Kelma, liturġija tal‑magħmudija li fiha tgħammdu żewġ adulti, u l‑liturġija tal‑Ewkaristija.
The Celebration of Mass on YouTube
Homily by Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna
Kon-Katidral ta’ San Ġwann26 ta’ Marzu 2016 Grupp ta’ nisa mal-ewwel jum tal-ġimgħa, mas-sebħ, imorru ħdejn il-qabar ta’ Ġesù bil-fwejjaħ li kienu ħejjew…
Il-Ħadd 27 ta’ Marzu, Ħadd il-Għid, fid-9:15 a.m., Monsinjur Arċisqof ser jiċċelebra Quddiesa Stazzjonali tal-Għid il-Kbir tal-Mulej, fil-Kon-Katidral ta’ San Ġwann, il-Belt Valletta. Matul il-Quddiesa, Monsinjur Arċisqof ser jagħti s-Sagrament tal-Griżma tal-Isqof lil żewġ adulti. Fi tmiem il-Quddiesa, l-Arċisqof jagħti l-Barka Appostolika bl-Indulġenza Plenarja. Watch ‘live’ on YouTube Click here for more information about liturgical celebrations led by the Archbishop. Click here to follow these celebrations on YouTube…