Yearly Archives: 2015

Pope to prisoners: Help one another

  • According to the United Nations High Commission on Human Rights, Bolivia has a total prison population of some 13,000 people who live in structures built to house less than half that number. Add to that figure the over 2,000 young children who live in the prisons together with their detained parents and you understand why Pope Francis began his speech at the Santa Cruz-Palmasola Rehabilitation Centre by saying “I could not leave Bolivia without first seeing you”…
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Mass to celebrate the feast of St Calcedonius

    • Nhar il-Ġimgħa, 24 ta’ Lulju 2015, sa tiġi ċċelebrata l-Festa ta’ San Kalċedonju fil-Kappella tal-Kurja tal-Arċisqof, il-Furjana, fejn jinsabu meqjumin ir-relikwi ta’ San Kalċidon. Fil-5:30 p.m. ser jingħad ir-Rużarju u fis-6:00 p.m. tibda ċelebrazzjoni tal-Quddiesa.

      Il-pubbliku huwa mistieden jattendi.

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The Archbishop celebrates Mass with young people who attend Youth Fellowship

  • On Saturday 18th July 2015, Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna celebrated Mass with youths who attend Youth Fellowship, at Gattard House, Blata l-Bajda.

    The Archbishop’s Homily

  • Gattard House, Blata l-Bajda

    18 ta’ Lulju 2015

    Nixtieq naqsam magħkom żewġ ħsibijiet ispirati mill-Vanġelu li għadna kemm smajna, il-Vanġelu skont San Mark, Kapitlu 6…

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Holy See: Solution to global poverty cannot be left to market forces alone

  • The Holy See has reminded the international community many countries are still facing enormous challenges in order to fully participate in the global economy. Archbishop Bernardito Auza, the Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations, said some countries have “fallen further behind and may continue to do so” unless the international community help them find solutions for what is constraining them…
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‘Aħbar Tajba’: A new initiative of Evangelisation

  • Il-Media Centre flimkien mal-Fondazzjoni YOUTHEME bdew inizzjattiva ġdida mmirata għat-tfal u l-adolexxenti fil-parroċċi Maltin u Għawdxin. L-iskop hu li permezz ta’ dan il-fuljett, kull ġimgħa jiġu esplorati l-valuri mill-Evanġelju tal-jum li t-tfal u l-adolexxenti jistgħu jipprattikaw. Għalkemm il-fuljett huwa mmirat prinċipalment għat-tfal u l-adolexxenti, fih hemm materjal li jolqot lill-bqija tal-familja għax l-Evanġelju għandu xi ħaġa għal kulħadd. Il-ħsieb wara dan il-proġett huwa li jkun ta’ għajnuna lill-parroċċi biex, f’dinja tant differenti minn dik li fiha nkiteb l-Evanġelju, jitwassal il-messaġġ li, jgħaddi kemm jgħaddi żmien, id-dinja tibqa’ bżonnu…
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The Archbishop visits the fundraising marathon ‘Oħloq Tbissima’

  • Il-Ġimgħa 17 ta’ Lulju 2015, l-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna żar Dar San Gużepp, St Venera, fl-okkażjoni tal-ftuħ tal-maratona ‘Oħloq Tbissima’ li qed issir għat-tlettax-il sena konsekuttiva. Din il-maratona ta’ sittin siegħa bdiet il-Ġimgħa f’nofsinhar u tibqa sejra bla waqfien sal-Ħadd 19 ta’ Lulju f’nofsillejl. Oħloq Tbissima, hija mtella’ minn ĊAM Productions international (ĊPi), li hija l-production house fi ħdan is-Soċjeta’ Missjunarja ta’ San Pawl (MSSP) li bħall kull sena, l-għan tagħha hu li jinġabru l-flus b’risq il-missjonijiet tal-patrijiet tas-Soċjeta’ Missjunarja ta’ San Pawl, fil-Peru, Pakistan, Fillippini u anke għat-tfal tad-Dar ta’ San Ġużepp f’Santa Venera…
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Cardinal Tagle writes Caritas a letter on Laudato Si’

  • The President of Caritas Internationalis has issued a letter to the Caritas Federation on the Encyclical of Pope Francis, Laudato Si’.

    Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, the Archbishop of Manila, said, in his encyclical, Pope Francis has called on every person to undertake a mission to save the planet, their relationship with God and the human family.

    “In Laudato Si’ Pope Francis reminds us to replace consumption with a sense of sacrifice, greed with generosity and wastefulness with a spirit of sharing,” Cardinal Tagle writes…

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Cardinal Marx : ‘Europe is a project of reconciliation, not of division’

  • Statement of the President of the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union (COMECE), Reinhard Cardinal Marx, on the Greek crisis. ‘Long days and nights of nerve-wrecking negotiations lie behind us. The Greek crisis of recent weeks has preoccupied not only our political leaders but also each and every European citizen, living with the uncertainty as to whether or not the crisis would end with a positive outcome…
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New Courses from the Faculty of Theology

  • Il-Fakultà tat-Teoloġija fl-Università ta’ Malta ser toffri żewġ korsijiet ġodda fuq livell ta’ Master of Arts. Il-kors MA in Catholic School Leadership jindirizza t-tmexxija tal-iskejjel tal-Knisja, filwaqt li l-kors MA in Christian Faith Formation hu aktar ġeneriku u jindirizza l-ethos Kattoliku tal-iskejjel tal-Knisja. Dawn iż-żewġ korsijiet se jiġu offruti minn Ottubru li ġej, fuq bażi part-time. Il-kors MA in Catholic School Leadership huwa wkoll approvat mid-Direttorati għall-Edukazzjoni u jissodisfa l-kriterji mitluba mill-Istat għall-kariga ta’ Kap ta’ Skola…
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