Yearly Archives: 2015

Statement with reference to media reports

  • With reference to media reports, the Church Commission for the Safeguarding of Children and Vulnerable Adults would like to clarify that decisions on prisoners being granted parole are taken by the Parole Board. The decision taken by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in October 2011, by means of which Br Godwin Scerri was removed from the clerical state, remains unchanged…

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Pope: divorced and remarried people not excommunicated from the Church

  • Pope Francis resumed his General Audiences on Wednesday, following the summer holiday. In his catechesis, the Holy Father continued his teaching on the family, reflecting on the situation of those who have divorced and entered into a second union. “The Church knows well,” he said, “that such a situation contradicts the Christian Sacrament.” However, he continued, the Church, as a Mother, always seeks the good and salvation of all her children…
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Fantastic Four

  • ****

    Direttur: Josh Trank

    Atturi: Miles Teller, Michael B. Jordon, Kate Mara, Jamie Bell, Toby Kebbell, Reg E. Cathey u  Tim Blake Nelson

    Ħin tal-Film: 99 min

    Klassifika taċ-Ċensura: 12A

    Klassifika tal-Knisja: 12A

    Reed Richards minn eta’ żgħira kien ġa beda jesplora l-univers. Meta jikber dak li kien joħlom bih wettqu fir-realta’…

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Days of rest

  • During summer many people take a break from work to spend some time of rest; this is the right thing to do and it’s also necessary. Apart from those who like to travel, many are those who spend a few days by the seaside and possibly devote more time to the family.  During vacation time, it is easy to drift away from parish life and, with the exception of the ‘festa’ celebrations, we tend to forget that there are other nearby churches in which mass is celebrated.  For those who wish to have information regarding mass schedules of churches in their vicinity, or others who wish to spend some time in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament in one of the chapels which are located around Malta, the Curia Communications Office has launched a new version of the mobile phone application ‘Malta Mass’.  This app may be downloaded free of charge from the App store or from the Play Store

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Pope to hold extra General Audiences during Year of Mercy

  • The month of August promises to be a busy one for Pope Francis who is scheduled to be involved in a series of public events.

    Archbishop Georg Gaenswein, Prefect of the Pontifical Household, told Vatican Radio that the Pope will meet publically with the faithful in numerous occasions during the summer month and that preparations are underway to organize an extra General Audience each month (possibly on a Saturday) during the upcoming Jubilee Year of Mercy…

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Hot Pursuit

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    Direttur: Anne Fletcher

    Atturi: Reese Witherspoon, Sofia Vergara, Michael Mosley

    Ħin: 89 minuti


    Klassifika tal-Gvern: PG

    Klassifika tal-Knisja: 15

    Rose Cooper hija pulizzija f’belt żgħira f’Texas; missierha kien pulizzija magħruf u mfaħħar ħafna, iżda hija  ġiet assenjatha tagħmel xogħol wara d-desk wara żbal goff li kienet għamlet u li għadu jissemma’ sal-llum…

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Pope: St Theresa of Avila – a source of truth and values

  • Pope Francis has sent a letter of greeting and encouragement to participants of an Interuniversity Congress on Saint Theresa of Avila.

    The letter, signed by Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin on behalf of the Holy Father, expresses gratitude to the Academic world for highlighting the relevance of Saint Theresa’s teachings.

    Organized by the Catholic University of “Santa Teresa de Jesus de Avila” in collaboration with other Catholic Universities, the 3-day Congress entitled “St…

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Pope Francis: “Jesus is the Bread of Life”

  • Pope Francis has urged the faithful to look beyond material needs and turn to Jesus who is “the bread of life”. The Pope’s words came as he addressed the crowds gathered in St. Peter’s Square for the Sunday Angelus.  Taking his cue from the Gospel reading of the day which tells of the crowd that went looking for Jesus, not because they saw the signs but because they had eaten the loaves of bread and were filled, Pope Francis pointed out that those people gave more value to the bread than to He who gave them the bread…
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