Monthly Archives: September 2015

Pope Francis makes historic address to U.S. Congress

  • Pope Francis on Thursday 24th September 2015, made history by becoming the first Pope ever to address a joint session of the United States Congress. In his wide-ranging address that was frequently interrupted by applause, the Pope touched on many themes including the need for politics to serve the common good, the importance of cooperation and solidarity, the dangers of fundamentalism, the refugee crisis, abolition of the death penalty, the need for courageous acts to avert environmental deterioration, the evils of the arms trade and threats to the family from within and without…

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A Statement by Cana Movement about embryo freezing

  • The Cana Movement firmly believes that the implementation of embryo freezing will lead to the legalisation of abortion. Human life begins at conception and should be treated with respect and dignity from the moment of conception. Embryo freezing is incompatible with the dignity and respect which human life deserves.  It is evident that in countries where embryo freezing has been introduced, human life is often discarded as embryos are manipulated and destroyed…

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Living Together in Europe

  • Justice and Peace Europe meets in Copenhagen and Malmö  

    The Conference of European Justice & Peace Commissions will meet from 25 to 28 September 2015 in Copenhagen and Malmö for their annual International Workshop and General Assembly. The general theme of the International Workshop is “European models of living together– experiences in Copenhagen and Malmö”. H.E. Jean-Claude Hollerich, the Archbishop of Luxembourg and President of Justice and Peace Europe, will moderate the General Assembly…

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Ricki and the Flash

  • ***

    Direttur: Jonathan Demme

    Atturi: Meryl Streep, Kevin Kline, Maime Gummer, Rick Springfield

    Ħin: 102 minuti

    Klassifika tal-Gvern: 12A

    Klassifika tal-Knisja: 15

    Ricki Randazzo, li l-veru isem tagħha huwa Linda Brummell, għandha fuq is-60 sena u hija rock star li m’għamlitx suċċess; issa hija l-lead singer f’banda li ddoqq f’bar f’Los Angeles…

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  • ***

    Direttur: Baltasar Kormakur

    Atturi: Jason Clarke, Josh Brolin, Michael Kelly, John Hawkes, Robin Wright, Emily Watson, Keira Knightley, Sam Worthington u Jake Gyllenhaal

    Ħin tal-Film: 121 min



    Film ispirat minn ġrajja li seħħet vera fl-10 ta’ Mejju 1996. Żewg timijiet ta’ xabbaturi kienu  mħejjiha tajjeb biex jitilgħu fuq il-quċċata tal-Muntanja Everest minnaħa ta’ nofsinhar magħrufa aħjar bħala l-Muntanja tal-Ġenn…

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Pope Francis welcomed by President Obama to USA

  • Pope Francis has arrived. His flight landed at Joint Base Andrews (formerly known as Andrews Air Force Base), shortly after 3:30 PM local time in the US state of Maryland.

    The welcome ceremony – otherwise little more than a simple observance of only the most absolutely necessary protocol – was punctuated by two particularly poignant elements: the first was the presence of the President of the United States, Barack Obama – and his family – to greet his nation’s guest; the second was the Spanish  language alongside English, in which the gathered crowd – some hundreds of young people from Washington, DC area schools among them – cheered their welcome…

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Bishop Mario Grech at the Plenary Assembly of European Bishops at the Holy Land

  • Bejn il-11 u s-16 ta’ Settembru 2015, l-E.T. Mons. Mario Grech, Isqof ta’ Għawdex, irrappreżenta lill-Konferenza Episkopali Maltija fl-Assemblea Plenarja tal-Kunsill għall-Konferenzi Episkopali Ewropej (CCEE), li fuq stedina tal-Beatitudni Tiegħu Fouad Twal, Patrijarka Latin ta’ Ġerusalemm, din is-sena nżammet fl-Art Imqaddsa.  B’waqfiet fil-Galilija, f’Betlehem u f’Ġerusalemm, din l-Assemblea kienet l-ewwel waħda fl-istorja riċenti tal-Kristjaneżmu li laqqgħet flimkien fl-istess ħin u post għadd hekk kbir ta’ rappreżentanzi għolja tal-Episkopat Ewropew: 45 pajjiż kienu rrappreżentati f’din il-laqgħa.  It-tema ewlenija diskussa kienet: “Il-ferħ u t-tbatijiet tal-Knejjes partikulari”. 

    Tul iż-żjara tagħhom l-Isqfijiet Ewropej kellhom ċans iżuru komunitajiet Insara fl-Art Imqaddsa, jaraw il-ħidma tal-Knisja f’dan il-pajjiż u jiltaqgħu wkoll mal-awtoritajiet politiċi Israeljani u dawk Palestinjani.  F’Velja li nżammet apposta, huma talbu għas-suċċess tas-Sinodu tal-Familja li sa jinżamm f’Ruma f’Ottubru, waqt li f’Messaġġ Finali qalu li huma żaru l-Art Imqaddsa biex “iħeġġu iktar pellegrinaġġi fl-art ta’ Ġesù ħa jġeddu l-fidi u jwieżnu l-Insara ta’ dawn il-postijiet”…

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Pope Francis meets with Fidel Castro

  • Perhaps the event which created most media interest during Pope Francis’s first full day in Cuba was his meeting with revolutionary leader Fidel Castro. During a private encounter at the 89-year-old retired President’s home, the Pope and Castro discussed religion and world affairs. The meeting took place just hours after the Pope at Mass urged Cubans to serve one another and not ideology…

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Pontifical Mass on the occasion of Independence Day 2015


  • It-Tnejn 21 ta’ Settembru 2015, l-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna ċċelebra Quddiesa Pontifikali fil-Kon-Katidral ta’ San Ġwann, il-Belt Valletta, fl-okkażjoni ta’ Jum l-Indipendenza.
  • Homily by Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna
  • Eċċellenza Aġent-President, Onoreveli Prim Ministru, Onorevoli Speaker, Onorevoli Kap tal-Oppożizzjoni, għeżież membri tal-Ġudikatura, personalitajiet distinti; qed nieħu pjaċir nara wkoll diversi Membri Parlamentari u Ministri; Presidenti Emeriti ta’ Malta nixtieq insellmilkom u nirringrazzjakom ta’ dak kollu li għamiltu u għadkom tagħmlu għal pajjiżna…
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Pope Francis urges young Cubans to keep hope alive

  • Pope Francis on Sunday urged young Cubans to follow a path of hope, built on solidarity and encounter with others. The Pope’s words came in a meeting with several thousand young students gathered at the Fr Felix Varela cultural centre in Havana at the end of his first full day in the Cuban capital. The centre, set up in 2011 by the local Archdiocese with the support of the Pontifical Council for Culture, offers courses in theology, philosophy, sociology, psychology and business administration…

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