Monthly Archives: July 2014

21 – 27 July

  • Monday
    9.15 a.m.         The Archbishop presides over a Curia senior staff meeting, at his residence, Attard.

    11.15 a.m.       The Archbishop celebrates Mass for the youth attending Bosco Camp, Savio College, Dingli.

    6.00 p.m.         The Archbishop celebrates mass on the occassion of the arrival of the relic of St Lawrence’s blood, Birgu. 

    10.00 a.m.       The Archbishop visits the Summer Camp being organised by the Sisters of Mother Theresa, at St George’s Parish Centre, Qormi…

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Archbishop’s message on the occasion of the day dedicated to the Family

  • Quddiesa ta’ ringrazzjament għall-anniversarji taż-żwieġ u presentazzjoni ta’ trabi matul il-ġimgħa tal-Festa

    Parroċċa tal-Imsida
    14 ta’ Lulju 2014

    F’din iċ-ċelebrazzjoni, fl-okkażjoni tal-Festa ta’ San Ġużepp, niftakru fil-familja ta’ Nazaret: Ġużeppi, Marija u Ġesu. U għax illum qegħdin niċċelebraw l-anniversarji taż-żwieġ tagħkom, nixtieq li tiftakru li biex timxu fuq il-passi ta’ din il-Familja Mqaddsa. Ħa naraw ftit x’kienet l-istorja taż-żwieġ ta’ Ġużeppi u Marija…

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The House of Magic

  • ***

    Diretturi:       Jeremy Degruson, Ben Stassen
    Atturi:            Cinda Adams, Edward Asher, Emily Blunt, George Babbit
    Ħin:                85 minuti
    Klassifika taċ-Ċensura:  U
    Klassifika tal-Knisja:      PG
    Thunder, qattus żgħir li jkun qed ifittex kenn minn tempesta wara li  jiġi abbandunat mis-sidien tiegħu, isib ruħu fl-iktar dar stramba li wieħed jista’ jimmaġina…

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Earth to Echo

  • ** Direttur:        Dave Green
    Atturi:            Teo Halm, Astro, Reese C. Hartwig, Ella Wahlestedt
    Ħin:                91 minuti
    Klassifika taċ-Ċensura:  PG
    Klassifika tal-Knisja:      PG
    Tlett adolixxenti li joqgħodu fl-istess housing estate u ilhom ħbieb minn dejjem, Alex, Tuck, u Munch, iridu jqattgħu l-aħħar lejl flimkien għax l-għada d-djar tagħhom se jitwaqqgħu biex tinbena triq u għalhekk se jinfirdu minn xulxin…
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  • ***

    Direttur:        Ben Falcone
    Atturi:            Melissa McCarthy, Susan Sarandon, Kathy Bates, Dan Aykroyd
    Ħin:                96 minuti
    Klassifika taċ-Ċensura:  15
    Klassifika tal-Knisja:      18
    Wara li Tammy titkeċċa mix-xogħol tagħha f’fast food restaurant, tinduna li żewġha Greg kien qed jaqbilhilha ma’ seħbitha Missi. Tammy titilqu u tmur għand ommha u tgħidilha li se titlaq għal vjaġġ għal għonq it-triq lejn in-Niagara Falls biex tipprova tagħmel sens minn ħajjitha…

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Appeal for the Christian Communities of the Middle East

  • “I have received with some concern the news from the Christian communities of Mosul, Iraq, and from other parts of the Middle East who, ever since the beginnings of Christianity, have co-existed there alongside their fellow citizens, making a significant contribution to the good of society”, said the Pope after Sunday’s Angelus prayer. “Today they are persecuted. Our brothers are persecuted, they are cast out, they are forced to leave their homes without having the chance to take anything with them…

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The Gospel of the day – 22nd July

  • Matthew 13, 1-9

    That same day, Jesus left the house and sat by the lakeside, but such large crowds gathered round him that he got into a boat and sat there. The people all stood on the shore, and he told them many things in parables. He said, ‘Listen, a sower went out to sow. As he sowed, some seeds fell on the edge of the path, and the birds came and ate them up…

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New children’s day care centre

  • Fl-1 ta’ Settembru li ġej, ser jiġi inawgurat ċentru ta’ matul il-jum għall-ħarsien tat-tfal, fid-Dar Qalb ta’ Ġesù, St Venera. L-isem li ġie mogħti huwa ‘Arzella’. Dan iċ-Ċentru ser jilqa’ fiħ tfal ta’ taħt it-tliet snin. Matul dawn l-aħħar għoxrin sena, il-Knisja f’Malta fetħet u mexxiet ħames ċentri bħal dawn għal tfal li ma jkollhomx ħtieġa jidħlu f’dar residenzjali. Dawn twaqqfu bil-koperazzjoni ta’ diversi ordnijiet reliġjużi, l-Uffiċċju Ċentrali EJJEW GĦANDI u bosta benefatturi…

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EU Court says no right to Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ can be imposed on Member States

  • The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that no right to same-sex “marriage” can be imposed by the EU on member states, and that to say otherwise would be a breach of the European Convention on Human Rights.

    The Court said in a ruling in Strasbourg on July 16 that the Convention cannot be interpreted “as imposing an obligation” on states that are signatories to the treaty “to grant same-sex couples access to marriage.”

    Although the Court had previously found no such right exists in the Convention, it went further in its latest ruling, stating that in Article 12 the treaty “enshrines the traditional concept of marriage as being between a man and a woman [and] cannot be construed as imposing an obligation on the Contracting States to grant access to marriage to same-sex couples.”

    In addition, it found that no consensus in favour of same-sex “marriage” exists in Europe because only ten of the 47 signatories to the Convention have legalised it…

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The Holy Father telephones Shimon Peres and Mahmoud Abbas: seek an end to hostilities

  • Following last Sunday’s heartfelt appeal for continued prayer for peace in the Holy Land, this morning the Holy Father Francis personally telephoned President Shimon Peres of Israel and President Mahmoud Abbas of Palestine to share his very serious concerns regarding the current situation of conflict involving in particular the Gaza Strip which, in a climate of growing hostility, hatred and suffering for the two populations, is claiming many victims and giving rise to a serious humanitarian emergency…

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