Monthly Archives: January 2014

Vacant places in Church Schools in Second Year Kindergarten​

  • Vacant places in Church Schools in Second Year Kindergarten​
  • F’Novembru 2013 saru l-applikazzjonijiet skont l-Ewwel Kriterju għad-dħul fl-iskejjel tal-Knisja f’Settembru 2014, għas-sena skolastika 2014-2015. Hawn taħt se nagħtu rendikont ta’ kemm applikaw u kemm baqa’ postijiet vakanti għat-Tieni Sena Kindergarten. It-Tieni Sena Kindergarten Subien Din is-sena ġie ntrodott il-kriterju ta’ Każijiet Umanitarji Gravi għal tfal li meta huma jew il-ġenituri tagħhom ġew Malta applikaw għall-ażil (refuġjati) u qed jiġu riżervati żewġ postijiet għal dawn it-tfal…
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Defend the Church’s freedom to teach

  • Defend the Church’s freedom to teach
  • The Church has the right to teach her highest moral values, and her educational institutions are expected to uphold her teachings and defend her identity. Pope Francis said this on Thursday morning, 30 January, in the Clementine Hall to the trustees of the University of Notre Dame – a Catholic university located in the United States…

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Archbishop’s message on the occasion of the transaltion on the feast of the Conversion of St Paul

  • Archbishop’s message on the occasion of the transaltion on the feast of the Conversion of St Paul
  • Katidral, Imdina
    25 ta’ Jannar 2014

    Ħuti, aħna matul is-sena niċċelebraw tliet festi  ddedikati lil missierna San Pawl. L-ewwel festa  hija  propju dik li qegħdin niċċelebraw illum, il-konverżjoni; it-tieni festa hija propja għal Malta,  in-nawfraġju  ta’ San Pawl u fit-tielet festa, aħna niċċelebraw il-martirju ta’ missierna San Pawl; flimkien ma’ San Pietru…

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The Archbishop meets Fr Bruno Cadoré

  • The Archbishop meets Fr Bruno Cadoré
  • On Wednesday 29th January 2014, the Archbishop Paul Cremona O.P. met Fr Bruno Cadoré O.P., Master General of the Dominican Order, at his residence in Attard.

  • Photos: Photocity

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Confirmation completes our bond with Christ

  • Confirmation completes our bond with Christ
  • Confirmation is a sacrament that completes our bond with Christ and His Church: that’s what Pope Francis told tens of thousands of pilgrims gathered Wednesday for the weekly General Audience.

    The Pope, bundled up in a white winter coat on this frigid and overcast day, continued his catechesis on the seven Sacraments, telling the crowds gathered in St…

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Diocesan Commission for Pastoral Care of Health Care Providers

  • Diocesan Commission for Pastoral Care of Health Care Providers

  • Il-Knisja f’Malta nediet Kummissjoni għall-pastorali mal-ħaddiema fil-qasam tas-saħħa, fi ħdan is-Segretarjat għal-Lajċi. L-iskop ta’ din il-kummissjoni hu li tgħin fil-kura pastorali tal-professjonisti u l-ħaddiema fil-qasam tas-saħħa, billi tippromwovi l-valuri nsara fil-kura tal-persuni vulnerabbli…

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Signing of the Third Additional Protocol between the Republic of Malta and the Holy See

  • Signing of the Third Additional Protocol between the Republic of Malta and the Holy See
  • On Monday 27th January 2014, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Valletta, the Third Additional Protocol between the Republic of Malta and the Holy See was signed by H.E. Mgr Aldo Cavalli, the Apostolic Nuncio, and the Foreign Affairs Minister, the Hon. Dr George Vella.

  • Photos: Photocity

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Pope Francis encourages increased participation of women in Church

  • Pope Francis encourages increased participation of women in Church
  • Pope Francis, on the 25th of January, met with participants at a national conference sponsored by the Italian Women’s Centre, which is due to celebrate the 70th anniversary of its foundation in October of this year. The Italian Women’s Centre (Centro Italiano Femminile, or CIF) was set up in 1944 as a federation of Catholic women’s associations…

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New Parish Priest for Fleur-De-Lys Parish

  • New Parish Priest for Fleur-De-Lys Parish

  • L-Arċisqof Pawlu Cremona O.P. ħatar lil Patri Martin D. Schembri, Karmelitan, bħala kappillan tal-parroċċa ta’ Fleur-de-Lys.

    P. Martin twieled il-Belt Valletta fid-19 ta’ Frar, 1953…

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