Yearly Archives: 2013

“The Church, the people of God, should keep door open” – Pope

Pope in audience

The Church, defined in Vatican Council II as the People of God, was the topic of Pope Francis’ catechesis during the Wednesday general audience. The Holy Father explained the concept of the People of God through a series of questions: “What does it mean to be the People of God? How does one become a member of this people? … Read more »

New Parish Priest for St. Paul’s Bay parish

L-Arċisqof Pawlu Cremona O.P. ħatar lill-Patri Arthur Cutajar OFM Conv bħala kappillan tal-parroċċa ta’ Marija Addolorata, San Pawl il-Baħar.

Patri Arthur twieled Ħaż-Żebbuġ fit-3 ta’ Diċembru 1972. Hu rċieva l-edukazzjoni tiegħu fl-iskola Stella Maris, Ħal Balzan, fl-iskola Savio College, Ħad-Dingli, u fil-Junior College (6th Form). Huwa kompla l-istudji terzjarji (Filosofija u Teoloġija), fl-Istituto Teologico ta’ Assisi, u kiseb il-liċenzjat fl-ispiritwalità mill-Pontificium Athenaeum Antonianum f’Ruma… Read more »

Archbishop’s Message on the Pastoral Visit Opening Mass in Sliema (Sacro Cuor)

Parroċċa tal-Madonna tas-Sacro Cuor

9 ta’ Ġunju 2013

Ħuti, l-ewwelnett nistqarr il-ferħ tiegħi li qiegħed fostkom biex nagħmel il-vista pastorali fil-parroċċi tagħkom tas-Sacro Cuor, u parti mill-parroċċa hija propju din il-komunità li tiltaqa’ hawnhekk. Wieħed mid-dmirijiet sbieh tal-Isqof huwa li jżur kull parroċċa. F’Malta għandna 70 parroċċa, jiena għamilt il-vista pastorali f’57 u għad fadalli 13. Jekk il-Bambin irid, is-sena d-dieħla nkun għamilthom kollha… Read more »

Religious freedom gets more lip service than guarantees, pope says

Pope Francis with Italian President, Giorgio Napolitano

Religious freedom is talked about more than it is protected, Pope Francis said. “The serious violations inflicted on this basic right are causes of serious concern,” and the world’s nations must act together to uphold “the intangible dignity of the human person against every attack,” he said. The pope made his comments during an audience with Italian President Giorgio Napolitano at the Vatican June 8… Read more »

Pope says God looks upon all with mercy

Pope Francis during Angelus

Pope Francis reflected on the mercy of Christ during his Sunday Angelus address in St. Peter’s on Sunday. The Holy Father spoke on the theme given that the month of June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Speaking on the Sunday Gospel on the widow who lost her only Son, the Holy Father told the faithful gathered that Christ showed his love and compassion for man… Read more »