Maltese Altar boys at the Vatican
Maltese Altar boys at the Vatican
This was the first group (of two) of Altar boys (25 in all from various parishes in Malta and Gozo) that went to the Vatican this year…
News from the Church in Malta
Maltese Altar boys at the Vatican
This was the first group (of two) of Altar boys (25 in all from various parishes in Malta and Gozo) that went to the Vatican this year…
Direttur: Michael Bay
Atturi: Mark Wahlberg, Dwayne Johnson, Anthony Mackie
Ħin: 130 minuti
Klassifika taċ-Ċensura: 18
Klassifika tal-Knisja: 18
Daniel Lugo huwa personal trainer f’gym u jixtieq li jibda jgħix ħajja tas-sinjuri u mhux jibqa’ jgħix bħala ħaddiem. Għalhekk huwa jfassal pjan kif jieħu il-flus ta’ wieħed sinjur…
9 – 15 September
9.15 a.m. The Archbishop presides over a Curia senior staff meeting, at his residence, Attard.
6.30 p.m. The Archbishop celebrates Mass on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of Birzebbuga parish…
The Secretariat for Catholic Education would like to clarify that the Collective Agreement to which the Church Authorities and the Malta Union of Teachers are parties, whilst providing for the right of appeal in the process for the Selection of Heads of Schools, does not contemplate such right of appeal in calls for other posts. The fact that the Collective Agreement does not contemplate this right of appeal is not the result of any unilateral action on the part of the Church Authorities; it is the result of an agreement freely entered into between the Church Authorities and the Malta Union of Teachers…
Pope Francis has called for Peace in Syria, and announces a worldwide day of fasting and Prayer on 7th September. Why do we fast?
“Why do your disciples not fast?” Jesus answered: “Can the wedding guests mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? The days will come, when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast” (Mt 9:15)
Fasting, to which I intend to draw your attention briefly today, is the second element necessary for the spring of the spirit…
Prayer for Peace in Unity with the Pope
On Sunday, 1st September 2013, whilst reciting the Angelus, we all heard the Pope’s heartfelt prayer for world peace, especially for the current situation prevailing in Syria…
The Sunday about evangelisation, the so-called “Home mission Sunday” due to be celebrated in the English parishes on September 15th, is drawing nearer, and the Church of England and Wales have reasons for celebrating.
A survey conducted on 22 cathedrals in England and Wales, has given hope to the country…