Monthly Archives: September 2013

The Archbishop and Bishop George Frendo celebrate 50 years since their religious profession

  • L-Arċisqof u l-Isqof George Frendo jiċċelebraw 50 sena mill-professjoni reliġjuża

  • Il-Ħadd 22 ta’ Settembru 2013, l-Arċisqof Pawlu Cremona u l-Isqof George Frendo ċċelebraw Quddiesa fil-Knisja Parrokkjali ta’ Gwardamanġa, fl-okkażjoni tal-50 sena anniversarju mill-professjoni reliġjuża fl-Ordni Dumnikana. 

    Għal din il-Quddiesa attenda l-President ta’ Malta, Dr George Abela, u s-Sinjura Abela…

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The Gospel of the day – 23rd September

  • The Gospel of the day – 23rd September
  • Luke 8, 16-18

    ‘No one lights a lamp to cover it with a bowl or to put it under a bed. No, it is put on a lamp-stand so that people may see the light when they come in. For nothing is hidden but it will be made clear, nothing secret but it will be made known and brought to light…

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The Gospel of the day – 22nd September

  • The Gospel of the day – 22nd September
  • 25th Sunday in Ordinary time

    Luke 16,1-13

    He also said to his disciples, ‘There was a rich man and he had a steward who was denounced to him for being wasteful with his property.  He called for the man and said, “What is this I hear about you? …

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Pope Francis announces changes in Roman Curia positions

  • Il-Papa Franġisku jħabbar tibdil fil-karigi fil-Kurja Rumana
  • The Holy Father has implemented the following changes in the organisation of the Roman Curia.

    – He has accepted the resignation from the role of Major Penitentiary of Cardinal Manuel Monteiro de Castro, who has reached the age of retirement. He has confirmed as successor in the same role Cardinal Mauro Piacenza, who until now was Prefect for the Congregation of the Clergy…

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Message by Mons. Tommaso Caputo, Archbishop of Pompei, on the occasion of the Marian Mission in Malta and Gozo

  • Messaġġ ta’ Mons. Tommaso Caputo, Arċisqof ta’ Pompei, fl-okkażjoni tal-Missjoni Marjana f’Malta u Għawdex
  • Dear Brother Bishops,

    Distinguished Authorities,

    Priests, religious and all the faithful beloved,

    It is with great joy that I address you on the occasion of the Marian Mission of the Rosary that will be held in Malta and Gozo from September 22nd to the 29th 2013…

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The icon of the Virgin of the Rosary arrives in Malta

  • Il-kwadru tal-Madonna ta’ Pompei f’Malta
  • Wasal Malta l-kwadru tal-Madonna ta’ Pompei għall-Missjoni Marjana bejn it-22 u d-29 ta’ Settembru. Din ser tkun immexxija minn saċerdoti Taljani mis-Santwarju f’Pompei, l-Italja.

    Il-kwadru tal-Madonna ta’ Pompei ġie nkurunat mill-Papa Pawlu VI fil-Bażilika ta’ San Pietru, l-Vatikan, fit-23 ta’ April 1965. Fis-sena 2002, il-kwadru reġa ttieħed fi Pjazza San Pietru fuq talba tal-Beatu Ġwanni Pawlu II…

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Archbishop’s Message on Independence Day

  • Messaġġ tal-Arċisqof fl-okkażjoni ta’ Jum l-Indipendenza
  • Konkatidral ta’ San Ġwann

    21 ta’ Settembru 2013


    Minn meta pajjiżna kiseb l-Indipendenza u l-avvenimenti politiċi li ġraw wara – it-13 ta’ Diċembru u l-31 ta’ Marzu – Malta mhux biss saret ħielsa, iżda żdiedu u kibru r-responsabbiltajiet fit-tmexxija tal-pajjiż. Fil-fatt illum kibret il-parteċipazzjoni politika u jsiru ħafna diskussjonijiet fuq l-ekonomija, l-edukazzjoni, ix-xogħol, is-saħħa, u affarijiet li jwasslu għal kwalità ta’ ħajja aħjar…

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The Gospel of the day – 21st September

  • The Gospel of the day – 21st September
  • Matthew 9,9-13

    As Jesus was walking on from there he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax office, and he said to him, ‘Follow me.’ And he got up and followed him. Now while he was at table in the house it happened that a number of tax collectors and sinners came to sit at the table with Jesus and his disciples…

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The Gospel of the day – 20th September

  • The Gospel of the day – 20th September
  • Luke 8,1-3

    Now it happened that after this he made his way through towns and villages preaching and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God. With him went the Twelve, as well as certain women who had been cured of evil spirits and ailments: Mary surnamed the Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out, Joanna the wife of Herod’s steward Chuza, Susanna, and many others who provided for them out of their own resources…

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The Archbishop meets new teachers and LSAs of Church Schools

  • L-Arċisqof jiltaqa’ ma’ l-għalliema u LSAs ġodda fl-iskejjel tal-Knisja

  • Nhar l-Erbgha 18 ta’ Settembru, l-Arcisqof Pawlu Cremona O.P. ltaqa’ ma’ l-ghalliema u LSAs li ser jibdew jahdmu fi skola tal-Knisja fis-sena akkademika li tibda dan ix-xahar.

    L-Arcisqof, fil-prezenza ta’ Dr Rose Anne Cuschieri, Direttur ghas-Servizzi fl-Edukazzjoni fis-Segretarjat ghall-Edukazzjoni Nisranija, rringrazzja lill-edukaturi kollha ghar-responsabilità li qed jiehdu…

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