Monthly Archives: April 2013

Daily Gospel – 25th April

Mark 16, 15-20

And he said to them, ‘Go out to the whole world; proclaim the gospel to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptised will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned. These are the signs that will be associated with believers: in my name they will cast out devils; they will have the gift of tongues; they will pick up snakes in their hands and be unharmed should they drink deadly poison; they will lay their hands on the sick, who will recover.’ And so the Lord Jesus, after he had spoken to them, was taken up into heaven; there at the right hand of God he took his place, while they, going out, preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word by the signs that accompanied it… Read more »

Opinion expressed by the Interdiocesan Commission for the Environment regarding the proposed development at Ħondoq ir-Rummien

L-Iżvilupp propost f’Ħondoq ir-Rummien: X’għandu jiġi kkonsidrat


Fid-dawl tas-smiegħ tal-appell li hemm ippjanat fir-rigward tal-iżvilupp propost għal Ħondoq ir-Rummien, il-Kummissjoni Interdjocesana Ambjent (KA) tħoss li għanda terġa’ tfakkar lill-pubbliku u lill-awtoritajiet konċernati l-fehemiet tagħha dwar il-proġett. Il-KA tħoss li għandha tagħmel dan għax din il-kwistjoni ambjentali u l-mod kif ittieħdu (jew ma ttieħdux) ċertu deċiżjonijiet jindirizzaw prinċipji bażiċi dwar l-iżvilupp sostenibbli ta’ dawn il-gżejjer… Read more »

St Gregory’s (Sliema) Pastoral Visit Programme

Wednesday, 24th April

10:30 a.m. The Archbishop meets the parish priest Fr Victor Scicluna, at the Curia.

Saturday, 27th April

9.00 a.m. The Archbishop visits the Salesian Sisters.

10.30 a.m. The Archbishop meets with children attending the Catechism Centre (English speakers).

Sunday, 28th April

9.00 a.m. The Archbishop celebrates the Pastoral Visit opening mass at the Parish Church and later he meets with people… Read more »

“Eucharist: Bread of Life for Our People”

Eucharistic congress

Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, S.D.B., secretary of State, sent a short message on behalf of the Holy Father to the organizers and participants in the National Eucharistic Congress that is being held in Costa Rica with the theme of “Eucharist: Bread of Life for Our People”. The Pope invites all to “intensify their prayer lives, making the Eucharist the true centre of Christian communities, where praise and thanksgiving are the impetus to a renewed commitment to evangelization and ecclesial communion… Read more »

Daily Gospel – 24th April

John 12,44-50

Jesus declared publicly: Whoever believes in me believes not in me but in the one who sent me, and whoever sees me, sees the one who sent me. I have come into the world as light, to prevent anyone who believes in me from staying in the dark any more. If anyone hears my words and does not keep them faithfully, it is not I who shall judge such a person, since I have come not to judge the world, but to save the world: anyone who rejects me and refuses my words has his judge already: the word itself that I have spoken will be his judge on the last day… Read more »

Id-Dar tal-Providenza warns about collections on their behalf


Reports have reached id-Dar tal-Providenza that a person or persons are knocking on doors supposedly collecting money on behalf of the Home. The Administration of id-Dar tal-Providenza reiterates that it never gives any permission for collection of money from households. In the past there were persons that were prosecuted by the police and found guilty of fraud by the Courts. Whilst thanking the Maltese and Gozitan public for its support, id-Dar tal-Providenza appeals to those wishing to make donations to do so either by visiting the Home in Siggiewi, or by cheque through the mail, or through the website or through special accounts in all the local Banks… Read more »

Commemoration of the 17th Centenary of the Edict of Milan


St Helen’s Collegiate Chapter, in collaboration with the Foundation for Theological Studies and Discern (Institute for Research on the Signs of the Times), is holding a Public Forum to commemorate the Edict of Milan in the year 313 by Emperor Constantine.

The speakers at the forum will be: Professor Sergio Tanzarella of the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome (313: From the Meeting at Milan to the Edict at Nicomedia and a Historical Perspective… Read more »

“Absurd to think you can live with Jesus without the Church”

Cardinal Sodano tells Pope Francis that the cardinals wanted to join him for Mass “to thank God for the gifts he’s given you so far.” First reading at Mass for feast of St. George Acts 11:19-26; how the Gospel was spread by first Christians despite persecution. Cardinals with pope in Pauline Chapel of Apostolic Palace for Mass on feast of St… Read more »

St Gregory’s (Sliema) Pastoral Visit Programme

Wednesday 24th April

10.30 a.m. The Archbishop meets the parish priest Fr Victor Scicluna, at the Curia.

Sunday 12th May

5.30 p.m. The Archbishop celebrates the Pastoral Visit opening mass at the Parish Church and later he meets with people.

Thursday 16th May

9.30 a.m. The Archbishop visits the Primary School… Read more »