Yearly Archives: 2012

Catholics urge more focus on social justice, new national survey shows

Appeal for more Social Justice in USA

A large national study on faith and political views highlighted Catholics’ interest in having social justice take a bigger role in the church’s policy priorities. The American Values Survey by Public Religion Research Institute queried a cross section of all Americans but zeroed in on the opinions of Catholics, in particular, on topics including contraceptive coverage in insurance and the death penalty as well as on the pending presidential election… Read more »

A Letter from the Pope to the Maltese bishops after the ad Limina Visit

To the Most Reverend Paul Cremona
Archbishop of Malta

“Grace and peace from God the Father
and Christ Jesus our Saviour” (
Tit 1:4)

I was pleased to welcome you and Bishop Grech to Rome on the occasion of your recent ad Limina visit to the tombs of the Apostles Peter and Paul and I greatly appreciated the time that we were able to spend together… Read more »

Kaduna Catholic church hit by suicide attack

Bomb blast during mass in a catholic church in Nigeria

At least seven people have been killed and dozens injured in a suicide bombing during mass at a Catholic church in northern Nigeria, officials say.

The attack happened in Kaduna, scene of many sectarian attacks.

The blast was caused by at least one vehicle being driven towards the church loaded with explosives, witnesses said… Read more »

October 29 – 4 November


9.15 a.m.        The Archbishop presides over a Curia senior staff meeting, in his residence in Attard.


9.30 a.m.         The Archbishop presides over a meeting of the Episcopal Conference and the Council of Major Religious Superiors.

6.00 p.m         The Archbishop celebrates mass following a pilgrimage on the 175 anniversary of the statue of the Assumption, in           Qrendi… Read more »

Pope: ‘The Church today is alive and growing’

Conclusion of Synod of Bishops with the Pope

On the final working day of the Synod of Bishops on the New Evangelisation as the Father’s presented him with the list of 38 Propositions, fruit of three weeks of intense work, Pope Benedict XVI took the floor to address all those who had taken part, to telling them that their testimonies proved that the Church is alive and is growing, despite often contrary winds… Read more »

Archbishop’s message on the tenth anniversary of Lija and Iklin Football Nursery

27 ta Ottubru 2012

Aħna l-ewwel raġuni għaliex niġu fil-knisja hija biex ngħidulu grazzi lil Mulej. Grazzi talli-ħlaqt id-dinja, grazzi talli għamilt lil bniedem jixbah lilek fuq xbieha tiegħek, grazzi ta’ dan kollu għax kull  m’għandna ġej minnek. It-tieni raġuni għaliex nirringrazzjaw lil Mulej għaliex wara li ħalaq kollox, Alla l-Imbierek ma ħallihx jimxi waħdu. Kien hemm il-bniedem u qallu: issa tajtek dan kollu, issa trid tieħu ħsiebu inti, per eżempju s-siġra tagħmilha injama, dawn l-affarijiet kollha!   … Read more »

Signing of Collective Agreements

Nhar il-Ġimgħa 26 ta’Ottubru 2012 sar l-iffirmar ta’ żewġ Ftehim Kollettiv għall-ħaddiema tad-djar tal-anzjani tal-Knisja ta’ Dar Saura n-Naxxar u Casa Leone f’San Ġiljan. Iffirmaw dawn il-Ftehim: Mons Victor Grech, Delegat tal-Arċisqof u direttur tal-Caritas; is-Sur Paul Portelli, Direttur għad-Djar tal-Knisja għall-Anzjani; is-Sur Richard Saliba, Human Resources Manager; is-Sur Jason Deguara f’isem il-General Workers Union u s-Sur Karmenu Vella f’isem il-Professional and Service Employees Union… Read more »

Trial of Claudio Sciarpelletti will commence on 5 November


Giuseppe Dalla Torre, president of the Tribunal of Vatican City State, has issued a decree ruling that the first hearing in the trial of Claudio Sciarpelletti is to take place at 9 a.m. on 5 November. Sciarpelletti, who is accused of complicity, was sent for trial by the examining magistrate on 13 August, but his trial was separated from that of Paolo Gabriele by a ruling issued during the course of the court hearing of 29 September… Read more »

Talk about the Orthodox people among us

Il-Kummissjoni Ekumenika, bil-kollaborazzjoni tal-Kummissjoni Emigranti, qed torganizza taħdita bl-isem L-ORTODOSSI FOSTNA nhar l-Erbgħa 31 t’Ottubru 2012, fis-6.30pm, f’Dar l-Emigrant, Valletta. It-taħdita se ssir minn Mons. George Mifsud Montanaro li huwa l-espert lokali fuq dan il-qasam. Read more »