Yearly Archives: 2012

Ordination of six deacons

Archbishop Paul Cremona O.P. will ordain six deacons tomorrow (Sunday 4th November) at the Parish Church of the Assumption of our Lady, Mosta, during a con-celebrated Mass starting at 5.30 p.m.  The new deacons are: Bro. Stephen Borg O.F.M. Conv;  Leonard Mintoff from the Parish of St Helen’s Birkirkara; Charlon Muscat from the Parish of Our Lady’s Assumption Mosta; Bro… Read more »

Guardamangia’s Pastoral Visit Programme

Wednesday 31st November

11.00 a.m.       The Archbishop meets with the Parish priest of Guardamangia, at the Curia, in Floriana.

Saturday 3rd November

4.30 p.m.         The Archbishop meets the Diakonia Commission at Yvonne Hall.

6.00 p.m.         The Archbishop celebrates mass at the Parish Church for the opening of the his Pastoral Visit and afterwards he meets the people… Read more »

Respect and difference: interreligious dialogue since Vatican II

Arcbishop Gerhard Muller

Fifty years after the Second Vatican Council launched a new Catholic commitment to interreligious dialogue, work continues on clarifying the church’s attitudes toward other religions. While some Catholics still look on other religions with disdain, other Catholics seem to believe Vatican II taught that all religions were equally valid paths to God and to the fullness of truth.

The new prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith recently said both extremes are wrong… Read more »

The Saints, where heaven and earth meet

All Saints day

The Feast of All Saints is keenly felt in Rome and early November first tens of thousands of Romans made their way to Saint Peter’s square under foreboding skies. The police had completely shut down the area around the Vatican basilica and the long boulevard that leads up to Bernini’s colonnades, freeing Via della Conciliazione from its incessant traffic and creating an oasis of pedestrian peace… Read more »

Official launch of on the occasion of RTK’s 20th anniversary

Nhar il-31 ta’ Ottubru 2012, saret it-tnedija uffiċċjali tan-news portal, fil-lukanda The Palace, tas-Sliema.Dan in-news portal, li huwa immexxi mill-kamra tal-ahbarijiet tal-RTK, tnieda fl-okkazjoni tal-20 sena mit-twaqqif ta’ dan l-istazzjon. Matul din l-attivita’ tnediet ukoll il-mobile phone application ‘Newsbook’ li tista’ titniżżel mill-App Store għal dawk li huma iOS users, u fi żmien li ġej se tkun disponibbli wkoll mill-Google Play għal dawk li huma Android users… Read more »

Pope: Migration as a pilgrimage of faith and hope

Pope Benedict XVI says because of economic instability, the lack of essential goods, natural disasters, wars and social unrest, “migration becomes an ordeal undertaken for the sake of survival, where men and women appear more as victims than as agents responsible for the decision to migrate.” The Pope was writing in his Message for the 99th World Day of Migrants and Refugees, which will be marked on January 13, 2013, which has the theme “Migrations: pilgrimage of faith and hope”… Read more »

Archbishop’s message on the 175th anniversary of the statue of the Assumption


30 ta’ Ottubru 2012

Ħuti, statwa ta’ S. Marija li aħna qegħdin niċċelebraw illum, mija u ħamsa u sebgħin sena, nippruvaw nagħmlu meditazzjoni fuqha ħalli tgħinna nikbru fil-ħbiberija tagħna ma’ Binha.

Kif jibdew l-istatwi?  Ikun hemm komunita,  komunita li jkollha ħafna fidi fil-Madonna u forsi xi ħadd, min jaf min kien, ġieħ l-ħsieb li kieku aħna ngħinu l-fidi tagħna billi jkollna xbieha, allura nistgħu nużaw is-sensi tagħna, narawha biex il-fidi tagħna nkunu nistgħu ngħixuha iktar… Read more »

‘We don’t need no religion’ discussion

The Theology Students Association will be marking its 67th Foundation Day on Tuesday 6th November. A mass will be celebrated at St Catherine of Italy Church in Valletta at 6.30pm followed by a discussion at St James Cavalier at 7.30pm. The discussion is entitled: “We don’t need no religion. Għalfejn ħafna nies illum jemmnu f’Alla mingħajr bżonn ta’ reliġjon” and shall be directed by Peppi Azzopardi with the speakers being Ranier Fsadni, Fr Mark Sultana and Jason Copperstone… Read more »

Archbishop meets catechism children and catechists

On Thursday 25th October 2012, Archbishop Paul Cremona O.P. met with children who attend catechism at the the Capuchins Centre in Kalkara, as part of his pastoral visit to the parish. Later on, the Archbishop met the catechists at the Capuchins Centre.

CLICK HERE to view more photos of the Archbishop’s Pastoral Visit in Kalkara.

Click on the photos to enlarge… Read more »

Pilgrimage with the participation of Rosary fraternities

Nhar il-Ħadd 28 ta’ Ottubru 2012 sar pellegrinaġġ Marjan mill-knisja parrokkjali tar-Rabat sal-Katidral tal-Imdina. Dan il-pellegrinaġġ ġie organizzat mill-Kapitlu Metropolitan tal-Katidral fl-okkażjoni tas-Sena tal-Fidi. Fih ħadu sehem 11-il fratellanza tar-Rużarju u matul il-pellegrinaġġ ingħad ir-rużarju b’talb apposta mħejji mis-Segretarjat tal-Liturġija. L-animazzjoni tar-rużarju saret mill-patrijiet Dumnikani u mill-kor Mirabitur. Il-pellegrinaġġ tmexxa mill-Arċisqof Pawlu Cremona O.P. Kienu prezenti wkoll l-E.T. Mons. Tommaso Caputo, Nunzju Appostoliku, u Isqof mill-Malawi… Read more »