Monthly Archives: December 2012

The Pope emphasises the importance of education in the context of our age

Pope Benedict XVI received in audience six new ambassadors and non-resident ambassadors accredited to the Holy See from Zambia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, St.Vincent and the Grenadines, Niger and Guinea. In his address to the diplomats, the Pope focused on the theme of education, one of the principal challenges of our times and which today is located “in a context in which the evolution of ways of life and forms of knowledge create human, cultural, social and spiritual ruptures hitherto unknown in the history of humanity”… Read more »

National Commission for Persons with Disability awarded the Premju Dun Mikiel Azzopardi for 2012

On Tuesday 11th December 2012, the Archbishop presided over a Christmas concert and presented an Award in aid of Id-Dar tal-Providenza, at St. John’s Co-Cathedral, Valletta.

This year’s Dun Mikiel Azzopardi Award went to the National Commission for Persons with Disability as id-Dar tal-Providenza’s sign of recognition and appreciation of the Commission’s work and commitment since its inception twenty-five years ago as well as for its vision to continue building on its achievements… Read more »

UK Bishops: Meaning of marriage matters

The British government said today it will introduce a bill next year to legalise so-called same-sex marriage.
Opponents of the plans say that the decision to raise the issue has been made without proper consultation.
Both the Catholic Church and the Church of England have announced their opposition to the proposed bill. In response to Tuesday’s announcement London’s two Catholic Archbishops, Vincent Nichols of Westminster and Peter Smith of Southwark, released a statement strongly opposing the bill… Read more »

Thanksgiving Mass to end the diplomatic mission of the Apostolic Nuncio

Fi tmiem il-missjoni diplomatika tiegħu f’Malta bħala Nunzju Appostoliku tas-Santa Sede, l-Eċċellenza Tiegħu l-Arċisqof Tommaso Caputo se jiċċelebra Quddiesa ta’ radd il-ħajr nhar il-Ħadd 16 ta’ Diċembru, fil-Konkatidral ta’ San Ġwann, il-Belt Valletta, fil-5.30pm.

Fl-10 ta’ Novembru li għadda, il-Qdusija Tiegħu il-Papa Benedittu XVI ħatar lil Mons. Caputo bħala Arċisqof tal-belt ta’ Pompei u Delegat Pontifiċju għas-Santwarju tal-Imqaddsa Verġni Marija tar-Rużarju ta’ Pompei… Read more »

Cardinal Ouellet presides over opening mass of international congress on “Ecclesia in America”

Cardinal Ouellet

A three day International Congress on the Church in America commenced yesterday with Mass celebrated in Saint Peter’s Basilica.

The congress coincides with the 15th anniversary of the Synod of Bishops for America. Blessed John Paul II released the post-synodal exhortation, entitled Ecclesia in America, in 1999.

The Prefect for the Congregation of Bishops and president of the Pontifical Council for Latin America, Canadian prelate Cardinal Marc Ouellet, was the principal celebrant for the opening Mass of this year’s international congress… Read more »

Pope calls on faithful to look at the example of St. John the Baptist

Our task today is to listen to that voice, to give space to Jesus and to welcome Him, the Word that saves us, into our hearts. In this time of Advent, let us prepare to see, through the eyes of faith, God’s salvation in the humble stable in Bethlehem.

During the Angelus, Pope Benedict XVI invited the faithful and the pilgrims gathered to follow the example of St… Read more »

December 10-16


9.15 a.m. The Archbishop presides over a Curia senior staff meeting, at his residence in Attard.

4.30 p.m. The Archbishop meets seminarians individually and then celebrates Mass with them, at his residence in Attard.


09.30 a.m. The Archbishop exchange Christmas greetings with the heads of Church Schools, at the Curia.

11.00 a.m. The Archbishop visits the therapeutic community of San Blas and later dines with the residents, in Ħaż-Żebbuġ… Read more »

Holy See and Germany reflect upon the economic crisis

Joachim Gauck

This morning in the Vatican Apostolic Palace the Holy Father Benedict XVI received in audience the President of the Federal Republic of Germany, Joachim Gauck, who subsequently went on to meet with Cardinal Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone S.D.B., accompanied by Msgr. Ettore Balastrero, under secretary for Relations with States.
The discussions highlighted the cordial nature of bilateral relations; attention was given to the Christian view of the person, as well as to the challenges currently posed by globalisation and the secularisation of society… Read more »

Living the Advent as an act of faith in God’s plan for humanity

Marking the first week of Advent and the beginning of the new liturgical year, Pope Benedict XVI dedicated his general audience catechesis to living the season as an act of faith in God’s benevolent plan for humanity.

The humanitarian crisis in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo was top of Pope Benedict XVI’s concerns this Wednesday as he began his greetings in Italian with another appeal for aid for the people of the nation, the scene of armed clashes and violence… Read more »