Monthly Archives: October 2012

New resource pack for Pastoral Leaders

Is-Segretarjat tal-Katekeżi għadu kemm ħareġ l-ewwel Faxxiklu: Ngħid li Jiena Nemmen!

Din ir-riżorsa kateketika tista’ tintuża’ ma’ kull kategorija ta’ ħidmiet pastorali; imma hija l-aktar indirrizzata għall-Operaturi Pastorali li jaħdmu mal-Adolexxenti u Żghażagħ minn tlettax-il sena ‘l fuq u żgħażagħ minn tmintax-il sena ’l fuq.

Dan il-faxxiklu se jkun għall-bejgħ mill-Uffiċċji tas-Segretarjat minn nhar it-Tlieta 23 ta’ Ottubru, ’l quddiem… Read more »

‘The Door of Faith’ at the place of work

During this year of Faith, as promoted by Pope Benedict XVI, the Pastoral Commission for Work (PCW)  desires to convey to the employees at their place of work, some reflections with regards to the document that was issued by the Pope himself called ‘Porta Fidei’ meaning the ‘The Door of Faith’.

When speaking about actual work, many times one discusses all its aspects involving the worker, rather than the impact it has on one’s faith.  … Read more »

Archbishop celebrates mass at St. Liberata’s church

On Sunday 21st October 2012, Archbishop Paul Cremona O.P. celebrated mass at St.Liberata’s Capuchin church as part of his pastoral visit in Kalkara. Afterwards the Archbishop met with the community who participated in the mass.

CLICK HERE to view more photos of the Archbishop’s Pastoral Visit in Kalkara.

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Archbishop meets Kalkara civil society

On Sunday 21st October 2012, Archbishop Paul Cremona O.P. met members of Civil Society of Kalkara as part of his pastoral visit to the parish.

CLICK HERE to view more photos of the Archbishop’s Pastoral Visit in Kalkara.

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Pilgrims evacuated from Lourdes shrine

Hundreds of Roman Catholic pilgrims have been evacuated from the sanctuary of Lourdes in France after heavy flooding in the area.

The Gave de Pau river burst its banks after days of rain, flooding campsites around the shrine and parts of the southern city itself.

Lourdes is famous for what many Roman Catholics believe was a vision of the Virgin Mary by a local girl in 1858… Read more »

Archbishop’s message on the 50 years from the religious profession of Sr Monica Mifsud

Kappella ta’ Ġesu Nazzarenu, iż-Żejtun

14 ta’ Ottubru 2012

Ħamsin sena ilu Sr Monica quddiem Alla l-Imbierek għamlet il-wegħdiet tagħha. Ħa nfakkarkom bejn wieħed u ieħor, x’inhuma l-wegħdiet. Kienet professjoni perpetwa,  jiġifieri dak iż-żmien lill-Mulej qaltlu: jiena ħajti se nagħtihielek; indum ngħix kemm indum ngħix, ħajti mhux se tibqa tiegħi, imma se tkun tiegħek. Għalhekk hija perpetwa biex il-Mulej ikun jista’ jiddisponi minnha… Read more »

October 22-28


9.15 a.m.           The Archbishop presides over a Curia senior staff meeting.

5.30 p.m.           The Archbishop meets with Diakonia Commission, at the Parish House as part of his Pastoral visit in Kalkara.

7.00 p.m.           The Archbishop presides over a meeting of the Parish Assembly, at the Parish Centre, in Kalkara.


11.00 a.m.        … Read more »

Spirituality in Marriage Conference

Nhar il-Ġimgħa 19 ta’ Ottubru 2012, saret konferenza organizzata mill-Proġett Impenn, bit-tema ‘L-Ispiritwalita’ fiż-Żwieġ’. Il-kelliem ewlieni kien Mons. Jean Laffitte, Segretarju tal-Kunsill Pontifiċju tal-Familja. L-Arċisqof Pawlu Cremona O.P. għalaq il-konferenza li kienet tinkludi wkoll esperjenza taż-żwieġ minn koppja ta’ eta’ żagħżugħa. Il-konferenza saret fil-lukanda Phoenicia, Floriana.

Click on the photos to enlarge… Read more »

Xarabank raises €163,715 for Caritas

The generosity of the Maltese people came to the fore during last Friday’s Xarabank programme on TVM when a total of €163,715 was pledged to Caritas Malta.  Xarabank was dedicated to the programmes of rehabilitation from drug abuse pioneered by Caritas, and other services the organisation provides to people in need.This was also a tribute to Mgr. Victor Grech, who turned 83 on Friday and was regaled with well wishes and thanks for his vision and work in helping addicts stop the use of illict drugs and return to society.At the base of this edition of Xarabank were chilling stories of pre-teen addiction to injected heroin, uncontrollable use of drugs in spite of seeing death in the family from overdose, and the suffering of parents who see their children fall victims to drugs.   … Read more »