Monthly Archives: July 2012

Pope receives the Commission of Cardinals investigating document leaks

A stamp from a document in the Vatican secret archive

“On the 26th July, the Holy Father received in audience the Commission of Cardinals which is undertaking the administrative investigation into the leaking of reserved information: Cardinal Julian Herranz, Cardinal Jozef Tomko and Cardinal Salvatore De Giorgi. The cardinals were accompanied by Fr. Luigi Martignani O.F.M. Cap., secretary of the Commission; Examining Magistrate Piero Antonio Bonnet, and Promoter of Justice Nicola Picardi of the Tribunal of Vatican City State”, according to a communique released by the Holy See Press Office… Read more »

The ‘Oħloq Tbissima’ marathon this weekend

Ser terġa tittella l-Maratona Oħloq Tbissima: 60 siegħa ta’ xandir live miċ-ĊAM Productions international (CPi) u l-Production House fi ħdan is-Soċjeta’ Missjunarja ta’ San Pawl (MSSP).   L-għaxar edizzjoni tal-maratona ser tibda f’nofsinhar tat-3 t’Awwissu u tibqa’ sejra sal-Ħadd 5 t’Awwissu f’nofsillejl.

Bħal edizzjonijiet passati,  l-għan huwa li titqajjem kuxjenza missjunarja, filwaqt li jinġabru fondi b’risq il-missjonijiet fi ħdan l-MSSP, fil-Filippini, fil-Peru  u fil-Pakistan, kif ukoll b’risq id-Dar ta’ San Ġużepp f’Santa Venera u għall-Evanġelizzazzjoni permezz tal-MediaRead more »

Pope: appeals on Syria and Iraq

Pope during Angelus

Pope Benedict XVI appealed for peace in Syria and in Iraq. Speaking to pilgrims and tourists gathered in the courtyard of the Apostolic Palace at Castel Gandolfo, the Holy Father said that he continues, “[T]o follow with concern the growing and tragic episodes of violence in Syria,” where as many as 20 thousand people have perished in more than a year of increasingly intense civil strife… Read more »

Message for World Tourism Day released

World Tourism Day 2012

The Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People has issued a Message for the 2012 World Tourism Day (September 27th). The theme this year is “Tourism and Sustainable Energy: Powering Sustainable Development”.
In the message, the President of the Council, Cardinal Antonio Maria Vegliò, said:
“Tourism has an important role in achieving the Millennium Development Goals which include ‘ensuring environmental sustainability’, and it must do everything in its power so that these goals will be reached… Read more »

Inauguration of the Observatory of the New Evangelization for Latin America

Observatory of the New Evangelization for Latin America

The Secretary of the Pontifical Council for the promotion of the New Evangelization, His Exc. Mgr. Octavio Ruiz Arenas, announced that on Tuesday, July 24, during the opening session of the meeting of the President Bishops of the Commissions of CELAM (Latin American Episcopal Council) the inauguration of the “Observatory of the New Evangelization for Latin America” was held… Read more »

Pastoral Letter – Celebrating Human Life

Cherishing Life

It is indeed positive to note that in our country, there has been an ongoing debate with respect to the way in which a number of couples can address the difficulty of infertilty.  This gives witness just to what extent we cherish human life.  This is even more appreciated when one realizes that in today’s age, in Europe, and in Malta too, a large part of society is stingy with respect to new life, in the sense that the birth rate is low… Read more »

Pope greets Congress of World Conference of Secular Institutes

World Conference of Secular Institutes in Assisi

Pope Benedict XVI has sent his greetings to the congress of the World Conference of Secular Institutes underway in Assisi.
Signed by his Secretary of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the message encourages the particular vocation of consecrated lay men and women, which is rooted and centred in Christ, but lived within wider society.
“For many, many centuries,” says Archbishop Gérald Lacroix of Quebec, “if you wanted to consecrate your life to God, you either became a priest, a nun, or a monk… Read more »

Sit down and talk, Pope urges married couples

Young married couple discussing their everyday life

Benedict XVI sent greetings to participants of the 11th International Gathering of the Teams of Our Lady, which is currently being held in Brazil. The message was sent through the Pope’s secretary of state, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone.

Founded in 1939 in Paris by Father Henri Caffarel, the Teams of Our Lady is a movement of married spirituality in the Catholic Church and aims to help couples discover the riches of the sacrament of marriage and to live out a married spirituality… Read more »

12 courses offered by the Institute of Pastoral Formation for academic year 2012/2013

During the academic year starting in October, the Institute of Pastoral Formation (IFP) of the Church in Malta will organize, support and collaborate in 12 different courses, among them a new course in Catholic Media Education.  The courses offered by the Institute are all accredited by the Malta Qualifications Council and lead to a general or higher education award.

These courses serve to prepare pastoral operators in order to be able to offer a service in various fields, such as adolescents and youth, family, spiritual direction and Christian leadership.  … Read more »