Pope Francis

Protecting Minors Commission presents first-ever Annual Report in Vatican

Photo: Vatican News

During a press conference held at the Holy See Press Office on Tuesday, members of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors presents its first-ever Annual Report, in response to Pope Francis’ request to present a reliable account of what the Church is doing, and what still needs to change, to safeguard against sexual abuse, help authorities act, and restore trust… Read more »

‘He Loved Us’: Pope Francis’ new encyclical on the Sacred Heart of Jesus

“‘He loved us’, Saint Paul says of Christ (cf. Rom 8:37), in order to make us realize that nothing can ever “separate us” from that love (Rom 8:39)”: Thus begins Pope Francis’ fourth Encyclical, which takes its title from the opening words, Dilexit nos.

The Encyclical is dedicated to the human and divine love of the Heart of Jesus Christ: “His open heart has gone before us and waits for us, unconditionally, asking only to offer us His love and friendship,” the Pope writes in the introductory paragraph… Read more »

Pope at General Audience: Invite Holy Spirit to protect your marriage and children

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

Last time we explained what we proclaim about the Holy Spirit in the Creed. The reflection of the Church, however, did not stop at that brief profession of faith. It continued, both in the East and in the West, by the work of the great Fathers and Doctors. Today, in particular, we would like to gather a few crumbs of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit developed in the Latin tradition, to see how it enlightens all of Christian life and the sacrament of marriage in particular… Read more »

‘Dilexit nos’: Pope to publish encyclical on Sacred Heart of Jesus

“Dilexit nos” (He Loved Us) will be Pope Francis’ fourth encyclical, and it comes at a time of profound global challenges.

The world today is scarred by war, social and economic imbalances, rampant consumerism, and technologies that threaten to undermine human nature.

With this document, Pope Francis will call for a change of perspective, urging humanity to rediscover what is most essential: the heart… Read more »

Pope at Angelus: Missionary proclamation invites all to a joyful encounter with the Lord

  Saint Peter's Square, Vatican City

Before the conclusion of this Eucharistic celebration, I thank all of you who have come to honour the new Saints. I greet the Cardinals, the bishops, the consecrated men and women, especially the Friars Minor and the Maronite faithful, the Consolata Missionaries, the Little Sisters of the Holy Family and the Oblates of the Holy Spirit, as well as the other groups of pilgrims who have come from various places… Read more »

News from the Synod: Mediterranean Assembly to listen to migrants

Photo: Vatican News

Hekk kif il-laqgħat tal-Assemblea Sinodali f’Ruma ġa qabżu n-nofs, fis-sessjoni tal-bieraħ filgħodu ġiet proposta l-idea ta’ “assemblea ekkleżjali Mediterranja” biex tagħti widen għall-vuċijiet tal-migranti. Il-parteċipanti sinodali esprimew gratitudni lejn ir-rwol tal-Knejjes li qed jilqgħu l-migranti u faħħru l-inizjattivi maħduma flimkien bl-għan li jissapportjaw din il-missjoni.

Fost it-temi diskussi kien hemm l-attenzjoni għaż-żgħażagħ u lejn dawk b’diżabbiltajiet, b’tamiet għal rabtiet isħaħ bejn il-Kurja Rumana u l-komunitajiet lokali… Read more »

Mission as a tireless going out to invite others to the Lord’s banquet – Pope Francis

Message by Pope Francis for Missionary Day 2024

Go and invite everyone to the banquet (cf. Mt 22:9)

Dear brothers and sisters!

The theme I have chosen for this year’s World Mission Day is taken from the Gospel parable of the wedding banquet (cf. Mt 22:1-14). After the guests refused his invitation, the king, the main character in the story, tells his servants: “Go therefore to the thoroughfares, and invite to the marriage feast as many as you find” (v… Read more »

Pope to G7 on Inclusion and Disability: However different, we are all the same

(VATICAN MEDIA Divisione Foto)

Pope Francis urges global leaders at the G7 on Inclusion and Disability to prioritise the dignity, inclusion, and empowerment of persons with disabilities, emphasising justice, universal accessibility, and solidarity.

Addressing Ministers of the G7 Inclusion and Disability Summit, in the Vatican on 17 October, Pope Francis expressed deep gratitude for their commitment to building a more just and inclusive world… Read more »

Pope at Audience: Faith frees us from thinking everything ends here

  Saint Peter's Square, Vatican City

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

With today’s catechesis, we will move on from what the Holy Spirit revealed to us in the Holy Scripture to how He is present and active in the life of the Church, in our Christian life.

In the first three centuries, the Church did not feel the need to give an explicit formulation of her faith in the Holy Spirit… Read more »

Pope at Angelus: True wealth lies in being loved by God

  Saint Peter's Square, Vatican City

Dear brothers and sisters, good Sunday!

The Gospel of today’s liturgy (Mk 10, 17:30) tells us about a rich man who encounters Jesus and asks Him: “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” (v. 17). Jesus invites him to leave everything and follow Him, but the man, sorrowful, goes away because, as the text says, “he had great possessions” (v… Read more »