Pope Francis

Pope on Pentecost: Open your heart to the Holy Spirit

Presiding over Mass in Saint Peter’s Basilica on Pentecost Sunday, Pope Francis recalls Jesus’ promise to send His disciples the Holy Spirit, “the ultimate gift, the gift of gifts”, the Spirit who “is the very love of God”.

“When the Paraclete comes, whom I will send to you from the Father…” (Jn 15:26). With these words, Jesus promises to send his disciples the Holy Spirit, the ultimate gift, the gift of gifts… Read more »

Pope during General Audience: distractions, time of barrenness, sloth

  The Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

Continuing in the line of the Catechism, in this catechesis we refer to the lived experience of prayer, trying to show some very common difficulties, which must be identified and overcome. Praying is not easy: many difficulties present themselves in prayer. It is necessary to know them, recognise them and overcome them… Read more »

Jesus’ Ascension brings us joy says Pope Francis at Regina Coeli

Dear Brothers and Sisters,


Today, in Italy and in other countries, we celebrate the Ascension of the Lord. The Gospel passage (Mk 16:15-20) – the conclusion of the Gospel of Mark – presents us the Risen One’s final encounter with the disciples before he ascends to the right hand of the Father. Usually, as we know, farewell scenes are sad… Read more »

Pope at Regina Coeli: Love means serving others, not controlling them

Dear Brothers and Sisters, buongiorno!

In this Sunday’s Gospel passage (Jn 15:9-17) after having compared Himself to the vine and us to the branches, Jesus, explains what fruit is borne by those who remain united to Him: this fruit is love. He again repeats the key-verb: abide. He invites us to abide in his love so that his joy may be in us and our joy may be full (vv… Read more »

Laudato si’

Encyclical Letter by Pope Francis on the care for our common home

Photo: Ian Noel Pace .kt-btns_1b9561-15 .kt-btn-wrap-0 {margin-right:5px;}.kt-btns_1b9561-15 .kt-btn-wrap-0 .kt-button {color:#555555;border-color:rgba(85, 85, 85, 1);}.kt-btns_1b9561-15 .kt-btn-wrap-0 .kt-button:hover, .kt-btns_1b9561-15 .kt-btn-wrap-0 .kt-button:focus {color:#ffffff;border-color:rgba(68, 68, 68, 1);}.kt-btns_1b9561-15 .kt-btn-wrap-0 .kt-button::before {display:none;}.kt-btns_1b9561-15 .kt-btn-wrap-0 .kt-button:hover, .kt-btns_1b9561-15 .kt-btn-wrap-0 .kt-button:focus {background:rgba(68, 68, 68, 1);}.kt-btns_1b9561-15 .kt-btn-wrap-1 {margin-right:5px;}.kt-btns_1b9561-15 .kt-btn-wrap-1 .kt-button {color:#555555;border-color:rgba(85, 85, 85, 1);}.kt-btns_1b9561-15 .kt-btn-wrap-1 .kt-button:hover, .kt-btns_1b9561-15 .kt-btn-wrap-1 .kt-button:focus {color:#ffffff;border-color:rgba(68, 68, 68, 1);}.kt-btns_1b9561-15 .kt-btn-wrap-1 .kt-button::before {display:none;}.kt-btns_1b9561-15 .kt-btn-wrap-1 .kt-button:hover, .kt-btns_1b9561-15 .kt-btn-wrap-1 .kt-button:focus {background:rgba(68, 68, 68, 1);}.kt-btns_1b9561-15 .kt-btn-wrap-2 {margin-right:5px;}.kt-btns_1b9561-15 .kt-btn-wrap-2 .kt-button {color:#555555;border-color:rgba(85, 85, 85, 1);}.kt-btns_1b9561-15 .kt-btn-wrap-2 .kt-button:hover, .kt-btns_1b9561-15 .kt-btn-wrap-2 .kt-button:focus {color:#ffffff;border-color:rgba(68, 68, 68, 1);}.kt-btns_1b9561-15 .kt-btn-wrap-2 .kt-button::before {display:none;}.kt-btns_1b9561-15 .kt-btn-wrap-2 .kt-button:hover, .kt-btns_1b9561-15 .kt-btn-wrap-2 .kt-button:focus {background:rgba(68, 68, 68, 1);}.kt-btns_1b9561-15 .kt-btn-wrap-3 {margin-right:5px;}.kt-btns_1b9561-15 .kt-btn-wrap-3 .kt-button {color:#555555;border-color:rgba(85, 85, 85, 1);}.kt-btns_1b9561-15 .kt-btn-wrap-3 .kt-button:hover, .kt-btns_1b9561-15 .kt-btn-wrap-3 .kt-button:focus {color:#ffffff;border-color:rgba(68, 68, 68, 1);}.kt-btns_1b9561-15 .kt-btn-wrap-3 .kt-button::before {display:none;}.kt-btns_1b9561-15 .kt-btn-wrap-3 .kt-button:hover, .kt-btns_1b9561-15 .kt-btn-wrap-3 .kt-button:focus {background:rgba(68, 68, 68, 1);} ContentsIntroductionChap.1Chap.2 .kt-btns_b83f3c-80 .kt-btn-wrap-0 {margin-right:5px;}.kt-btns_b83f3c-80 .kt-btn-wrap-0 .kt-button {color:#555555;border-color:rgba(85, 85, 85, 1);}.kt-btns_b83f3c-80 .kt-btn-wrap-0 .kt-button:hover, .kt-btns_b83f3c-80 .kt-btn-wrap-0 .kt-button:focus {color:#ffffff;border-color:rgba(68, 68, 68, 1);}.kt-btns_b83f3c-80 .kt-btn-wrap-0 .kt-button::before {display:none;}.kt-btns_b83f3c-80 .kt-btn-wrap-0 .kt-button:hover, .kt-btns_b83f3c-80 .kt-btn-wrap-0 .kt-button:focus {background:rgba(68, 68, 68, 1);}.kt-btns_b83f3c-80 .kt-btn-wrap-1 {margin-right:5px;}.kt-btns_b83f3c-80 .kt-btn-wrap-1 .kt-button {color:#555555;border-color:rgba(85, 85, 85, 1);}.kt-btns_b83f3c-80 .kt-btn-wrap-1 .kt-button:hover, .kt-btns_b83f3c-80 .kt-btn-wrap-1 .kt-button:focus {color:#ffffff;border-color:rgba(68, 68, 68, 1);}.kt-btns_b83f3c-80 .kt-btn-wrap-1 .kt-button::before {display:none;}.kt-btns_b83f3c-80 .kt-btn-wrap-1 .kt-button:hover, .kt-btns_b83f3c-80 .kt-btn-wrap-1 .kt-button:focus {background:rgba(68, 68, 68, 1);}.kt-btns_b83f3c-80 .kt-btn-wrap-2 {margin-right:5px;}.kt-btns_b83f3c-80 .kt-btn-wrap-2 .kt-button {color:#555555;border-color:rgba(85, 85, 85, 1);}.kt-btns_b83f3c-80 .kt-btn-wrap-2 .kt-button:hover, .kt-btns_b83f3c-80 .kt-btn-wrap-2 .kt-button:focus {color:#ffffff;border-color:rgba(68, 68, 68, 1);}.kt-btns_b83f3c-80 .kt-btn-wrap-2 .kt-button::before {display:none;}.kt-btns_b83f3c-80 .kt-btn-wrap-2 .kt-button:hover, .kt-btns_b83f3c-80 .kt-btn-wrap-2 .kt-button:focus {background:rgba(68, 68, 68, 1);}.kt-btns_b83f3c-80 .kt-btn-wrap-3 {margin-right:5px;}.kt-btns_b83f3c-80 .kt-btn-wrap-3 .kt-button {color:#555555;border-color:rgba(85, 85, 85, 1);}.kt-btns_b83f3c-80 .kt-btn-wrap-3 .kt-button:hover, .kt-btns_b83f3c-80 .kt-btn-wrap-3 .kt-button:focus {color:#ffffff;border-color:rgba(68, 68, 68, 1);}.kt-btns_b83f3c-80 .kt-btn-wrap-3 .kt-button::before {display:none;}.kt-btns_b83f3c-80 .kt-btn-wrap-3 .kt-button:hover, .kt-btns_b83f3c-80 .kt-btn-wrap-3 .kt-button:focus {background:rgba(68, 68, 68, 1);} Chap.3Chap.4Chap.5Chap.6 The Enciclical letter ‘Laudato si”Download CONTENTS

Chapter 1


  1. Pollution and Climate Change
    Pollution, waste and the throwaway culture [20-22]
    Climate as a common good [23-26]
  2. The issue of water [27-31]
  3. Loss of biodiversity [32-42]
  4. Decline in the quality of human human life and the the breakdown of society [43-47]
  5. Global Inequality [48-52]
  6. Weak Responses [53-59]
  7. Variety of Opinions [60-61]

Chapter 2

  1. The light offered by faith [63-64]
  2. The wisdom of the Biblical accounts [65-75]
  3. The mystery of the universe [76-83]
  4. The message of each creature in the harmony of creation [84-88]
  5. A universal communion [89-92]
  6. The common destination of goods [93-95]
  7. The gaze of Jesus [96-100]

Chapter 3


  1. Technology: creativity and power [102-105]
  2. The globalisation of the technocratic paradigm [106-114]
  3. The crisis and effects of modern anthropocentrism [115-121]

Practical relativism [122-123]
The need to protect employment [124-129]
New biological technologies [130-136]

Chapter 4


  1. Environmental, economic and social ecology [138-142]
  2. Cultural Ecology [143-146]
  3. Ekoloġija tal-ħajja ta’ kuljum [147-155]
  4. Il-prinċipju tal-ġid komuni [156-158]
  5. Il-ġustizzja bejn il-ġenerazzjonijiet [159-162]

Chapter 5


  1. Dialogue on the environment in the international community [164-175]
  2. Dialogue for new national and local policies [176-181]
  3. Dialogue and transparency in decision-making [182-188]
  4. Politics and economy in dialogue for human fulfilment [189-198]
  5. Religions in dialogue with science [199-201]

Chapter 6


  1. Towards a new lifestyle [203-208]
  2. Educating for the covenant between humanity and the environment [209-215]
  3. Ecological conversion [216-221]
  4. Joy and peace [222-227]
  5. Civic and political love [228-232]
  6. Sacramental signs and the celebration of rest [233-237]
  7. The trinity and the relationship between creatures [238-240]
  8. Queen of all creation [241-242]
  9. Beyond the sun [243-245]

A prayer for our earth [246]
A Christian prayer in union with creation


1. “LAUDATO SI’, mi’ Signore” – “Praise be to you, my Lord”… Read more »