Pope Francis

Pope Francis on bullying in schools, youth suicides, immigrants and the poor

Il-Papa kien il-mistieden ta’ Fabio Fazio waqt il-programm Che Tempo Che Fa fuq Rai 3 il-Ħadd filgħaxija

Il-Papa Franġisku tkellem fit-tul dwar l-effetti li qed tħalli l-kultura tal-indifferenza fid-dinja tal-lum. Qal li konsegwenza ta’ din l-indifferenza, il-gwerer jiġu qabel il-bnedmin, inkluż dawk fil-bżonn bħalma huma l-immigranti u l-foqra.

Il-Papa kien il-mistieden ta’ Fabio Fazio waqt il-programm Che Tempo Che Fa fuq Rai 3 il-Ħadd filgħaxija.  

Dwar l-immigrazzjoni l-Papa Franġisku qal li dak li qed jiġri fil-Libja huwa illegali… Read more »

Pope at Angelus against female genital mutilation and human trafficking

  The Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters, buongiorno!

The Gospel of today’s Liturgy takes us to the banks of the Sea of Galilee. The crowd is gathering around Jesus, while some disappointed fishermen, including Simon Peter, are washing their nets after a night of fishing that went badly. And so it is that Jesus climbs into Simon’s boat; then he invites him to go out to sea and cast his nets again (cf. Lk 5:1-4)… Read more »

Pope at Audience: The Church is the community of saved sinners

  The Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

In recent weeks we have been able to deepen our understanding of the figure of Saint Joseph, guided by the few but important pieces of information given in the Gospels, and also by the aspects of his personality that the Church over the centuries has been able to highlight through prayer and devotion. Starting precisely from this sentire commune (“common feeling”) of the Church that has accompanied the figure of St Joseph, today I would like to focus on an important article of faith that can enrich our Christian life and also shape our relationship with the saints and with our deceased loved ones in the best possible way: I am talking about the communion of saintsRead more »

Pope at Angelus: Jesus asks you to accept him in the daily reality that you live

  The Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters, buongiorno!

In today’s liturgy, the Gospel recounts Jesus’ first sermon in his home town, Nazareth. The outcome is bitter: instead of receiving approval, Jesus finds incomprehension and even hostility (cf. Lk 4:21-30). His fellow villagers, rather than a word of truth, wanted miracles and prodigious signs. The Lord does not perform them and they reject him, because they say they already knew him as a child: he is Joseph’s son (cf… Read more »

Pope at Audience recognises the suffering of parents in raising their children

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

Today I would like to focus on the figure of St Joseph as a man who dreams. In the Bible, as in the cultures of ancient peoples, dreams were considered a means by which God revealed himself. The dream symbolises the spiritual life of each of us, that inner space that each of us is called to cultivate and guard, where God manifests himself and often speaks to us… Read more »

Pope’s Communications Day message: ‘Listening is essential for dialogue’

Pope Francis conversing with journalists – archive photo  (Vatican Media)

After focusing last year on seeing reality and conveying it to others, Pope Francis in his 2022 Message for the World Communications Day emphasized the quality of listening, which he said “is decisive in the grammar of communication and is a condition for genuine dialogue.”

The Pope noted that people are quickly losing the ability to listen to one another, while at the same time listening is undergoing new developments, especially due to new forms of communicating… Read more »

Pope at Angelus: The Word of God is the beacon that guides the synodal journey that has begun throughout the Church

  The Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters, buongiorno!

In the Gospel of today’s liturgy, we see Jesus beginning his preaching (cf. Lk 4:14-21): it is Jesus’ first sermon. He goes to Nazareth, where he grew up, and participates in prayer in the synagogue. He gets up to read and, in the scroll of the prophet Isaiah, he finds the passage regarding the Messiah, who proclaims a message of consolation and liberation for the poor and oppressed (cf. Is 61:1-2)… Read more »

‘Dignity, discernment, and faith’: Pope addresses Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

Human dignity must be respected from the moment of conception until natural death, Pope Francis said on Friday. 

Addressing a plenary session of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Pope Francis underlined three keywords, dignity, discernment, and faith. 

Archbishop of Malta Charles Scicluna was among those present at the plenary session at the Clementine Hall in the Vatican. Since November 2018 Mgr Scicluna has served as Adjunct Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the curial body responsible for doctrinal matters, also dealing with clerical sexual abuse cases on minors… Read more »

The Pope at Audience: God is not frightened by our sins

  The Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

Today, I would like to explore the figure of Saint Joseph as a father in tenderness.

In my Apostolic Letter Patris corde, (8 December 2020) I had the opportunity to reflect on this aspect of tenderness, an aspect of Saint Joseph’s personality. In fact, although the Gospels do not give us any details about how he exercised his paternity, we can be sure that his being a “just” man also translated into the education he gave to Jesus… Read more »

The Pope at Angelus: May we all join in Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

  The Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters, buongiorno!

The Gospel of today’s liturgy recounts the episode of the wedding at Cana, where, to the couple’s delight, Jesus transformed water into wine. This is the way the account ends: “This, the first of his signs, Jesus did at Cana in Galilee, and manifested his glory; and his disciples believed in him” (Jn 2:11)… Read more »