Pope Francis

Pope at Angelus prays for an end to the threat of nuclear warfare

Holy Mass and canonization: Giovanni Battista Scalabrini and Artemide Zatti

  St Peter's Square at the Vatican

As Jesus was walking along, ten lepers met him and cried out: “Have mercy on us!” (Lk 17:13).  All ten were healed, yet only one of them returned to thank Jesus.  He was a Samaritan, a kind of heretic for the Jewish people. At the beginning, they were walking together, but then the Samaritan left the others and turned back, “praising God with a loud voice” (v… Read more »

Pope at Audience: An examination of conscience helps us see our heart

  St Peter's Square at the Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

Let us continue to explore the theme of discernment. Last time we considered prayer, understood as familiarity and confidence with God, as its indispensable element. Prayer, not like parrots. No: prayer as familiarity and confidence with God; prayer of the sons of the Father; prayer with an open heart. We saw this in the last CatechesisRead more »

Pope at Angelus: How much blood must still flow for us to realize that war is never a solution, only destruction?

  St Peter's Square at the Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters, buongiorno!

The course of the war in Ukraine has become so serious, devastating and threatening, as to cause great concern. Therefore, today I would like to devote the entire reflection before the Angelus to this. Indeed, this terrible and inconceivable wound to humanity, instead of healing, continues to shed even more blood, risking to spread further… Read more »

Pope at Audience: Prayer is an indispensable aid for spiritual discernment

  St Peter's Square at the Vatican

Catechesis On Discernment: 3. The elements of discernment. Familiarity with the Lord

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

We resume our catecheses on the theme of discernment — because the theme of discernment is very important in order to know what is going on within us, to know about our feelings and ideas, we have to discern where they come from, where they lead me, to what decisions — and today we focus on the first of its constituent elements, which is prayerRead more »

Pope prays at Angelus so that the Kingdom of God is realised with the migrants with the exclusion of none

Mass of the pastoral visit to Matera for the conclusion of the 27th national eucharistic congress

  XXI Settembre Municipal Stadium (Matera), Italy

Il-Mulej qed jiġborna madwar il-mejda tiegħu u jsir għalina ħobż: “Huwa l-ħobż tal-festa fuq il-mejda tal-ulied, […] joħloq il-qsim ma’ xulxin, isaħħaħ ir-rabtiet, għandu togħma ta’ komunjoni” (Innu għas-XXVII Kungress Ewkaristiku Nazzjonali, Matera 2022). Imma l-Vanġelu li għadna kemm smajna jgħidilna li mhux dejjem fuq il-mejda l-ħobż hu maqsum: dan hu minnu; mhux dejjem iħalli l-fwieħa tal-komunjoni; mhux dejjem hu miksur fil-ġustizzja… Read more »

Building the Future with Migrants and Refugees – Pope Francis

Message of Pope Francis for the 108th World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2022

Here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come.

Heb 13:14

Dear brothers and sisters!

The ultimate meaning of our “journey” in this world is the search for our true homeland, the Kingdom of God inaugurated by Jesus Christ, which will find its full realization when he comes in glory. His Kingdom has not yet been brought to fulfilment, though it is already present in those who have accepted the salvation he offers us… Read more »

Pope at Angelus: Be creative and clever in doing good always

Pope Francis calls on the faithful to use creativity, prudence, and even cleverness, in living out the Gospel in our daily lives, and to be generous in using the goods of this world for those who need them most, showing fraternal love and social fellowship.

Dear brothers and sisters, buongiorno!

The parable in the Gospel of today’s liturgy (cf. Lk 16:1-13) seems a bit difficult to understand for us… Read more »

Pope in Kazakhstan: We commit ourselves to ensuring women are increasingly respected, acknowledged, and involved

Reading of the Final Declaration and Conclusion of the Congress at the Apostolic Journey to Kazakhstan

  Palace of Independence, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan

Dear brothers and sisters!

We have travelled this road together, and I thank you for coming from so many different parts of the world and for bringing with you the richness of your beliefs and cultures. Thank you for having taken part so intensely in these days of work, commitment and sharing in the service of dialogue. This is more valuable than ever in challenging times like our own, when the problems of the pandemic have been compounded by the utter folly of war… Read more »

Pope Francis begins his Apostolic Journey to Kazakhstan

Pope Francis boards the papal plane at Fiumicino

The papal plane took off from Rome’s Fiumicino airport on Tuesday at 7:36 AM with Pope Francis aboard, along with a compliment of around 80 journalists in the papal entourage.

The Pope’s 38th Apostolic Journey abroad takes him to the Nur-Sultan, the capital of Kazakhstan, where he is expected to arrive at around 5:45 PM local time (GMT+6) after a roughly 6.5-hour flight… Read more »

Pope Francis mourns the death of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II

Pope Francis greets Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip on 10 April 2021

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland died on Thursday afternoon at Balmoral Castle, her residence in Scotland.

Her family had gathered with the late Queen as concerns grew about her health earlier in the day.

Queen Elizabeth II reigned for over 70 years, celebrating her Platinum Jubilee on 2 June 2022… Read more »