Pope Francis

Pope Francis describes Benedict as a ‘faithful friend’ of Jesus

Thousands paid homage to Pope Benedict XVI on Thursday, with a funeral at St. Peter’s Square in Vatican City.

Underlining Jesus’ last words on the cross “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit,” Pope Francis said these words summed up Benedict’s life.

In his homily during the funeral mass, Pope Francis said: “Holding fast to the Lord’s last words and to the witness of his entire life, we too, as an ecclesial community, want to follow in his steps and to commend our brother into the hands of the Father… Read more »

Pope at Angelus: The language of the Mother of God is a language of mothers: to take care of

  Saint Peter's Square, Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters, good day and Happy New Year!

The beginning of the new year is entrusted to Mary Most Holy whom we celebrate today as Mother of God. At this time, let us invoke her intercession especially for Pope emeritus Benedict XVI who left this world yesterday morning. Let us all join together, with one heart and one soul, in thanking God for the gift of this faithful servant of the Gospel and of the Church… Read more »

God does not love us in words but in deeds – Pope

  St Peter’s Basilica, Vatican

Holy Mother of God! This was the joyful acclamation of the holy People of God echoing in the streets of Ephesus in the year 431, when the Council Fathers proclaimed Mary the Mother of God. This truth is a fundamental datum of faith, but above all, it is a marvellous fact. God has a Mother and is thus bound forever to our humanity, like a child to its mother, to the point that our humanity is his humanity… Read more »

No one can be saved alone – Pope Francis on World Day of Peace

Message by Pope Francis on the 56th World Day of Peace

No one can be saved alone. Combatting Covid-19 together, embarking together on paths of peace

“Now concerning the times and the seasons, brothers and sisters, you do not need to have anything written to you. For you yourselves know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night” (First Letter of St Paul to the Thessalonians, 5:1-2)… Read more »

Pope at Audience: God has found the means to attract us however we are – with love

  Paul VI Audience Hall, Vatican

Catechesis. Christmas with St Francis de Sales

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning and again, Merry Christmas!

The liturgical season invites us to pause and reflect on the mystery of Christmas. And since today – today – marks the fourth centenary of the death of St Francis de Sales, Bishop and Doctor of the Church, we can take a cue from some of his thoughts… Read more »

Pope at Angelus: Do I bear witness to Christ?

  Saint Peter's Square, Vatican

Dear sisters and brothers, buongiorno, happy feast day!

Yesterday we celebrated the Nativity of the Lord and the liturgy, to help us to welcome it better, extends the duration of the feast until 1 January: for eight days. Surprisingly, however, these same days commemorate some dramatic figures of martyr saints. Today, for example, Saint Stephen, the first Christian martyr; the day after tomorrow, the Holy Innocents, the children killed by King Herod for fear that Jesus would take away his throne (cf. Mt 2:1-18)… Read more »

As we enjoy gathering with our loved ones, let us think of families that experience great hardship – Pope during Urbi et Orbi

  Central Loggia of the Vatican Basilica, Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters in Rome and throughout the world, happy Christmas!

May the Lord Jesus, born of the Virgin Mary, bring to all of you the love of God, wellspring of confidence and hope, together with the gift of the peace proclaimed by the angels to the shepherds of Bethlehem: “Glory to God in the highest heaven and on earth peace to those whom he favours” (Lk 2:14)… Read more »

Pope at Audience: The Word of God is a living presence

  Paul VI Audience Hall, Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning, and welcome!

Let us continue – we are concluding – the catechesis on discernment. Anyone who has been following these catecheses until now might think: what a complicated practice discernment is! In reality, it is life that is complicated and, if we do not learn how to read it, as complicated as it is, we risk wasting our lives, using strategies that end up disheartening us… Read more »

Pope at Angelus: We do not need to give in to negative feelings

  Saint Peter's Square, Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters, buongiorno!

Today, the fourth and final Sunday of Advent, the liturgy presents the figure of Saint Joseph to us (cf. Mt 1:18-24). He is a just man who is about to get married. We can imagine what his dreams for the future are – a beautiful family, with an affectionate wife and many wonderful children, and a dignified job – simple and good dreams, the dreams of simple and good people. But all of a sudden, these dreams come up against a disconcerting discovery… Read more »

Pope at Audience: If vigilance is lacking, there is a very high risk that all will be lost

  Paul VI Audience Hall, Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

We are now entering the final phase of this journey of catechesis on discernment. We started out from the example of Saint Ignatius of Loyola; we then considered the elements of discernment, namely, prayerself-knowledgedesire and the “book of life”; we focused on desolation and consolation, which form its “matter”; and then we reached the confirmation of the choice madeRead more »