Pope Francis

Pope’s Communications Day message: AI can never replace wisdom of human heart

In his message for the 58th World Day of Social Communications, Pope Francis urges humanity to cultivate wisdom of the heart in the age of artificial intelligence.

Pope Francis has released his message for the 2024 World Day of Social Communications, focusing on the theme: Artificial Intelligence and the Wisdom of the Heart: Towards a Fully Human Communication.

Celebrated on 12 May, this year’s theme is closely linked to the Pope’s message for the World Day of Peace, which was devoted to the development of systems of artificial intelligence (AI)… Read more »

Pope at Angelus: proclaiming the Gospel is not wasted time

  St Peter's Square, the Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

The Gospel today recounts the vocation of the first disciples (cf. Mk 1:14-20). Calling others to join His mission is one of the first things Jesus does at the beginning of His public life: He approaches some young fishermen and invites them to follow Him to “become fishers of men” (v. 17). And this tells us something important: the Lord loves to involve us in His work of salvation, He wants us to be active with Him, He wants us to be responsible and protagonists… Read more »

Pope at Audience – Falling in love is one of the purest feelings

  Paul VI Audience Hall, The Vatican

Brothers and sisters, good morning!

And today, let us listen well to the catechesis, because afterwards there will be a circus that will perform for us. Let us continue our journey concerning vices and virtues; and the ancient Fathers teach us that, after gluttony, the second ‘demon’ – that is, vice – that is always crouching at the door of the heart is that of lust, called porneia in Greek… Read more »

Pope at Angelus: Rediscover the joy of Jesus’ disciples

  Saint Peter's Square, The Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters, happy Sunday!

Today the Gospel presents Jesus’ encounter with the first disciples (cf. Jn 1:35-42). This scene invites us to remember our first encounter with Jesus. Each one of us has had the first encounter with Jesus, as a child, as an adolescent, as a young person, as an adult… When did I encounter Jesus for the first time? … Read more »

Pope at Audience – A poor relationship with food produces all these illnesses

  Paul VI Audience Hall, Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

In our journey of catechesis, in this path of catechesis we are doing, on vices and virtues, today we will take a look at the vice of gluttony. Gluttony.

What does the Gospel tell us about it? Let us look at Jesus. His first miracle, at the wedding at Cana, reveals His sympathy towards human joys: He is concerned that the feast should end well and gives the bride and groom a large quantity of very good wine… Read more »

Pope at Angelus – Do you remember the date of your baptism?

  Saint Peter's Square, The Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters, buongiorno!

Today we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord (cf. Mk 1.7-11). It occurs at the river Jordan, where John – for this reason known as the “Baptist” – performs a rite of purification, which expresses the commitment to renounce sin and to convert. The people go to be baptized humbly, sincerely, and as the Liturgy says, “barefoot and bare of soul”, and Jesus goes there too, inaugurating His ministry: He thus shows that He wants to be close to the sinners, to come for them, for us, for all of sinners! … Read more »

Pope at Angelus – Are we able to see the problems of the world through the eyes of children?

  Saint Peter's Square, The Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters, buongiorno and happy feast day!

Today we celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord, that is, His manifestation to all peoples in the person of the Magi (cf. Mt 2:1-12). They are wise seekers who, after wondering about the apparition of a star, set out on a journey and arrive in Bethlehem. And there, they find Jesus, “with Mary His mother”, they bow down and they offer “gold, frankincense and myrrh” (c… Read more »

Pope at Audience – We have to learn how to behave when facing temptations

  Paul VI Audience Hall, The Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

Last week we introduced the theme of vices and virtues. It refers to the spiritual struggle of the Christian. Indeed, the spiritual life of the Christian is not peaceful, linear and without challenges; on the contrary, Christian life demands constant striving: the Christian striving to preserve the faith, to enrich the gifts of faith in us… Read more »

Pope at Angelus – Love lets us grow

  Saint Peter's Square, The Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters, happy New Year!

On this day, when we celebrate Mary, Mother of God, we place the new time given to us under her caring gaze. May she watch over us this year.

Today the Gospel reveals to us that the greatness of Mary does not consist in performing some extraordinary deed; rather, while the shepherds, having received the announcement from the angels, hurry towards Bethlehem (cf… Read more »

Pope at Angelus – Tenderness is beautiful in a marriage

  Saint Peter's Square, The Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters, buongiorno!

Today we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. The Gospel shows us the temple of Jerusalem, for the presentation of the Baby to the Lord (cf. Lk 2:22-40).

The Holy Family arrives in the temple bearing the humblest and simplest among the prescribed offerings as a gift, a testimony to their poverty… Read more »