Pope Francis

Pope at Audience: How do I react when faced with those who suffer the most?

  St Peter's Square, The Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

In our catecheses, we continue to meet passionate witnesses to the proclamation of the Gospel. Let us recall that this is a series of catecheses on apostolic zeal, on the will and even the interior ardour to carry forward the Gospel. Today we go to Latin America, specifically to Venezuela, to get to know the figure of a layman, Blessed José Gregorio Hernández Cisneros… Read more »

Pope at Angelus Help him understand where he has erred

  Saint Peter's Square, The Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters, buongiorno!

Today the Gospel speaks to us about fraternal correction (cf. Mt 18:15-20), which is one of the highest expressions of love, and also one of the most demanding, because it is not easy to correct others. When a brother in faith wrongs you, then you, without rancour, help him, correct him: help by correcting… Read more »

Pope at Mass in Mongolia: Christian faith is the answer to thirst for love

Mongolia, an “immense” country, “rich in history and culture”, is yet “marked by the aridity of the steppes and the desert” – an apt metaphor for the thirst for happiness and love that is found in the heart of every human being.

In his homily during Mass on Sunday in Ulaanbaatar’s Steppe Arena, Pope Francis dwelt on this “thirst within us” and “the love that quenches it,” taking his inspiration from the day’s responsorial Psalm: “O God… my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.”

Only Christ can quench our thirst

This verse invites us first “to acknowledge the thirst within us.” The Psalmist’s words “have a particular resonance in a land like Mongolia, with its traditional nomadic culture,” the Pope explained, adding, “All of us are ‘God’s nomads,’ pilgrims in search of happiness, wayfarers searching for love.”

“Dear brothers and sisters,” Pope Francis said, “the Christian faith is the answer to this thirst… For in this thirst lies the great mystery of our humanity: it opens our hearts to the living God, the God of love, who comes to meet us and to make us his children, brothers, and sisters to one another.”

The Holy Father said, “This is the heart of the Christian faith: God, who is love, has drawn near to you in His Son Jesus, and wants to share in your life, your work, your dreams, and your thirst for happiness.”

If at times in our lives we “experience the desert of loneliness, fatigue, and emptiness,” the Pope said, citing St Augustine, God refreshes us with “the dew of His Word… He has opened for us a highway in the desert, Our Lord Jesus Christ.” God offers us consolation in the preachers of the word, and water in the desert “by filling those preachers with the Holy Spirit.”

The heart of our faith

This Word, Pope Francis said, “always brings us back to the very heart of our faith: allowing ourselves to be loved by God and in turn to make our lives an offering of love… Read more »

Pope Francis arrives in Mongolia

Pope Francis arrives in Mongolia

Pope Francis has arrived in Mongolia‘s capital, Ulaanbaatar, effectively kicking off his 43 international Apostolic Journey that ends on 4 September.

The ITA Airways flight carrying Pope Francis to Mongolia, a “land of silence”, he said chatting to journalists on board the plane after take-off on Thursday evening, “a land so vast, so big. It will help us understand what it means: not intellectually but with the senses“, landed shortly before 10 am local time… Read more »

Pope at Audience: Patience and a heart open to Jesus are a recipe for living well

  Paul VI Audience Hall

Catechesis. The passion for evangelization: the apostolic zeal of the believer. 19. To pray and to serve with joy: Kateri Tekakwitha, first native saint of North America 

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

Now, continuing our catechesis on the theme of apostolic zeal and passion for proclaiming the Gospel, we look today at St. Kateri Tekakwitha, the first native North American woman to be canonized… Read more »

Pope at Angelus: Who is Jesus for me?

  Saint Peter's Square, The Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters, buongiorno!

Today in the Gospel (cf. Mt 16, 13-20), Jesus asks the disciples a good question: “Who do men say that the Son of man is?” (v.13).

It is a question we too can ask: what do the people say about Jesus? In general, good things: many see him as a great teacher, as a special person: good, righteous, consistent, courageous… But is this enough to understand who He is, and above all, is it enough for Jesus? … Read more »

Pope at Audience: Let us learn to go to the Mother with the difficulties of life

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

In our journey of rediscovering the passion for proclaiming the Gospel, that apostolic zeal; seeing how this passion to proclaim the Gospel has developed in the history of the Church; on this path, we look today to the Americas, where evangelisation has an ever vital source: Guadalupe – the Mexicans are happy. Of course, the Gospel had already reached there prior to those apparitions, but unfortunately it had also been accompanied by worldly interests… Read more »

Pope at Angelus: What is my faith like?

Dear brothers and sisters, buongiorno!

Today’s Gospel recounts the encounter of Jesus with a Canaanite woman outside the territory of Israel (cf. Mt 15:21-28). She asks him to liberate her daughter, who is tormented by a demon. But the Lord pays no attention to her. She insists, and the disciples advise Jesus to acknowledge her so she would stop… Read more »

Pope at Angelus: Mary’s life marked by service and praise

Dear brothers and sisters, buongiorno!

Today, Solemnity of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, we contemplate her ascending in body and soul to the glory of Heaven. Today’s Gospel also presents her to us as she ascends, this time “into the hill country” (Lk 1:39). And why does she go up there? To help her cousin Elizabeth, and there she proclaims the joyful canticle of the MagnificatRead more »

Pope Francis: Call on and welcome the Lord in life’s storms

Għeżież ħuti, il-jum it-tajjeb!

Illum l-Evanġelju jirrakkuntalna miraklu partikolari ta’ Ġesù.  Billejl, Hu jimxi fuq l-ilma tal-għadira tal-Galilija biex jiltaqa’ mad-dixxipli li qed jaqsmu min-naħa għall-oħra bid-dagħjsa (cfr (Mt 14, 22-33).  Insaqsu: għaliex għamel hekk Ġesù?  Biex jagħmel spettaklu?  Le!  Allura għaliex?  Forsi minħabba xi ħtieġa urġenti u imprevedibbli, biex jgħin lil tiegħu li jinsabu mwaħħlin minħabba r-riħ kontra?  Le, iżda għaliex kien Hu li fassal kollox, li qalilhom biex jitilqu billejl u saħansitra – jgħidilna t-test – “ġagħalhom” (cfr v… Read more »