Pope Francis

Pope at Audience: Humility is the true remedy for every act of pride

  St Peter's Square, the Vatican

Cycle of Catechesis. Vices and Virtues. 10. Pride

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

In our catechetical journey on the vices and virtues, today we come to the last of the vices: pride. The ancient Greeks defined it with a word that could be translated “excessive splendor.” Indeed, pride is self-exaltation, conceit, vanity. The term also appears in that series of vices that Jesus lists to explain that evil always comes from the heart of man (cf. Mark 7:22)… Read more »

Pope Francis’s Laudate Deum document published in Maltese

Id-Dar Editriċi tal-Franġiskani Konventwali, Reliġjon u Ħajja (RuĦ), għadha kif ippubblikat id-dokument Laudate Deum tal-Papa Franġisku bil-Malti. It-traduzzjoni saret minn Francesco Pio Attard, il-ktejjeb hu ta’ 48 paġna u bl-istess format tal-Enċiklika Laudato Si’ li kienet ppubblikata fl-2015. Il-ktieb bl-Enċiklika Laudato Si’ bil-Malti kien ġie eżawrit u RuĦ ħarġet edizzjoni ġdida tiegħu flimkien mad-dokument Laudate Deum… Read more »

Pope at Audience – Envy, if unchecked, leads to hatred

  Paul VI Audience Hall, The Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

Today we examine two deadly vices that we find in the great lists that the spiritual tradition has left us: envy and vainglory.

Let us start with envy. If we read Holy Scripture (cf. Gen 4), it appears to us as one of the oldest vices: Cain’s hatred of Abel is unleashed when he realizes that his brother’s sacrifices are pleasing to God… Read more »

Pope at Angelus – Never direct your eyes away from the light of Jesus

  Saint Peter's Square, The Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters, buongiorno!

The Gospel of this second Sunday of Lent presents us with the episode of the Transfiguration of Jesus (cf. Mk 9:2-10).

After having announced his Passion to the disciples, Jesus takes Peter, James, and John with him and goes up a high mountain, and physically manifests himself there in all his light. In this way, he reveals to them the meaning of what they had experienced together up to that moment… Read more »

Pope at Angelus – Lent is the time for prayer and silence

  Saint Peter's Square, The Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters, buongiorno!

Today, first Sunday of Lent, the Gospel presents us with Jesus tempted in the desert (cf. Mk 1:12-15). The text says: “He was in the wilderness forty days, tempted by Satan”. We too, during Lent, are invited to “enter the wilderness”, that is, silence, the inner world, listening to the heart, in contact with the truth… Read more »

Pope at Audience – One must have the courage to welcome God’s presence

  Paul VI Audience Hall, The Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters,

Among all the capital sins there is one that is often overlooked, perhaps because of its name, which is often incomprehensible to many: I am talking about acedia. Therefore, in the list of vices, the term acedia is often substituted by another, much more commonly used: sloth, or laziness. In reality, laziness is an effect more than a cause… Read more »

Message of the Holy Father Francis for Lent

Dear brothers and sisters!

When our God reveals himself, his message is always one of freedom: “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery” (Ex 20:2). These are the first words of the Decalogue given to Moses on Mount Sinai. Those who heard them were quite familiar with the exodus of which God spoke: the experience of their bondage still weighed heavily upon them… Read more »

Pope Francis canonises Argentina’s first female saint

Pope Francis canonises María Antonia de San José, describing her as a “wayfarer of the spirit” and “a model of apostolic fervour and audacity”.

‘Mama Antula’ is Argentina’s first female saint.

She was canonised by Pope Francis – himself Argentinian– on Sunday morning, in a Mass in St Peter’s Basilica.

María Antonia de San José de Paz y Figueroa, known in her own country, and by millions of faithful around the world, as “Mama Antula”, lived in Argentina in the 18th century… Read more »

Pope at Angelus – Love needs presence, encounter, it needs to be given time and space

  Saint Peter's Square, The Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters, buongiorno!

Today’s Gospel presents us with the healing of a leper (cf. Mk 1:40-45). To the sick man, who implores Him, Jesus answers: “I will; be clean!” (v. 41). He utters a very simple phrase, which He immediately puts into practice. Indeed, “immediately the leprosy left him, and he was made clean” (v. 42)… Read more »

It is not good that man should be alone – The Pope on the day dedicated to the sick

“It is not good that man should be alone” (cf. Gen 2:18). From the beginning, God, who is love, created us for communion and endowed us with an innate capacity to enter into relationship with others. Our lives, reflecting in the image of the Trinity, are meant to attain fulfilment through a network of relationships, friendships and love, both given and received. We were created to be together, not alone… Read more »