Pope Francis

Pope on Angelus: The Blessed Mother leads us toward eternal life

  Saint Peter's Square, the Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters, buongiorno!

Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the Gospel of the liturgy we contemplate the young girl of Nazareth who, having just received the Angel’s announcement, sets out to visit her cousin.

This expression in the Gospel is beautiful: “Mary set out and went” (Lk 1:39)… Read more »

Pope at Angelus: Faith is not true if based on our prejudices

  Saint Peter's Square, the Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters, happy Sunday!

Today the Gospel of the liturgy (Jn 6:41-51) tells us about the reaction of the Judeans to the statement of Jesus, who says: “I have come down from heaven” (Jn 6:38). They are scandalized.

They murmur among themselves: “Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? … Read more »

Vatican reveals theme for 2025 World Day of Peace

“Only from a genuine conversion on all levels – personal, local and international – will true peace be able to flourish,” says the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development in its statement on the theme for the 2025 World Day of Peace.

In Thursday’s statement, the Dicastery adds that peace comes not only from an end to conflicts, “but also in a new reality in which wounds are healed and each person’s dignity is recognized”… Read more »

Pope At Audience: The Church cannot move forward without the Holy Spirit

  Saint Peter's Square, the Vatican

Cycle of Catechesis. The Spirit and the Bride. The Holy Spirit guides the people of God towards Jesus our hope. 5. Incarnate by the work of the Holy Spirit, from the Virgin Mary. How to conceive and bear Jesus

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

With today’s catechesis, we enter into the second phase of salvation history. After contemplating the Holy Spirit in the work of Creation, we will contemplate it for a few weeks in the work of Redemption, namely of Jesus Christ… Read more »

The Pope writes a letter on how literature educates the heart and mind

Ktieb tajjeb jiftaħ il-moħħ, iqanqal il-qalb, u jippreparana għall-ħajja, jikteb il-Papa Franġisku f’ittra lil dawk li qed jitħejjew għas-saċerdozju, waqt li jżid li l-operaturi pastorali u l-Insara kollha japprezzaw “il-qari ta’ rumanzi u poeżiji bħala parti mit-triq tal-maturità personali”.

B’din l-ittra tiegħu fuq ir-rwol tal-letteratura fil-formazzjoni, miktuba fis-17 ta’ Lulju u ppubblikata l-Ħadd, il-Papa Franġisku jixtieq iħeġġeġ għal “imħabba ġdida għall-qari” u fuq kollox “jipproponi bidla radikali fir-rotta” tat-tħejjija tal-kandidati għas-saċerdozju, biex jingħata iktar lok għall-qari ta’ opri letterarji… Read more »

Pope at Angelus: War is a defeat!

  St Peter's Square, Vatican City

Dear brothers and sisters, happy Sunday!

Today the Gospel tells us about Jesus who, after the miracle of the loaves and fishes, invites the crowds who are looking for him to reflect on what took place to understand the meaning of it (cf. Jn 6:24-35).

They had eaten the food that was shared and seen how even with few resources all had been fed and had their fill through the generosity and courage of a young man who made available what he had with others… Read more »

Pope thanks circus workers for the smiles they bring to people’s faces

  Ostia, Italy

Pope Francis took a break from his July “summer vacation” to spend the afternoon of Wednesday 31 July visiting with workers and those who offer pastoral assistance to them at a historic amusement park just about an hour southwest of Rome. Travelling to the Luna Park of Ostia Lido, the Pope gave them his warm wishes and support, saying he wished to personally express his gratitude as they help bring smiles on the faces of people… Read more »

Pope at Angelus: Savour God’s everyday miracles

  Saint Peter's Square, the Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters, happy Sunday!

Today the Gospel of the Liturgy tells us about the miracle of the loaves and fishes (cf. Jn 6:1-15). A miracle, that is a “sign”, a “sign”, whose protagonists perform three gestures that Jesus will come to repeat at the Last Supper. What are these gestures? Offeringgiving thanks, and sharing… Read more »

Let’s imagine a different kind of future for our elderly – The Pope

  Saint John Lateran, Rome

Dear brothers and sisters,

God never abandons his children, never. Even when our age advances and our powers decline, when our hair grows white and our role in society lessens, when our lives become less productive and can risk appearing useless. God does not regard appearances (cf. 1 Sam 16:7); he does not disdain to choose those who, to many people, may seem irrelevant… Read more »

Pope Francis is going to see the rain of roses in Santa Maria Maggiore

Photo: Vatican News

Il-Papa Franġisku se jattendi għaċ-ċerimonja tat-tfigħ tal-petali tal-ward abjad fil-Bażilika ta’ Santa Maria Maggiore fil-5 ta’ Awwissu.

Kull sena f’dik il-ġurnata l-Knisja Kattolika tiċċelebra lil “Sidtna Marija tas-Silġ”, devozzjoni Marjana marbuta ma’ din il-Bażilika li ilha ġejja mis-snin bikrin tal-Knisja.

Il-Papa se jieħu sehem fl-Għasar li jibda fil-5.30pm u jkun preżenti għat-tifkira tal-“Miraklu tas-Silġ”.

Mirakolużament, fis-seklu 4, fl-eqqel tas-sajf Ruman, fil-5 ta’ Awwissu kienet għamlet xita ta’ borra u silġ fuq l-Għolja Eskwilina, il-post futur tal-bażilika… Read more »