Pope Francis

Pope Francis gives catechesis in garage of Roman condominium

Pope Francis gives catechesis in Rome

  Borgata Ottavia, Rome

For his third appointment of the ‘School of Prayer’ preparing for the 2025 Jubilee, Pope Francis meets an unsuspecting group of about 30 families in a Roman condominium garage from a parish in the city’s western outskirts, and acknowledges that while fighting is normal, to try to make amends.

This time the venue was not a parish hall or theater, but rather a condominium garage with a gravel floor, brick walls, trees and ivy all around, with shutters hiding parked cars and residents peering from balconies… Read more »

Pope at Audience: The Holy Spirit makes us truly free

  St Peter's Square, the Vatican

Cycle of Catechesis. The Spirit and the Bride. The Holy Spirit guides. the people of God towards Jesus our hope. 2. “The wind blows where it wishes”. Where there is the Spirit of God, there is freedom

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

In today’s catechesis, I would like to reflect with you on the name by which the Holy Spirit is called in the Bible… Read more »

Pope at Angelus: “Jesus made a gift of His entire life”

  St Peter's Square, the Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters, happy Sunday!

Today, in Italy and in other countries, we celebrate the Solemnity of Corpus Domini. The Gospel of the liturgy today tells us about the Last Supper (Mk 14:12-26), during which the Lord performs a gesture of handing over: in fact, in the broken bread and in the chalice offered to the disciples, it is He who gives Himself for all humanity, and offers Himself for the life of the world… Read more »

Pope at Audience: The Holy Spirit guides God’s people towards Jesus our hope

  St Peter's Square, the Vatican

Cycle of Catechesis. The Spirit and the Bride. The Holy Spirit guides. the people of God towards Jesus our hope. 1. The Spirit of God was hovering over the waters

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

Today, with this catechesis we begin a cycle of reflections with the theme ‘The Holy Spirit and the Bride” – the bride is the Church – “The Holy Spirit guides God’s people towards Jesus our hope’… Read more »

Pope Francis never intended to offend: ‘Room for everyone in the Church’

  The Vatican

Photo: Vatican Media

“The Pope never intended to offend or express himself in homophobic terms, and he apologizes to those who felt offended by the use of a term, as reported by others.”

The Director of the Holy See Press Office, Matteo Bruni, made that statement on Tuesday in response to questions from journalists about the use of a term regarding the admission of homosexual people to the seminary… Read more »

The Pope celebrates peace with children on World Children’s Day

  Stadio Olimpico, Rome

Madwar 70,000 tifel u tifla minn diversi pajjiżi tad-dinja ħonqu l-Istadio Olimpico ta’ Ruma s-Sibt waranofsinhar biex jiltaqgħu mal-Papa Franġisku u jirriflettu flimkien miegħu dwar l-importanza tagħhom għall-futur tad-dinja, fl-ewwel Jum Dinji tat-Tfal, fejn it-tema prinċipali kienet il-paċi.

Il-Papa wasal fil-4.40pm bil-popemobile u ġie milqugħ b’applawsi kbar u bl-innu miktub apposta, “A Beautiful World”, kantat mill-Kor tad-Djoċesi ta’ Ruma.

Fit-tfal kollox jitkellem dwar ħajja u l-futur

Imbagħad hu indirizza lill-udjenza żagħżugħa tiegħu b’diskors qasir ta’ introduzzjoni fejn involva lit-tfal bit-tweġibiet tagħhom… Read more »

Pope at Angelus: The Holy Spirit accompanies us in life

Mass on World Children's Day

  St. Peter's Square, Vatican

A child once asked his mom: what is God like? What does it mean that God is Trinity? In response, his mother did this: she took him in her arms, then hugged his father too, and when all three of them were within this embrace, she said: “this how God is!”

Dear children, are you happy when your mom and dad hug you? … Read more »

Pope at Audience: Humility is a strong virtue

  St Peter's Square, the Vatican

Cycle of Catechesis. Vices and Virtues. 20. Humility

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

We will conclude this cycle of catechesis by looking at a virtue which is not part of the seven cardinal and theological virtues, but which is at the base of Christian life: this virtue is humility. It is the great antagonist of the most mortal of sins, namely arrogance… Read more »

Pope Francis: World needs peace in this time of war

We no longer have a “war fought piecemeal,” but a real “world war.” The Pope acknowledged this situation at the end of his Wednesday General Audience held with thousands of the faithful gathered in St. Peter’s Square.

Prayers for Ukraine, the Middle East, Myanmar

Pope Francis deviated from his prepared remarks and listed the countries suffering due to conflicts: “martyred Ukraine,” where the rain of Russian drones continues; the Middle East, where the death toll from bombings continues; and, Myanmar, with its internal crisis and the plight of the Rohingya… Read more »

Pope at Audience: We speak a lot about love, but what is love?

  Saint Peter's Square, The Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

Today we will talk about the third theological virtue, charity. The other two, let us remember, were faith and hope: today we will talk about the third, charity. It is the culmination of the entire itinerary we have undertaken with the catecheses on the virtues. To think of charity immediately expands the heart, and it expands the mind, it evokes the inspired words of Saint Paul in the First Letter to the Corinthians… Read more »