General Audiences

Pope at Audience: Prayer is an indispensable aid for spiritual discernment

  St Peter's Square at the Vatican

Catechesis On Discernment: 3. The elements of discernment. Familiarity with the Lord

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

We resume our catecheses on the theme of discernment — because the theme of discernment is very important in order to know what is going on within us, to know about our feelings and ideas, we have to discern where they come from, where they lead me, to what decisions — and today we focus on the first of its constituent elements, which is prayerRead more »

Pope at Audience asks us: do you know how to listen to your heart?

  St Peter's Square at the Vatican

Catechesis On Discernment: 2. An example: Ignatius of Loyola

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

We are continuing our reflection on discernment – in this time we will speak every Wednesday about spiritual discernment – and for this it can help us to refer to a specific witness.

One of the most instructive examples is offered to us by Saint Ignatius of Loyola, with a decisive episode in his life… Read more »

Pope at Audience: The vocation of the elderly is to be witnesses for children of faith and humanity

  The Vatican

Catechesis on Old Age – 17. The “Ancient of days”. Old age is a reassurance regarding the destination to a life that never dies again

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

The words we heard of Daniel’s dream evoke a mysterious, and at the same time, glorious, vision of God. This vision is picked up at the beginning of the Book of Revelation in reference to the Risen Jesus, who appears to the Seer as Messiah, Priest and King, eternal, omniscient and unchanging (1:12-15)… Read more »

Pope at Audience: death is a passage leading us to the Lord

  The Vatican

Catechesis on Old Age: 16. “I go to prepare a place for you”. Old age, a time projected towards fulfilment

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

We are now at the last catechesis dedicated to old age. Today we enter into the moving intimacy of Jesus’ farewell to his followers, amply recounted in the Gospel of John. The parting discourse begins with words of consolation and promise: “Let not your hearts be troubled” (Jn 14:1)… Read more »

Pope at audience describes journey in Canada as ‘penitential pilgrimage’

  St Peter's Square, the Vatican

Catechesis: The Apostolic Journey in Canada

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

Today I would like to share some reflections with you on the apostolic journey I made to Canada in recent days. It was unlike the other journeys. In fact, the main motivation was to meet the indigenous peoples to express to them my closeness and my sorrow, and to ask for forgiveness – to ask for forgiveness – for the harm done to them by those Christians, including many Catholics, who in… Read more »

Pope at Audience: We elders, let us look at the young, and always with a smile

  St Peter's Square, the Vatican

Catechesis on Old Age: 15. Peter and John

Dear brothers and sisters, welcome and good morning!

In our catechetical journey on old age, today we meditate on the dialogue between the risen Jesus and Peter at the end of John’s Gospel (21:15-23). It is a moving dialogue, from which shines all the love of Jesus for his disciples, and also the sublime humanity of his relationship with them, in particular with Peter: a tender relationship, but not melancholic; direct, strong, free, and open… Read more »

Pope at Audience: The elderly are the memory of the family, of humanity, of the country

  St Peter's Square, the Vatican

Catechesis on Old Age: 12. “Forsake me not when my strength is spent” (Ps 71:9)

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

The beautiful prayer of the elderly man that we find in Psalm 71, which we have listened to, encourages us to meditate on the strong tension that dwells in the condition of old age, when the memory of labours overcome and blessings received is put to the test of faith and hope… Read more »

Pope at audience urges the elderly to sow hunger and thirst for justice in the young

  St Peter's Square, the Vatican

Catechesis on Old Age: 11. Ecclesiastes: the uncertain night of meaning and of things in life

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

In our reflection on old age – we are continuing to reflect on old age – today we are dealing with the Book of Qoheleth, or Ecclesiastes, another jewel set in the Bible. On a first reading, this short book is striking and leaves one bewildered by its famous refrain: “Everything is vanity”, everything is vanity: the refrain that goes on and on, everything is vanity, everything is “fog”, everything is “smoke”, everything is “emptiness”… Read more »