Pastoral Letters

Pastoral Message for Advent 2014 – Welcoming the light of Jesus

  • I greet you, people of God of the beloved Diocese of Malta, at the beginning of Advent 2014.  As the Apostolic Administrator of Malta, until a new Archbishop is appointed, it is my privilege to address you at the onset of this important season which prepares us for the great feast of Christmas, the celebration of the birth of the infant Jesus…

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Pastoral Letter for Lent

  • Pastoral Letter for Lent

  • Our Share in Building Society

  • Dear brothers and sisters,

    Throughout our history as a people, in an attempt to build our nation and uphold our dignity, we have taken great strides and accomplished many goals.  It is impossible to refrain from commemorating the important anniversaries which our nation is celebrating this year.  Many contemporary Maltese and Gozitan citizens, as well as some who lived before us, have toiled so that our country may retain the dignity and the position which it deserves, equivalent to that enjoyed by other peoples.  We should express sincere feelings of gratitude towards our brethren who have laboured on our behalf throughout history in order that this may come to fruition…

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Ittra Pastorali – Avvent 2013

  • Pastoral Letter for Advent 2013
  • Christmas: The Feast of the Betrothal of the Lord with His People
  • The liturgical period of Advent and Christmas brings to mind the expectation and the coming of our Lord among us.  As we read in the first paragraph of the Letter to the Hebrews: “At various times in the past and in various different ways, God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets; but in our time, the last days, he has spoken to us through his Son, whom he appointed to inherit everything and through whom he made everything there is” (Heb 1, 1-2)…

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Pastoral Letter for Lent 2013


A Time of Prayer and Charity

Dear brothers and sisters,

The period of Lent has just commenced in the Liturgy of the Catholic Church.  The Catholic Church does not only follow the  civil calendar. Human time is sanctified when the Church lives the experience of the life of Jesus throughout the Liturgical year.  The Liturgical year, in its entirety, follows the Solemn Feast of Easter, that is, the authentic account of the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus from the dead… Read more »

Pastoral Letter regarding the General Elections 2013

Respect towards the Truth and one another

Dear brothers and sisters,

The General Elections represent a significant moment in any democratic society. Every citizen should feel duty-bound to participate freely and in a responsible manner: candidates, standing for election, by choosing to be of service for each and every one, the electorate by casting their vote.

While recognizing the autonomy of the State, the Church remains committed to help the citizen form his conscience in freedom, in the name of the common good and in order that the dignity of every person may be safe-guarded… Read more »

Pastoral Letter for Advent 2012

Verżjoni bil-Malti

Entrusting You to God And His Word


One of the beautiful qualities which the human person is endowed with is the capacity to listen.  Many are those who yearn for some meaningful words which may be relied upon.  At the same time, today, the human person is tempted to turn a deaf ear since he is weary of hearing words which sound sweet but are hollow.  … Read more »

Pastoral Letter for Children – Advent 2012

Għeżież tfal,

Waħda mill-karatteristiċi li għandu l-bniedem u li għandna aħna hija l-kapaċità li nisimgħu.  Ħafna drabi ħafna nies ikollhom ix-xewqa li jisimgħu kelma li tagħmel sens u tgħinhom f’ħajjithom allavolja hemm xi wħud li qishom jagħlqu widnejhom biex jisimgħu l-kelma sabiħa ta’ Kristu.

Għalhekk sar importanti iktar minn qatt qabel li aħna naqsmu mal-oħrajn il-kliem ta’ Ġesù.  Din hija l-missjoni tagħna bħala tfal insara… Read more »

Pastoral Letter: The Year of the Faith

Pope Benedict XVI has launched the Year of the Faith by issuing a document entitled “The Door to Faith”.  During this particular year, he is encouraging all Christians to grow in faith.  The Year of the Faith will commence on 11th October 2012 and end on 24th November 2013, Feast of Christ the King.  As the Pope himself stated in his introduction: “The door of faith is always open of us, leading us to be united with God and to be part of the Church.”

The Faith and Us

One of the common denominators which unites the Maltese people is the fact that nearly all of us declare that “we are Christians”.  … Read more »

Pastoral Letter – Celebrating Human Life

Cherishing Life

It is indeed positive to note that in our country, there has been an ongoing debate with respect to the way in which a number of couples can address the difficulty of infertilty.  This gives witness just to what extent we cherish human life.  This is even more appreciated when one realizes that in today’s age, in Europe, and in Malta too, a large part of society is stingy with respect to new life, in the sense that the birth rate is low… Read more »

The Exile – Lent 2012

Dear brothers and sisters,

Once again, it is the time of Lent. The culmination of Lent is the suffering, death and resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ.  These events are very relevant for our lives and during the coming forty days, we need to reflect upon them and prepare ourselves, not only through prayer, but also by pondering upon their relevance in our lives… Read more »