Għaliex Iva?!

Għaliex iva?! with Fr Victor Agius

Fr Victor Agius recounts numerous beautiful moments and some more challenging experiences that have shaped his priesthood. Raised in Paola, he has embarked on missionary journeys that have taken him to China, the Philippines, Canada and many other countries. This episode of Għaliex Iva?! explores the 50-year journey of Fr Victor Agius as a dedicated priest.

Għaliex iva?! is a podcast series featuring various priests who share the stories of their vocations and why they believe being a priest is worthwhile in today’s world… Read more »

Għaliex iva?! with Fr James Saydon

Fr James Saydon is the Director of the Vocations Centre at the Archbishop’s Seminary. He shares his journey of responding to the Lord’s call and discusses the thoughts, doubts and experiences he has encountered, particularly over the past eight years as a priest.

Għaliex iva?! is a podcast series featuring various priests who share the stories of their vocations and why they believe being a priest is worthwhile in today’s world… Read more »

Għaliex iva?! with Fr Anton Gouder

Fr Anton Gouder, hailing from the Isla parish, serves as a Judge in the Church Tribunal and resides at Dar tal-Kleru. With 46 years of priesthood, his life is rich with diverse experiences and ministries. Among other roles, he has served as parish priest of Paola Parish, rector of the Seminary and vicar general. Despite facing numerous challenges, he has never doubted or regretted answering the Lord’s call… Read more »

Għaliex iva?! with Fr Martin Micallef

Fr Martin Micallef is the Director of Dar tal-Providenza, a passionate photographer, and a man who enjoys sharing a joke now and then. In this podcast, he shares the story of his vocation and the challenges he faced in revealing his decision to his family. He entered the priesthood inspired by his uncle, who was also a priest and passed away young, leaving his mission unfinished… Read more »