
New SDC Mission in the Philippines

Three Maltese members and an Australian member have recently departed for the Philippines to establish the first SDC community in the Archdiocese of Lipa, in the province of Batangas. This marks the first SDC community to be set up on the Asian continent.

The commissioning ceremony for Daniel Attard took place in Melbourne on 7 January 2025, while the Maltese members, Superior Oliver Aquilina, Lawrence Fenech, and Gabriel Pace, were commissioned on Wednesday, 15 January 2025, by the Superior General… Read more »

Teen Klabb celebrates ten years of supporting adolescents

Ritratti: Mark Magro

Il-membri ta’ Fondazzjoni Kenosis iċċelebraw l-10 anniversarju ta’ Teen Klabb b’quddiesa ċċelebrata mill-Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea-Curmi fil-Knisja ta’ Sant’Ursola fil-Belt Valletta u djalogu mal-Arċisqof Charles Scicluna fiċ-Ċentru Santu Rokku.

Fondazzjoni Kenosis għandha l-għan li tippromwovi l-valuri Kattoliċi permezz tal-Faith Formation u Teen Klabb. B’mod prattiku Kenosis tfittex li tipprovdi ambjent fejn tfal u adoloxxenti minn oqsma differenti tal-ħajja jistgħu jitrawmu u jiġu appoġġati spiritwalment… Read more »

Talks on the Jubilee of Hope

Organised by the Parish Church of St. Mary, Birkirkara

Ritratt: Ian Noel Pace

Il-Parroċċa ta’ Santa Marija f’Birkirkara se torganizza żewġ taħdidiet informattivi u ispirazzjonali dwar il-Ġublew tat-Tama.

It-taħdidiet se jsiru nhar il-Ġimgħa, 10 u 17 ta’ Jannar, fil-Knisja Parrokkjali ta’ Santa Marija f’Birkirkara, fis-6:30pm. Dawn se jkunu mmexxija minn Dun Sinclair Bugeja u se jiffokaw fuq is-Sena tal-Ġublew kif ukoll fuq il-kunċett tat-tama fil-Bibbja.

Din hija opportunità ideali biex wieħed jirrifletti fuq is-sinifikat profond tat-tama Nisranija u jagħmel esperjenza spiritwali fil-qalb tas-Sena tal-Ġublew… Read more »

Get-together for SDC Candidates

The SDC candidates, together with their curators, gathered at St Michael School on Saturday, 4 January 2025, for their annual get-together held at the beginning of each year. The candidates took the initiative to organise this event themselves.

In the school chapel, they reflected on the boundless love God has for humanity, a love that they are called to mirror in love towards themselves, and ultimately, in acts of love towards others… Read more »

Annual Christmas Outreach Initiative

By senior students of St Paul’s Missionary College

The Senior Students of St Paul’s Missionary College have once again embraced their missionary identity, hosting their annual outreach event that brings together students, staff, and the wider community. Held twice a year, this cherished tradition aligns with the College’s commitment to fostering a sense of altruism and service among its students. This year’s event was organised in collaboration with ten different institutions and services in preparation for Christmas… Read more »

Gaudete! – Cappella Sanctae Catharinae Presents Italian Christmas Music Concert

Cappella Sanctae Catharinae returns with Gaudete! – its much anticipated annual Christmas Concert. This year the choir will present a concert of beautiful, but rarely heard, Italian Christmas choral music.

The programme features a mixture of gorgeous Italian Baroque polyphony, by composers such as Pomponio Nenna and Giovanni Belli. It will also include rarely heard Christmas Carols from all over Italy, including Sicily, Veneto, and Naples… Read more »

Launch of Beyond GDP II: the hidden struggles of third-country nationals in Malta

Photo: Nicolai Borg

The Justice and Peace Commission of the Archdiocese of Malta has published its latest report, Beyond GDP II: Third-Country Nationals in Malta: Sharing in our economic future or serving labour market interests? The report is released amidst evolving migration policies and an increasing reliance on third-country nationals (TCNs) as a key part of the Maltese economy.

Malta’s unique context marked by an ageing population, low fertility rates, labour shortages and a drive for higher GDP growth — underscores the indispensable contributions of TCNs… Read more »

115 people at Dar tal-Providenza depend on you

Fil-ġimgħat li ġejjin se jkunu qed isiru diversi attivitajiet b’risq id-Dar tal-Providenza li se jwasslu għall-Festa ta’ Ġenerożità fl-ewwel ta’ Jannar li ġej. Dan kollu biex 115-il resident jibqgħu jirċevu l-aqwa servizz.

Dan tħabbar illum waqt konferenza stampa minn Fr. Martin Micallef flimkien mal-amministratur tad-dar Nadine Camilleri Cassano.

Fr. Micallef ħabbar li s-sena 2025 se tkun speċjali għad-Dar tal-Providenza għax hija s-sena li fiha tagħlaq 60 sena minn meta twaqqfet u tat servizz lil mijiet ta’ persuni bi bżonnijiet speċjali… Read more »

Join the spirit of giving: St. Jeanne Antide’s Reverse Advent Campaign

St. Jeanne Antide Foundation is inviting the public to join the annual Reverse Advent Calendar Campaign. This initiative reimagines the holiday tradition, focusing on giving rather than receiving, and provides much-needed support to the community’s families and individuals in need.

Once again, essential food items and toiletries are being collected to distribute to those who depend on their services. These contributions will comfort and relieve vulnerable families during this special time of year… Read more »

Bible & Beer on addictions: Exploring the deeper ‘why’

During the eighth edition of the MSSP Oratory Youth’s Bible & Beer series, attendees gathered for an evening of reflection, fellowship, and inspiration to explore the theme of addiction – how seemingly small habits, like endless scrolling or binge-watching, can grow into struggles that shape our mental health, relationships, and sense of purpose. 

Three speakers guided these conversations and offered insights into the complexities of addiction.  … Read more »