Archbishop’s Vlog
Archbishop’s Vlog: Witnessing ecumenical charity
Archbishop’s Vlog: The joy and enthusiasm of young missionaries
Archbishop’s Vlog: A year of solidarity with women
Click on the first button on the right of the video to read the subtitiles.
Archbishop’s Vlog: Do not be afraid of challenges, illnesses and disappointment
L-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna appella biex ħadd ma jibża’, lanqas min-negattiv, mill-isfidi, mill-mard jew mid-diżappunti tal-ħajja. Kompla bi frażi oħra, “Il-Mulej miegħek”.
Fl-ewwel vlogg tiegħu fuq, Mons. Scicluna rrefera għaż-żewġ frażijiet li qal l-anġlu Gabrijel lil Marija: “La tibżax” u “Il-Mulej miegħek”. Stqarr li dawn il-frażijiet jixtieq jipproponihom għal dan l-istaġun tal-Milied u l-Epifanija…