The Commission for Catholic Cultural Heritage was set up by a Decree issued on the 27th September 2002, with the aim of helping the Episcopal Conference, with its advice and its activity, in safeguarding and promoting the cultural patrimony of the Catholic Church in these Islands. The Commission fulfils the functions and exercises the competencies established by the Laws of Malta with regard to the cultural patrimony of the Catholic Church in Malta.
Dr Wendy Jo Mifsud B.E.&A. (Hons)(Melit.), P.G.Cert.(Melit.), M.Sc.(UCL), Ph.D.(Melit.)
Rev. Dr André Zaffarese S.Th.D. (Melit.)
Ms Ruth Stivala B.A. (Hons)(Melit.), M.A.(Melit.)
Ms Daniela Apap Bologna B.A. (Hons.), M.A. (Melit.)
Mr Joseph Calleja
Ms Maria Grazia Cassar M.A. Cultural Heritage Management
Rev. Can. Dr Nicholas J. Doublet B.A., S.Th.L., H.E.D. (Greg.), Dip. Arch. (Vat.)
Rev. Ramon Farrugia OFM
Architect David Mallia A. & C.E.
Mgr Dr Edgar Vella S.Th.L., Ph.D. (Melit.)