Pastoral Coordination

Episcopal Vicar for Pastoral Coordination

Fr André Zaffarese

Tel: 25906507

Email: [email protected]

The Vicariate for Pastoral Coordination was established following the Synod of Bishops that concluded in October 2024, where Pope Francis emphasized the importance of synodality in the life and mission of the Church.

The Vicariate is responsible for assisting the Bishops in implementing the vision and priorities of the Church in Malta and coordinating pastoral life and work within the Archdiocese. This takes place through continuous collaboration with the vicariates and other entities within the Archdiocese that address the various ministries and needs of the Church.

Among other responsibilities, the Vicariate is also tasked with ensuring that Church entities, parishes, commissions, and groups work together to renew pastoral work, so that the Church’s pastoral efforts in Malta remain relevant and sustainable in the coming years for the overall wellbeing of society.

Secretariat for Parish Life

The Secretariat for Parish Life within the Episcopal Vicarage for Pastoral Coordination is responsible for assisting, following up and coordinating pastoral work in territorial parishes, personal parishes and language chaplaincies. It is led by Fr André Zaffarese, Episcopal Vicar for Pastoral Coordination. The purpose of the secretariat is to help parishes identify emerging pastoral needs, assist in preparing for them and support them in their implementation.

The secretariat gives particular importance to the formation of pastoral workers within the parishes and the work of the Parish Pastoral Council. It carries out its duties hand in hand with other secretariats, commissions and entities, especially with the College of Parish Priests.

Lifelong Catechesis

Rev. Dr David Torpiano

Tel: 25906619

Email: [email protected]


The Ministry for Lifelong Catechesis oversees and coordinates the various aspects of the catechetical formation of the faithful, in particular of Catholic families in their various stages of life, in the Archdiocese of Malta.

Spiritual Development in Schools

Rev. Reuben Gauci

Tel: 25906503

Email: [email protected]


The Spiritual Development in Schools Unit within the Archdiocese of Malta is responsible for pastoral ministry in State and Independent schools, coordination of religious counsellors in State schools and continuous contact with State and Independent schools to support them in the spiritual and moral development of students and all the school communities.

Malta Catholic Youth Network (MCYN)

Benjamin Flores Martin, Delegate
Tel: 25906505

Email: [email protected]


The role of the Archbishop’s Delegate for Youth is to oversee, coordinate and support the work with youth happening within the diocese whilst keeping an open dialogue with secular society. Click here for more information. 

Kummissjoni Djoċesana Tfal

Sr Anna Sammut, Delegate

Tel: 21487282
Mob: 99846310
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

The role of the delegate for children is to provide spiritual, social, and human formation for the well-being of the Commission entrusted to her. To attain this goal, she is responsible to organise monthly meetings as well as live-ins, at least 3 in a year. It is the delegate’s responsibility to train the children to have the opportunity to give their say in the Church. This will lead them to become responsible leaders within the Church.

Moviment ta’ Kana

Email: [email protected]

Dr Joe Cassar, President

Tel: 22238000

Mob: 79300759

Email: [email protected]


The role of the President is to lead the Cana Movement which works for the pastoral care of families. The Cana Movement prepares couples for the Holy Sacrament of Marriage, accompanies families in their journey, offers counseling services and help through a number of support groups.

Relations with Groups and Movements (FORUM)

Angèle Cassar

Email: [email protected]

The role of FORUM is to provide a space where catholic lay groups, movements, and communities can meet and help each other in the planning of their pastoral planning in a spirit of communion, dialogue, and solidarity.

Diocesan Commission for Sport

Karl Cortis, Delegate and President

Tel: 25906509

Email: [email protected]