Commission for Interreligious Dialogue

The Commission for Interreligious Dialogue was instituted by the Archbishop of Malta Mgr Paul Cremona on the 2nd of March in 2011. It seeks to establish ties between the Catholic Church in Malta and non-Christian communities in Malta in an atmosphere of mutual respect.


In the light of numerous documents of the Magisterium of the Church, the Commission strives to help members of the Catholic Church towards a better understanding of the teachings and practice of the Church on the issue of Interreligious dialogue.

Supported by the same documents of the Magisterium, it also aims at establishing and strengthening the ties between the Catholic Church and non-Christian communities in Malta.

This activity is directed towards the advancement of interreligious dialogue and aiding Catholics to understand better their own faith as well as their mission to communicate it to others.

The Commission carries out these aims in the light of the pastoral needs of the Archdiocese of Malta.


The Commission:

  • advises the Archbishop on matters concerning interreligious dialogue
  • contributes towards the formation of the Roman Catholic community in Malta in order that it may better understand its mission in a society which is becoming increasingly multi-ethnic and multi-religious. This is achieved through the organization of activities by which Roman Catholics in our country may acquire a deeper knowledge of the doctrine and morals of the religions present in Malta as well as to respond to these new challenges
  • organises and participates in interreligious events.

This activity is directed towards the formation of Roman Catholics in matters pertaining to interreligious dialogue.

The Commission maintains contact with the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, and participates in activities that are carried out by the aforementioned Council.


Rev. Dr Joseph Ellul OP, Chairman

Prof. John Berry (Secretary)

Ms Ann Marie Magrin

Rev. Edmund Teuma OFM. Conv.

Dr Rebecca Berry Wellman

Prof. Michael Zammit


[email protected]