Monthly Archives: September 2019

The Sunday Gospel: 22nd September

  • The Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
    Readings of the day
  • First Reading: Amos 8, 4-7
    Psalm: 112 (113), 1-2.4-6.7-8
    Second Reading: 1 Tim 2, 1-8

    Gospel: Lk 16, 1-13

  • Jesus said to his disciples, “A rich man had a steward who was reported to him for squandering his property…

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Governance as stewardship of the State and of the international community – The Archbishop on Independence Day

Pontifical Mass celebrated on the 55th anniversary of Malta's Independence

  • The homily by Charles J. Scicluna
  • St John’s Cathedral, Valletta
    21 September 2019

    The 55th anniversary of Malta’s Independence and of the consequent realisation of sovereign statehood for the Maltese Islands gives me the opportunity to offer some brief reflections on governance as the art of stewardship of the State on both the national and the international level…

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The Gospel of the day: 21st September

  • Saint Matthew, apostle and evangelist – Feast
    Readings of the day
  • First Reading: Ephes 4, 1-7.11-13
    Psalm: 18, 2-5

    Gospel: Mt 9, 9-13

  • As Jesus passed by, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the customs post. He said to him, “Follow me.” And he got up and followed him…

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Bishop Galea-Curmi meets the new Church school educators

Bidu tas-Sena Skolastika 2019-2020 fl-iskejjel tal-Knisja

  • Bi tħejjija għall‑ftuħ tas‑sena skolastika, l‑Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea‑Curmi ltaqa’ mal‑edukaturi l‑ġodda fl‑iskejjel tal‑Knisja waqt seminar organizzat mis‑Segretarjat għall‑Edukazzjoni Nisranija. L‑Isqof rringrazzja lill‑għalliema u wera l‑apprezzament tal‑Knisja f’Malta għall‑ħidma tagħhom. Hu stedinhom biex fis‑servizz li jagħtu jgħaqqdu flimkien żewġ aspetti importanti: il‑professjonalità u x‑xhieda ta’ ħajja Nisranija. Hu qal li l‑edukazzjoni fl‑iskejjel tal‑Knisja għandha tkun sostnuta bil‑valuri tal‑Evanġelju u tgħin lill‑istudenti biex ikollhom l‑għeruq tagħhom f’dawn il‑valuri…

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Live: Mass on Independence Day

  • Għada, is-Sibt, 21 ta’ Settembru 2019, l-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna ser jiċċelebra Quddiesa f’Jum l-Indipendenza. Il-Quddiesa ser issir fil-Konkatidral ta’ San Ġwann u tibda fid-9:00am.

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The Gospel of the day: 20th September

  • Readings of the day
  • First Reading: 1 Tim 6, 2c-12
    Psalm: 48 (49), 6-7.8-10.17-18.19-20

    Gospel: Lk 8, 1-3

  • Jesus journeyed from one town and village to another, preaching and proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom of God. Accompanying him were the Twelve and some women who had been cured of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary, called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out, Joanna, the wife of Herod’s steward Chuza, Susanna, and many others who provided for them out of their resources…

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Statement by the Maltese Augustinian Province on the feast of St Augustine

  • Fid-dawl taċ-ċirkostanzi preżenti, ġie deċiż li ċ-ċelebrazzjonijiet esterni marbuta mal-festa ta’ Santu Wistin fil-Belt Valletta fil-jiem li ġejjin, jitħassru.

    Il-funzjonijiet liturġiċi fil-knisja ser ikomplu kif ippjanat jiġifieri llum u għada, 19 u 20 ta’ Settembru, ikunu jiem tat-tridu bil-funzjoni tibda fis-6.30pm. Is-Sibt 21 ta’ Settembru, filgħaxija ssir il-Quddiesa Solenni fis-6.30pm. Nhar il-Ħadd il-Quddiesa tkun bħal ta’ nhar ta’ Ħadd jiġifieri fis-7am, fid-9.30am, fil-10.45am u fis-7.15pm…

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The Higher Committee of Human Fraternity welcomes a Rabbi member

  • The Higher Committee of Human Fraternity has raised the number of members to eight, with the recent addition to the board of Rabbi M. Bruce Lustig.

    The Higher Committee of Human Fraternity has announced the inclusion of Rabbi M. Bruce Lustig, Senior Rabbi at Washington Hebrew Congregation, to the membership of the Committee, bringing the total membership to eight members concerned with the achievement of the objectives set forth in the Human Fraternity Document…

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The Gospel of the day: 19th September

  • Readings of the day
  • First Reading: 1 Tim 4, 12-16
    Psalm: 110 (111), 7-8.9.10

    Gospel: Lk 7, 36-50

  • A Pharisee invited Jesus to dine with him, and he entered the Pharisee’s house and reclined at table. Now there was a sinful woman in the city who learned that he was at table in the house of the Pharisee…

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