Monthly Archives: July 2019

11th edition of volleyball marathon in aid of Dar tal-Providenza kicks off

  • Ftit sigħat ilu fid-Dar tal-Providenza bdiet il-11-il edizzjoni tal-BOV Marigold Volleyball Marathon, li se tintemm għada l-Ħadd f’nofsillejl.  

    Bħalma jiġri kull sena, għal 53 siegħa sħaħ, il-parkeġġ tal-karozzi fid-Dar tas-Siġġiewi nbidel f’padiljun tal-volleyball u f’żona ta’ divertiment għall-familja kollha. Apparti l-logħob tal-volleyball, se jkun hemm spettaklu ta’ kant, kunċerti mużikali kfi ukoll stands ta’ ikel għall-viżitaturi.

    Aktar minn 300 voluntier qed jiddedikaw il-ħin u l-isforzi tagħhom biex jiġbru l-flus għal din il-kawża ġusta…

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Pope celebrates Mass for Migrants

  • In memory of the 6th anniversary of his visit to Lampedusa, on Monday, 8 July, the Holy Father Pope Francis, will celebrate a Mass for Migrants, at 11:00, in St Peter’s Basilica. Around 250 people will participate in the celebration, among whom will be migrants, refugees and those who are dedicated to saving their lives.

    Taking part in the Mass, presided over by the Pope at the Altar of the Chair of St Peter, will be only those persons invited by the Migrants and Refugees Section of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, to whom the Holy Father has entrusted the organization of the event…

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The Gospel of the day: 6th July

  • Readings of the day
  • First Reading: Gen 27, 1-5.15-29
    Psalm: 134 (135), 1-2.3-4.5-6

    Gospel: Mt 9, 14-17

  • The disciples of John approached Jesus and said, “Why do we and the Pharisees fast much, but your disciples do not fast?” Jesus answered them, “Can the wedding guests mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? …

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Considering foreigners as an opportunity and not a threat – The Auxiliary Bishop

Quddiesa fil-festa tal-Beatu Nazju Falzon

  • L-omelija tal-Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea-Curmi
  • Il-Knisja Ta’ Ġieżu, il-Belt Valletta
    1 ta’ Lulju 2019

    “Il-barranin li hawn f’pajjiżna huma bnedmin bħalna bl-istess dinjità umana bħal tagħna u bl-istess jeddijiet fundamentali li ngawdu aħna. Jekk il-barrani għadu ma ltaqax ma’ Kristu Ġesù, x’jgħid meta jiltaqa’ magħna, il-familja ta’ Ġesù, u jismagħna nitkellmu fuq il-Mulej? …

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The Gospel of the day: 5th July

  • Readings of the day
  • First Reading: Gen 23, 1-4.19; 24, 1-8.62-67
    Psalm: 105 (106), 1-2.3-4a.4b-5

    Gospel: Mt 9, 9-13

  • As Jesus passed by, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the customs post. He said to him, “Follow me.” And he got up and followed him. While he was at table in his house, many tax collectors and sinners came and sat with Jesus and his disciples…

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Pope prays for victims of Russian submarine disaster

  • Pope Francis is informed of the tragedy that killed fourteen Russian sailors on board a deep water research submarine and is grieving for the victims.

    Answering questions put to him by journalists, Alessandro Gisotti, the interim director of the Holy See Press Office, said the Pope has expressed his condolences and closeness to the families of the victims and to all who have been affected by the disaster…

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Vatican to open two tombs in hope of finding missing teenager’s body

  • The Vatican has announced it is opening two tombs within a cemetery on Holy See territory to see if Emanuela Orlandi, the teenage girl who went missing 36 years ago, is buried there.

    The two tombs are to be opened on 11 July, interim director of the Holy See Press Office, Alessandro Gisotti, confirmed on Tuesday. Gisotti said that the decision was made by Vatican promoter of justice, Gian Piero Milano, and his assistant, Alessandro Diddi in response to the request of Emanuela Orlandi’s family and their questioning “the possible concealment of her cadaver in the small cemetery located within Vatican City State.”

    In April, the Vatican authorised the opening of an investigation into a tomb in the Teutonic Cemetery – a medieval cemetery reserved for Germans, Austrians, Dutch and Flemish people to be buried inside the walls of the Vatican – after the Orlandi family received an anonymous letter claiming the girl’s remains were buried there…

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The Gospel of the day: 4th July

  • Readings of the day
  • First Reading: Gen 22, 1-19
    Psalm: 116 (117), 1-2.3-4.5-6.8-9

    Gospel: Mt 9, 1-8

  • After entering a boat, Jesus made the crossing, and came into his own town. And there people brought to him a paralytic lying on a stretcher. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, “Courage, child, your sins are forgiven.”

    At that, some of the scribes said to themselves, “This man is blaspheming.” Jesus knew what they were thinking, and said, “Why do you harbour evil thoughts? …

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Priests discuss Church in Malta’s priorities

  • “B’Qalb Imħeġġa” huwa t-titlu tal-Aġġornament tal-Kleru 2019 fejn din is-sena ngħatat ħarsa lejn il-prijoritajiet li l-Knisja f’Malta għandha tpoġġi quddiemha llum meta affaċċjata b’soċjetà pluralista u multikulturali. Kienet ix-xewqa tal-Arċisqof Charles, J. Scicluna u tal-Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea Curmi li s-saċerdoti jagħtu l-kontribut dirett tagħhom biex jindikaw l-għażliet li Alla qed jitlob li jagħmlu b’kuraġġ u ħeġġa.

    B’ispirazzjoni mill-ġrajja ta’ Għemmaws u fid-dawl ta’ Evangelii Gaudium, ġew identifikati erba’ għażliet sabiex jorjentaw il-prijoritajiet tad-djoċesi: Knisja li tisma’, Knisja li tilqa’, Knisja li takkumpanja u Knisja li toħroġ (outreach)…

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