Monthly Archives: January 2019

Photos: The Archbishop’s Pastoral Visit to Santa Luċija Parish

  • Matul Jannar 2019, l-Arcisqof Charles J. Scicluna żar il-Parroċċa ta’ San Piju X, Santa Luċija.

    FIl-bidu tal-Viżta Pastorali huwa ċċelebra Quddiesa fil-knisja parrokkjali u wara ltaqa’ mal-komunità ta’ Santa Luċija, mal-Kunsill Lokali u rappreżentanti tas-soċjetà civili. Waqt il-Viżta, l-Arċisqof kellu wkoll l-opportunità jiltaqa’ mat-tfal u l-adolexxenti, mal-katekisti u l-operaturi pastorali tal-parroċċ, kif ukoll mal-istudenti u l-edukaturi tal-iskola sekondarja fil-Kulleġġ St Thomas More…

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The Gospel of the day: 31st January

  • Readings of the day
  • First Reading: Hebrews 10, 19-25
    Psalm: 23 (24), 1-2.3-4ab.5-6

    Gospel: Mark 4, 21-25

  • Jesus said to his disciples, “Is a lamp brought in to be placed under a bushel basket or under a bed, and not to be placed on a lampstand? For there is nothing hidden except to be made visible; nothing is secret except to come to light…

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Inutli nqim statwa tal-injam u mbagħad f’qalbi nobgħod lil xi ħadd jew nuża kliem ta’ disprezz – L-Arċisqof

Quddiesa fil-festa liturġika ta' San Sebastjan u f'għeluq il-75 sena mill-ewwel purċissjoni tal-istatwa titulari f'Ħal Qormi

  • L-omelija tal-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna


  • Il-Knisja Parrokkjali ta’ San Sebastjan, Ħal Qormi
    20 ta’ Jannar 2019

    It-titlu ta’ glorja ta’ San Bastjan, li aħna qegħdin niċċelebraw is-solennità liturġika tiegħu, huwa li nafuh bħala Sebastianus Cristianus. Dan kien it-titlu tal-kundanna tiegħu. Ir-Rumani kellhom l-użanza li meta jikkundannaw lil xi ħadd, kemm għat-tislib u kif ukoll għall-mewt bil-vleġeġ, kienu jwaħħlu biċċa njama u fuqha jiktbu l-kundanna l-għaliex din il-persuna qatgħuhielha għall-mewt…

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An encounter that brought a radical change

Quddiesa fil-festa tal-Konverżjoni ta' San Pawl u fl-44 anniversarju tal-parroċċa

  • L-omelija tal-Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea-Curmi


  • Il-Knisja Parrokkjali, Fleur-de-Lys

    25 ta’ Jannar 2019

    Il-festa tal-Konverżjoni ta’ San Pawl hi festa kbira għall-Knisja kollha. Pawlu kien wieħed mill-iktar bnedmin influwenti u figura importanti ħafna fil-Knisja tal-bidu. Imma għalina f’Malta Pawlu jfisser iktar, minħabba li nafu lil Pawlu l-bidu tal-fidi tagħna…

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Video: The Archbishop’s Seminary celebrates its Patron Saint’s Day



  • On Friday, 25th January 2019, The Archbishop’s Minor Seminary celebrated its Patron Saint’s Day. This year’s theme being ‘Be God’s Microphone’, which is a reflection made by Saint Oscar Romero.

    Archbishop Charles SJ. cicluna initiated this special day by first meeting the students from Years 9, 10 and 11. The discussion focused on empowering youths to encourage and build each other up…

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The Gospel of the day: 30th January

  • Readings of the day
  • First Reading: Hebrews 10, 11-18
    Psalm: 109 (110),

    Gospel: Mark 4, 1-20

  • On another occasion, Jesus began to teach by the sea. A very large crowd gathered around him so that he got into a boat on the sea and sat down. And the whole crowd was beside the sea on land…

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‘Stop the repression,’ Venezuelan bishops plead

  • The Justice and Peace Commission of the Venezuelan Bishops’ Conference is calling for an end to violence surrounding protests after Nicolas Maduro claimed to have won a second presidential term in a contested election.

    A communique from the commission draws from words spoken by St. Oscar Romero in its title: “In the name of God and in the name of these suffering people, whose lamentations reach up to heaven…stop the repression.”

    “Since January 22 the repression and violence have been escalated by State security forces and armed bands against people civically protesting,” the document says…

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The Gospel of the day: 29th January

  • Readings of the day
  • First Reading: Hebrews 10, 1-10
    Psalm: 39 (40), 2 & 4ab.7-8a.10.11

    Gospel: Mark 3, 31-35

  • The mother of Jesus and his brothers arrived at the house. Standing outside, they sent word to Jesus and called him. A crowd seated around him told him, “Your mother and your brothers and your sisters are outside asking for you.”

    But he said to them in reply, “Who are my mother and my brothers?” And looking around at those seated in the circle he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers…

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Inauguration of the Judicial Year of the Maltese Ecclesiastical Tribunals

  • The Ecclesiastical Tribunals of Malta and Gozo celebrated the inauguration of the Judicial Year. This inauguration which was at the Archbishop’s Palace in Valletta, was motivated by the desire of Pope Francis that the Church’s tribunals be always more accountable, and ever closer to the faith community they serve.

    This year, the special guest was His Excellency Monsignor Maurice Monier, the Pro-Dean of the Apostolic Tribunal of the Roman Rota who was actively involved in the commission that in recent years reformed canonical procedures for matrimonial nullity through the papal document Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus…

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“There is no justice without the respect for truth” – The Archbishop

The inauguration of the Judicial Year of the Maltese Ecclesiastical Tribunals

  • Message by Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna

  • The Metropolitan Tribunal, Valletta

    23rd January 2019

    I would like first of all to express our gratitude for the work of the tribunals: the judicial vicars of the Regional Tribunal of the Metropolitan Tribunal and the Ecclesiastical Tribunal of Gozo will give us a short run of the great amount of work done by our tribunals which is an important ministry of justice…

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