Monthly Archives: October 2018

Caritas’ reaction on rental market white paper

  • Din il-White Paper tagħti stampa dettaljata u studjata tax-xejriet ekonomiċi u soċjali u l-bidliet fis-suq tal-kera.  Fil-kuntest tal-iżvilupp ekonomiku, din l-istampa tindika żieda fit-talba għal kirjiet privati minħabba, fost oħrajn, żieda fis-separazzjonijiet personali u divorzji; single parenthood, inqas affordabilità ta’ akkomodazzjoni; żieda ta’ ħaddiema barranin; u żieda fit-talbiet għal kiri mit-turiżmu.

    Caritas Malta ilha tesprimi t-tħassib serju tagħha għal persuni f’faxxa tas-socjetà tagħna li m’għandhomx dħul biżżejjed biex ilaħħqu maż-żieda fl-għoli tal-ħajja u wisq iktar maż-żiedet fil-kirjiet privati…

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Bishop Barron on the Synod, ‘nones’, existential peripheries and social media

  • Bishop Robert Barron, auxiliary bishop of Los Angeles, is one of the 266 bishop delegates to the Synod of Bishops on Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment.

    As part three of the proceedings is already underway, and a “writing group” has been elected and charged with composing the Synod’s final document, Bishop Barron speaks of an interesting and enriching experience and of how he has been deeply moved by the testimonies of participants from parts of the world where Christianity is persecuted and oppressed…

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The Gospel of the day: 19th October

  • Saint Luke 12:1-7 

    At that time, so many people were crowding together that they were trampling one another underfoot. Jesus began to speak, first to his disciples, “Beware of the leaven, that is, the hypocrisy, of the Pharisees. There is nothing concealed that will not be revealed, nor secret that will not be known. Therefore whatever you have said in the darkness will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered behind closed doors will be proclaimed on the housetops. 

    I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body but after that can do no more. I shall show you whom to fear…

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Synod Day 15: Becoming digital missionaries

  • Dr Paolo Ruffini, Prefect of the Vatican Dicastery for Communications, started the briefing by listing a number of issues that had been spoken about in the general congregation of the Synod. He said that migration, both internally and externally in countries, was a hotly debated issue. Young people are, he said, concerned about the stewardship of creation. He said that the assembly heard that young people react negatively to corruption in politics…

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In the footsteps of St Aloysius

Omelija waqt Quddiesa f'Jum il-Fondazzjoni tal-Kulleġġ San Alwiġi


  • L-omelija tal-Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea-Curmi


  • Is-Santwarju ta’ Santa Tereża, Birkirkara

    16 ta’ Ottubru 2018


  • San Alwiġi Gonzaga għex biss 23 sena. Ħajja qasira. Hawnhekk hawn xi studenti li qed joqorbu lejn dik l-età; ħafna mill-għalliema ilhom li qabżu dik l-età…

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The Gospel of the day: 18th October

  • Saint Luke, Evangelist – Feast

    Saint Luke 10:1-9 

    The Lord Jesus appointed seventy-two others whom he sent ahead of him in pairs to every town and place he intended to visit. He said to them, “The harvest is abundant but the labourers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out labourers for his harvest. Go on your way; behold, I am sending you like lambs among wolves. Carry no money bag, no sack, no sandals; and greet no one along the way. 

    Into whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace to this household.’ If a peaceful person lives there, your peace will rest on him; but if not, it will return to you. Stay in the same house and eat and drink what is offered to you, for the labourer deserves his payment…

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  • ****

    Direttur:          Ruben Fleischer

    Atturi:              Tom Hardy, Michelle Williams, Riz Ahmed, Scott Haze, Reid Scott,  Jimmy Slate, u Melora Walters

    Ħin tal-Film:    112 min

    Maħruġ minn KRS Releasing Ltd

    KLASSIFIKA TAĊ-ĊENSURA:                 12

    KLASSIFIKA TAL-KNISJA:                      15       

    Waqt esplorazzjoni fl-ispazju biex jinstabu dinjiet ġodda, vettura spazjali mingħajr nies fuqha u li kienet proprjetà  tal-korporazzjoni bijoinġinerija: Life Foundation tiskopri kometa miksija b’life forms simbjotiċi…

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A Star Is Born

  • *****

    Direttur:          Bradley Cooper

    Atturi:              Bradley Cooper, Lady Gaga, Andrew Dice Clay, Sam Elliot, Dave Chappelle,  Anthony Ramos, Bonnie Somerville, Michael Harney u Rafi Gavron

    Ħin tal-Film:    135min

    Maħruġ minn KRS Releasing Ltd

    KLASSIFIKA TAĊ-ĊENSURA:                             15

    KLASSIFIKA TAL-KNISJA:                                  18

    Jackson “Jack” Maine, kantant popolari ta’ mużika western, kien jiġbed eluf ta’ nies għall-kunċerti tiegħu…

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Night School

  • ***

    Direttur:          Malcolm D. Lee

    Atturi:              Kevin Hart, Tiffany Haddish, Rob Riggle, Taran Killam, Romany Malco, Keith David u Loretta Devine

    Ħin tal-Film:    111 min

    Maħruġ minn KRS Releasing Ltd

    KLASSIFIKA TAĊ-ĊENSURA:                 12A

    KLASSIFIKA TAL-KNISJA:                      15

    Fis-sena 2001, l-istudent Teddy Walker ma baqax jattendi aktar skola għax ma kienx kapaċi jikkonċentra waqt l-istudju…

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