Monthly Archives: February 2018

It’s important to tell the story of God’s mercy, says producer of ‘Paul, Apostle of Christ’

  • Jim Caviezel as Luke and James Faulkner as Paul are seen in the film “Paul, Apostle of Christ.” (CNS photo/Sony Pictures)
  • Every story has a message within. So does every movie – and every biblically based movie as well.

    With the new movie “Paul, Apostle of Christ,” Eric Groth, one of the film’s executive producers, said, “it was real important to tell the story of God’s mercy.”

    “His message of love and life and mercy is so important for us today,” Groth said to an invitation-only audience of about 60 at an advance screening of the film at the St John Paul II National Shrine in Washington…

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The Mercy

  • Direttur:          James Marsh

    Atturi:              Colin Firth, Rachel Weisz, David Thewlis, Ken Stott, Jonathan Bailey, Adrian Schiller, Oliver Maltman, Mark Gatiss u Simon McBurney

    Ħin tal-Film:    101 min

    Maħruġ minn KRS Releasing Ltd

    KLASSIFIKA TAĊ-ĊENSURA:                 12A

    KLASSIFIKA TAL-KNISJA:                       12

    Is-sena 1968 tlaqqagħna ma’ Donald Crowhurst, negozjant, kważi fallut u dilettant tal-baħar…

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The Gospel of the day: 22nd February

  • The Chair of Saint Peter, apostle – Feast

    Saint Matthew 16:13-19 

    Jesus went into the region of Caesarea Philippi and he asked his disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” They replied, “Some say John the Baptist, others Elijah, still others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.”

    He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter said in reply, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”

    Jesus said to him in reply, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah…

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Lenten prayer meeting

  • A Lenten prayer meeting is being held tomorrow, Thursday 22nd February 2018, at 6.30pm, at the Greek Catholic Church of Our Lady of Damascus, in Archbishop Street, Valletta. The theme of the meeting is: “Repent. Turn to the Lord”.

    A Taizé community will chant hymns to help those present enter into the atmosphere of Lent. Individuals are invited to bring with them a short biblical passage which reminds them of Lent or is important for them during Lent…

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Updated: Archbishop Scicluna admitted to hospital in Chile

  • Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna was hospitalised in San Carlos de Apoquindo Hospital, in Santiago, Chile, and is undergoing surgery on the gallbladder. 

  • Updated at 18:00 with the medical bulletin issued by the San Carlos de Apoquindo Catholic University Hospital

  • With reference to the current state of health of Archbishop Charles J…

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Applications for Church School entries for ‘Other Applicants’

  • Il‑Bord tad‑Dħul fl‑Iskejjel tal‑Knisja qed jilqa’ applikazzjonijiet tard skont il‑Kriterju ‘Applikanti Oħra’ għad‑dħul fl‑iskejjel tal‑Knisja fl‑ewwel sena kindergarten, it‑tieni sena kindergarten, l‑ewwel sena primarja u l‑ewwel sena sekondarja, għas‑sena skolastika 2018‑2019.  Wieħed jista’ japplika onlajn fuq sa nhar il‑Ħamis, 28 ta’ Frar 2018, jew imur il‑Kurja tal‑Arċisqof, il‑Furjana jew fl‑iskola St Michael, Santa Venera, nhar il‑Ħamis, 28 ta’ Frar 2018, bejn id‑9:00 a.m…

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‘Give us O Lord a heart that is humble, repentant and open to others’ – The Vicar General

The Vicar General celebrates Mass during a Lenten retreat for Curia, Caritas and Ecclesiastical Tribunal employees

  • Omelija tal-Vigarju Ġenerali Mons. Joe Galea Curmi
  • Knisja tal-Bon Kunsill, San Ġiljan
    16 ta’ Frar 2018

    Papa Franġisku, meta kien għadu mhux Papa u kien Arċisqof ta’ Buenos Aires, l-Arġentina, kien ippubblika ktieb bi ħsibijiet li għamel, bl-isem It-Triq tal-Umiltà. Il-Korruzzjoni u d-Dnub. U kompla din ir-riflessjoni f’diversi ċirkustanzi f’dawn il-ħames snin li ilu Papa, fosthom fl-omelija li għamel fil-kappella Santa Marta bħal-bieraħ ġimgħa…

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The Apostolic Nuncio meets the Speaker of the House of Representatives

  • While receving Apostolic Nuncio, Monsignor Alessandro D’Errico, on a courtesy visit, Speaker Dr Anglu Farrugia said that Malta respects the value of the human life from its inception.

    Speaker Farrugia and Monsignor D’Errico recalled the excellent and cordial relations that exist between Malta and the Holy See and emphasised the importance of Christian values, which are regrettably being put aside in lieu of economic figures and numbers…

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The Gospel of the day: 21st February

  • Saint Luke 11:29-32 

    While still more people gathered in the crowd, Jesus said to them, “This generation is an evil generation; it seeks a sign, but no sign will be given it, except the sign of Jonah. Just as Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites, so will the Son of Man be to this generation. 

    At the judgement the queen of the south will rise with the men of this generation and she will condemn them, because she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and there is something greater than Solomon here. 

    At the judgement the men of Nineveh will arise with this generation and condemn it, because at the preaching of Jonah they repented, and there is something greater than Jonah here.” 

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Archbishop Scicluna in Chile to hear testimony in the Barros case

  • The Chilean bishops have released information about the visit of Archbishop Scicluna in Chile, who has been tasked with gathering information concerning the case of Bishop Juan Barros of Osorno.
  • The Chilean Episcopal Conference (Cech), has released some details regarding the presence in Chile, in recent days of Charles Scicluna, archbishop of Malta and President of the College for the examination of appeals (in matters of delicta graviora) for the Ordinary Session of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith…

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