Monthly Archives: December 2017

Sisters of Charity presented with the Dun Mikiel Azzopardi Award 2017

  • The Dun Mikiel Azzopardi Award 2017 was presented to the Sisters of Charity in recognition of and appreciation for the fifty years of service at Id-Dar tal-Providenza. Sr Natalie Abela, Maltese delegate for the Malta-Italy Province together with Sr Lorenza Borg, Superior of the community of Sisters that work at Id-Dar tal-Providenza.

    This was announced by Fr Martin Micallef, Director of the Home, during a concert by the band of the Armed Forces of Malta at St John’s Co-Cathedral under the distinguished patronage of the President of the Republic, Mrs Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca and H.G…

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The Archbishop’s homily to the adolescents in Żurrieq who received their Confirmation

  • Omelija tal-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna
  • Knisja Parrokkjali, iż-Żurrieq

    12 ta’ Novembru 2017

    Ftit ħsibijiet u nixtieqkom toqgħodu attenti u tisimgħuni. L-ewwel nett nirringrazzjakom mill-ġdid, għeżież żgħażagħ, li ġejtu hawn illejla mal-parrini tagħkom u mal-ġenituri, biex qabel tirċievu l-Ispirtu s-Santu bħala Nsara adulti kif għadni kif iddikjaratkom, iġġeddu l-wegħdiet tal-Magħmudija.

    Meta tgħammidtu kontu trabi, ma tiftakrux l-Magħmudija tagħkom…

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Preparations under way for The Feast of Generosity in aid of Dar tal-Providenza

  • Details were given on the 22nd edition of the Feast of Generosity that takes place every New Year’s Day. It is organised by Id-Dar tal-Providenza, together with RTK Radio, primarily to raise funds so that it can continue to provide and improve on the services it offers.

    Fr Martin Micallef, Director of Id-Dar tal-Providenza, explained the four main reasons behind the Feast of Generosity: to meet up with the residents, to see the capital projects, to raise the much needed funds but more importantly to spread the Home’s message that society has to respect persons with disability, treat them with the dignity they deserve and offer them choices and opportunities that everyone has a right to enjoy…

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Pope tells Christians that Mass gives meaning to Sundays

  • Pope Francis told the faithful on Wednesday that missing out on Mass on Sundays means missing out an encounter with the Lord.

    Speaking to those present in the Paul VI Hall for the weekly General Audience, the Pope reflected on the question: “why go to Mass on Sunday?”

    Continuing his catechesis on the Eucharist Pope Francis reminded Christians that we go to Mass on Sunday to meet the resurrected Lord – or better still – “to let ourselves be welcomed by Him, to hear His word, eat at His table, and by his grace fulfil our mission as members of the Mystical Body of the Church.”      

    Sunday is a holy day

    He said Sunday is a holy day for Christians, and it is rendered holy by the celebration of the eucharist which is the living presence of the Lord amongst us…

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The Man Who Invented Christmas

  • Direttur:          Bharat Nalluri                 

    Atturi:              Dan Stevens, Christopher Plummer, Jonathan Pryce, Simon Callow, Donald Sumpter, Miiam Margolyes, Morfydd Clark u Justin Edwards

    Ħin tal-Film:    104 min

    Maħruġ minn KRS Releasing Ltd

    KLASSIFIKA TAĊ-ĊENSURA:                 PG

    KLASSIFIKA TAL-KNISJA:                      PG

    Ninsabu fis-sena 1843, fejn niltaqgħu ma’ Charles Dickens li qiegħed jagħmel ħiltu kollha biex jerġa’ jikseb il-popolarità u l-fama li kien gawda għal tant snin qabel meta rnexxielu bin-novelli tiegħu, isir wieħed mill-aħjar kittieba ta’ żmienu.  Sfortunatament, l-aħħar tliet novelli li kiteb xejn ma marru tajjeb tant li beda jinkwieta ħafna minħabba li bdew jonqsu l-flus…

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The Disaster Artist

  • ***

    Direttur:          James Franco

    Atturi:              James Franco, Dave Franco, Seth Rogen, Alison Brie, Ari Graynor, Josh Hutcherson, Jacki Weaver, Zac Efron, Hannibal Buress u Andrew Santino

    Ħin tal-Film:    105 min

    Maħruġ minn KRS Releasing Ltd

    KLASSIFIKA TAĊ-ĊENSURA:                 15

    KLASSIFIKA TAL-KNISJA:                      18

    Fl-1998, ġewwa San Francisco, Greg Sestero, żagħżugħ attur, kien jittama li xi darba jsir attur famuż…

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  • *****

    Direttur:          Stephen Chbosky

    Atturi:              Julia Roberts, Owen Wilson, Jacob Tremblay, Mandy Patinkin, Daveeed Diggs, Isabela Vidovic, Gidget, Noah Jupe, Nadji Jeter, Millie Davis u Danielle Rose Russell

    Maħruġ minn KRS Releasing LTD

    KLASSIFIKA TAĊ-ĊENSURA:                 PG

    KLASSIFIKA TAL-KNISJA:                      PG

    Film mill-isbaħ li jlaqqagħna ma’ August “Auggie” Pullman, tifel ta’ għaxar snin li twieled bis-sindrome Treacher Collins, sindrome li kien jisfigura l-wiċċ…

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The Lord heals us through the faith of our friends – The Archbishop

The Archbishop celebrates a thanksgiving Mass on the 125th anniversary since the opening of St Vincent de Paul Residence

  • Omelija tal-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna
  • Residenza San Vinċenz de Paule, Ħal Luqa

    11 ta’ Diċembru 2017

    L-Evanġelju li għadu kemm qara Fr Ivan Scicluna għandu frażi sabiħa ħafna li tgħidilna li f’Ġesù kien hemm il-qawwa ta’ Alla biex tfejjaq. Il-kliem eżatt huwa: “Il-qawwa t’Alla kienet fih biex ifejjaq” (Lq 5, 17)…

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Photos: The Archbishop’s Pastoral Visit at Burmarrad Parish

  • Bejn is-Sibt 9 u l-Ħadd 10 ta’ Diċembru 2017 l-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna għamel Viżta Pastorali fil-Parroċċa tal-Qalb bla Tebgħa ta’ Marija, Burmarrad.

    Waqt il-Viżta Pastorali, l-Arċisqof kellu l-opportunità jiltaqa’ mat-tfal, l-adolexxenti, il-familji żgħażagħ u l-patrijiet Franġiskani Konventwali tal-parroċċa. Mons. Arcisqof iltaqa’ wkoll mal-komunità ta’ Burmarrad waqt laqgħa soċjali fil-każin tal-futbol ta’ Burmarrad F.C.

  • Ritratti: Uffiċċju Komunikazzjoni Kurja

  • Ir-ritratti kollha huma aċċessibbli fuq il-websajt tar-Ritratti Uffiċjali tal-Knisja f’Malta…

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Theology students collect €1,200 in aid of Dar Ħosea

  • Waqt l-attività annwali fuq il-kampus tal-Università, The Orange Campaign, l-Għaqda Studenti tat-Teoloġija (Għ.S.T.) rnexxielha tiġbor €1,200 mill-bejgħ tal-għasir tal-larinġ, liema flus se jmorru għal Dar Ħosea, li tagħti appoġġ lil nisa vulnerabbli li jkunu rrikorrew għall-prostituzzjoni. 

    The Orange Campaign saret fuq medda ta’ jumejn: mit-Tnejn 4 sat-Tlieta 5 ta’ Diċembru 2017.

    Fost il-persuni li żaru l-attività u anke taw daqqa t’id kien hemm il-President ta’ Malta, Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, l-Arċisqof Charles J…

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