Monthly Archives: December 2017

Christmas message to emigrants by Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna

  • Message by Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna
  • St Paul’s Cathedral, Mdina

    24th December 2017

    It is with great joy that I address you on this holy night, my beloved Maltese and Gozitan brothers and sisters. On this night, the Lord invites us to move ever closer to him. His name ‘Jesus’ means that our salvation is God’s most profound wish for us, while another of the names attributed to him, Immanu-El underscores his thirst to be with us, God with us…

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Irid ikollna r-rieda li nilqgħu lil Ġesù f’qalbna – L-Arċisqof

Il-messaġġ tal-Arċisqof waqt 'Milied Flimkien'

  • Il-messaġġ tal-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna
  • Milied Flimkien, il-Belt Valletta

    23 ta’ Diċembru 2017

    Għażiża President ta’ Malta, Onorevoli Prim Ministru u Sinjura Muscat, Sur Speaker u Sinjura Farrugia, u anke lil Dr Delia u lil Dr Vella de Fremaux,

    L-ewwel nett nirringrazzjakom ħafna tal-istedina biex inwassal messaġġ tal-okkażjoni li jrid ikun messaġġ reliġjuż…

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Live: The Liturgical Celebrations during Christmas time

  • Lejlet il-Milied – Il-Quddiesa ta’ Nofsillejl
  • Nhar il-Ħadd, 24 ta’ Diċembru 2017, lejlet il-Milied, fil-11:00 p.m., l‑Arċisqof ser imexxi t‑talba tal‑Liturġija tas‑Sigħat fil‑Quddiesa ta’ Nofsillejl fis‑Solennità tat‑Twelid ta’ Sidna Ġesù Kristu, fil‑Katidral tal‑Imdina.

  • Nhar il-Milied – Quddiesa fis‑Solennità tat‑Twelid ta’ Sidna Ġesù Kristu
  • Nhar it-Tnejn, 25 ta’ Diċembru 2017, nhar il-Milied, fl-10:30 a.m., l‑Arċisqof ser jiċċelebra Quddiesa Pontifikali fis‑Solennità tat‑Twelid ta’ Sidna Ġesù Kristu, fil‑Konkatidral ta’ San Ġwann, il‑Belt Valletta…

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“Il-Mulej qed jistedinna biex infittxuh qalb il-geġwiġija tal-Milied” – L-Arċisqof

The Archbishop delivers his Christmas greetings to Curia employees and representatives of entities of the Archdiocese of Malta

  • Il-messaġġ tal-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna
  • Il-Kurja tal-Arċisqof, il-Furjana
    22 ta’ Diċembru 2017

    Għeżież, l-ewwel nett nixtieq nirringrazzjakom tal-preżenza tagħkom u tal-fatt li b’mod ġentili ħafna li napprezza, aċċettajtu l-istedina tiegħi li niltaqgħu flimkien u nawguraw lil xulxin. Nispera li ħadt b’idejn kulħadd, forsi anke darba, darbtejn, għax f’ġimagħtejn inħawwad jekk sellimtx lil kulħadd…

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JRS Malta launches publication on best practices to prevent racism and xenophobia

  • I Get You: Refugees and citizens together against racism and xenophobia

    Community building initiatives, which bring people together to share experiences and get to know each other, promote the social inclusion of forced migrants and counter racism and xenophobia in society.
    This is the main conclusion of ‘I Get You’, a project led by JRS Europe, with national partners in eight countries, which mapped and evaluated civil society initiatives to learn from them how best to help refugees to rebuild their lives, while strengthening the community…

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  • Ġentilment ninfurmawkom li minn għada s-Sibt, 23 ta’ Diċembru 2017, sat-Tlieta, 2 ta’ Jannar 2018 (iż-żewġ ġranet inklużi), il-Kurja tal-Arcisqof u l-uffiċċji tal-Caritas, il-Furjana, u t-Tribunal Ekkleżjastiku, il-Belt Valletta, ser ikunu magħluqa.

    Il-Kurja, il-Caritas u t-Tribunal jiftħu mill-ġdid nhar l-Erbgħa, 3 ta’ Jannar 2018. 

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Why go to Sunday Mass?

  • Dear Brothers and Sisters, good morning!

    Taking up the series of catecheses on the Mass, today we ask ourselves: Why go to Mass on Sunday?

    The Sunday celebration of the Eucharist is at the center of the life of the Church (Cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church, n…

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Pope takes 27 candidates a step closer to sainthood‎

  • Pope Francis took 27 men and women a step closer to sainthood.  The Pope received Card. Angelo Amato, the Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints and authorized him to promulgate 12 decrees regarding 22 men and 5 women from as many as 8 nations.  They concern 3 miracles, a martyrdom and 8 heroic virtues.  Nineteen candidates, including 3 miracles and the martyrdom of 16,  have been cleared for Beatification, the penultimate stage before Canonization or sainthood…

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Join us this Christmas

  • The Liturgical Celebrations during the Christmas season will be streamed live on the YouTube Channel of The Church in Malta. 

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Maltese artistic crib inaugurated in Bethlehem

  • Il-presepju artistiku Malti, maħluq minn Manwel Grech u mit-team tiegħu, ġie armat fil-Pjazza tal-Maxtura, quddiem il-Knisja ta’ Santa Katerina. Dan il-presepju hu xhud tat-talent lokali Malti u qed iġib il-kultura Maltija eqreb ta’ komunitajiet barranin.

    Hu stmat li tliet miljun turist fis-sena jżuru Betlem u ħafna minn dawn iż-żjarat isiru proprju fi żmien il-Milied.

    Il-presepju għandu sbatax-il pastur, kollha b’kostum Malti, u għandu elementi Maltin fosthom ir-rieqed, l-għaġeb, ix-xabbatur u San Ġorġ Preca…

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