Monthly Archives: November 2017

Vatican Museums to organise joint art shows with China

  • As a gesture of openness, cooperation and “cultural diplomacy,” the Vatican Museums have organised two joint art exhibitions with China.

    “It is the first time ever the Pope’s museums have organised an exhibit in the People’s Republic of China,” Barbara Jatta, director of the Vatican Museums, told reporters at a Vatican news conference on November 21.

    Art, with its “beauty, is an exceptional vehicle for dialogue” in every corner of the world because it is “without fear, without barriers,” she said…

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The fifth anniversary of the episcopal ordination of the Archbishop and the launch of ‘Kelma ta’ Ħabib’

    • Nhar il‑Ġimgħa, 24 ta’ Novembru 2017, hu l‑ħames anniversarju tal‑ordinazzjoni episkopali tal‑Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna. Għal dan il‑għan, il‑Knisja tħeġġeġ lill‑Insara biex dakinhar jitolbu għal Mons. Arċisqof biex il‑Mulej jagħtih l‑għajnuna meħtieġa fil‑qadi tal‑ministeru tiegħu bħala r‑Ragħaj tal‑Knisja f’Malta.

      Dakinhar tal‑anniversarju, fis‑6:30 p.m., l‑Arċisqof ser jiċċelebra Quddiesa fil‑Knisja Arċipretali tal‑Mosta, fil‑bidu tal‑Assemblea Djoċesana 2017. Kulħadd hu mistieden jingħaqad mal‑Arċisqof għal din il‑Quddiesa…

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Seek out a community where you can deepen your faith – The Archbishop to the adolescents who received their Confirmation in Siggiewi

  • Omelija tal-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna
  • Knisja Parrokkjali, is-Siġġiewi

    5 ta’ Novembru 2017

    Aħna għadna kemm għamilnielkom kuraġġ qabel iġġeddu għażla. Din l-għażla għamluha f’isimkom il-ġenituri tagħkom meta ġabukom trabi fil-knisja biex titgħammdu. Intom ma tiftakrux, jew kontu reqdin, jew tibku, waħda minn dawn it-tnejn. Imma dakinhar il-ġenituri tagħkom ġabukom il-knisja biex titgħammdu fl-isem tal-Missier u tal-Iben u tal-Ispirtu s-Santu…

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The Gospel of the day: 22nd November

  • Saint Luke 19:11-28 

    While people were listening to Jesus speak, he proceeded to tell a parable because he was near Jerusalem and they thought that the Kingdom of God would appear there immediately. 

    So he said, “A nobleman went off to a distant country to obtain the kingship for himself and then to return. He called ten of his servants and gave them ten gold coins and told them, ‘Engage in trade with these until I return.’ His fellow citizens, however, despised him and sent a delegation after him to announce, ‘We do not want this man to be our king.’ 

    But when he returned after obtaining the kingship, he had the servants called, to whom he had given the money, to learn what they had gained by trading. The first came forward and said, ‘Sir, your gold coin has earned ten additional ones.’ He replied, ‘Well done, good servant! …

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Pope names Brazilian cardinal as relator general of Youth Synod

  • Pope Francis has chosen Brazil’s Cardinal Sérgio da Rocha to serve as relator general of next year’s Synod of Bishops on youth.

    The nomination of the 58-year-old Archbishop of Brasilia was announced at the Vatican on November 18. The relator is responsible for providing a comprehensive outline of the synod’s theme at the beginning of the meeting and for summarising the speeches of synod members before work begins on concrete proposals for the pope…

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Photos: The Archbishop meets nuns as part of the Pastoral Visit in Cospicua

  • It-Tnejn, 20 ta’ Novembru 2017, waqt il-viżta pastorali fost il-komunità Bormliża, l-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna żar il-kongregazzjonijiet tas-sorijiet fil-Parroċċa tal-Immakulata Kunċizzjoni.

    Fil-Monasteru Santa Margerita, l-Arċisqof iltaqa’ mas-sorijiet Kermelitani Tereżjani tal-klawsura waqt li fil-Kunvent tas-sorijiet Ursolini, Mons. Arċisqof żar lis-sorijiet Ursolini kif ukoll lill-Franġiskani u lill-Missjunarji tal-Karità.

  • Agħfas hawn biex tara r-ritratti kollha tal-laqgħa tal-Arċisqof mas-sorijiet f’Bormla…

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The Gospel of the day: 21st November

  • The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary – Feast

    Saint Matthew 12:46-50 

    While he was still speaking to the people, behold, his mother and his brothers stood outside, asking to speak to him. 

    But he replied to the man who told him, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” 

    And stretching out his hand toward his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother, and sister, and mother.”

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“We need to continue working for a beautiful social environment for our youth and children” – The Archbishop

The Archbishop celebrates Mass at Cospicua Parish Church as part of his pastoral visit in Cospicua

  • Omelija tal-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna
  • Knisja Parrokkjali ta’ Bormla

    19 ta’ Novembru 2017

    Ippermettuli nagħti tislima speċjali lir-respettabbli Sindku fl-okkażjoni anke ta’ Jum Bormla. Insellem ukoll lill-kunsilliera u lill-membri kollha tas-soċjetà ċivili.

    Nixtieq noffri riflessjoni ċkejkna u qasir. Ilbieraħ bdejt ingawdi din il-knisja sabiħa b’patrimonju straordinajru, fl-idjoma bl-arkitettura Barokka, li għat-8 ta’ Diċembru, ta’ kull sena, titlibbes b’mod tassew meraviljuż u hija l-għaxqa u l-kburija tal-Bormliżi kollha…

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Photos: Pope Francis eats with the poor

  • Pope Francis celebrated Mass on Sunday – the XXXIII Sunday in Ordinary Time and the first-ever World Day of the Poor – in St Peter’s Basilica. The Holy Father announced the World Day of the Poor during the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy, and entrusted its organization and promotion to the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization.

    There were some 4 thousand needy people in the congregation for the Mass, after which Pope Francis offered Sunday lunch in the Paul VI Hall…

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Justice League

  • *****

    Direttur:         Zack Snyder

    Atturi:             Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Gal Gadot, Ezra Miller, Jason Mamoa, Ray Fisher, Jeremy Irons, Diane Lane, J. K. Simmons u Connie Nielsen

    Ħin tal-film:    120 min

    Maħruġ minn KRS Releasing Ltd

    KLASSIFIKA TAĊ-ĊENSURA:               12A

    KLASSIFIKA TAL-KNISJA:                    12A

    Waqt li d-Dinja għada tħoss it-telfa tas-superman li kien maħsub li miet fl-avventuri li seħħew f’Batman vs Superman: Dawn of  Justice, Bruce Wayne: Batman, qiegħed jiffaċċja  inkwiet serju.  Wayne hu l-mexxej u l-benefattur ta’ grupp ta’ meta-umani, sinjur u jmexxi l-Wayne Enterprises, jiddedika ħafna minn ħinu jħares il-belt ta’ Gotham minn kriminalità organizzata…

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