Monthly Archives: May 2017

“Being with Jesus is knowing how much he loves you” – Archbishop in Naxxar

Archbishop Scicluna starts his pastoral visit in Naxxar and celebrates mass with the community

    Omelija tal-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna
  • Bidu tal-viżta pastorali

    Knisja Parrokkjali, in-Naxxar

    20 ta’ Mejju 2017

    F’dan l-Evanġelju Ġesù jkellem lill-ġenerazzjoni tagħna, lil dawk l-Insara li jħossu l-preżenza tiegħu mhux bħalma ħassewha dawk li kien jgħix magħhom qabel il-passjoni, il-mewt u l-qawmien tiegħu, imma l-ġenerazzjoni li ġew wara l-qawmien mill‑imwiet tiegħu…

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Frenċ tal-Għarb house opens its doors to public

  • Fl-okkażjoni tal-50 sena mill-mewt ta’ Franġisk Mercieca, jew kif inhu magħruf bħala Frenċ tal-Għarb, id-dar tiegħu, li tinsab fit-triq iddedikata għalih, ilbieraħ infetħet għall-pubbliku mingħajr ħlas.   Id-dar hi mimlija b’diversi oġġetti u memorji ta’ Frenċ u f’daru stess filgħodu, ġie rreċtat ukoll ir-rużarju.   Bħala parti miċ-ċelebrazzjonijiet ta’ dan l-anniversarju, fis-7pm saret quddiesa għal ruħ Frenċ, fil-Knisja Parrokkjali u Bażilika tal-Gharb, segwita b’serata kommemorattiva fi Pjazzetta Nikol G…
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COMECE met with Pope Francis

  • Pope Francis met COMECE Standing Committee in Santa Martha at the Vatican last Tuesday in preparation of “Rethinking Europe”, the major high-level Forum of Dialogue that COMECE is organizing in collaboration with the Holy See in Rome between 27-29 October 2017, marking the 60th anniversary of the signature of the Treaty of Rome.   During a two-days visit to Rome and the Vatican City, COMECE Standing Committee met several European and Vatican authorities in order to discuss the main challenges of the European Union and the ways the Church can support the European project in a moment in which Europe itself seems to be at a crossroads…
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Pastoral Visit by the Archbishop at Naxxar Parish

  • Għada s-Sibt, 20 ta’ Mejju 2017, l-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna se jibda l-viżta pastorali fil-Parroċċa tan-Naxxar, fejn se jiltaqa’ mat-tfal u ż-żgħażagħ tal-parroċċa, ma’ dawk involuti fil-festa, u mal-operaturi pastorali u l-katekisti fil-komunità tan-Naxxar fost l-oħrajn.

    Hawn taħt tista’ taqra l-messaġġ u tara l-programm tal-Arċisqof Scicluna lill-parruċċani tan-Naxxar.

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Commemorating the 30th anniversary of the death of Mgr Mikiel Azzopardi

  • Catholic Action members, residents and friends of Id-Dar tal-Providenza attended a Eucharistic Celebration at the Home’s chapel to commemorate the thirtieth anniversary of the death of Mons Mikiel Azzopardi.  Dun Mikiel, as he was popularly referred to, was born in Valletta on February 10th, 1910 and died on May 13th, 1987. This Catholic Action initiative started eight years ago and has since become an annual event…

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The path of the Holy Family’s exile in Egypt to become a UNESCO site

  • “The Path of the Holy Family,” the route tradition says was taken when Mary and Joseph fled with Jesus to Egypt to escape Herod, is about to earn its place on the map of UNESCO’s World Heritage sites. This is what Adel Gindy, general head of the international relations of the Egyptian tourism development Authority reported to national media.

    Such a designation would be seen as a boon to tourism in a country that has suffered a steep decline in visitors because of terrorism and instability in the region…

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The Archdiocese of Baltimore speaks ahead of Netflix series on murdered nun

  • No one knows who killed Sister Catherine Ann Cesnik.

    A young nun who was on a year’s leave of absence, Sister Cathy, as friends called her, was murdered sometime while running an errand on the evening of November 7, 1969. She was 26 years-old.  

    Her body was found in a dump two months later, though authorities have never been able to identify her killer…

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Pilgrimage in Msida with the titular painting of St Joseph

  • Biex jitfakkru l-150 sena mit-twaqqif tal-Parroċċa tal-Imsida, nhar id-19 ta’ kull xahar, il-parroċċa qed togranizza attività marbuta mal-qaddis patrun tagħha San Ġużepp.

    Filfatt, għada l-Ġimgħa, 19 ta’ Mejju 2017, se jsir pellegrinaġġ bl-inkwatru titulari ta’ San Ġużepp b’Ġesù maġenbu. Dan hu l-istess inkwatru li normalment jintrama wara l-artal maġġur fil-knisja.

    Il-pellegrinaġġ se jibda b’quddiesa fis-6pm, li se tkun iċċelebrata mill-provinċjal tal-Franġiskani Minuri Patri Richard Grech, bis-sehem tal-orkestra u l-kor tat-tfal Shalom…

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Pope urges Macron to strengthen France’s Christian roots

  • Pope Francis sent a telegram to the new President of France, Emmanuel Macron, offering his prayers and wishes that in his new role, he will support the rich moral and spiritual traditions of the country, including that of Christianity.

    “I pray that God support you so that your country, faithful to the rich diversity of its moral traditions and its spiritual heritage marked also by the Christian tradition, may always endeavor to build a more just and fraternal society,” said Pope Francis…

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Malta participates in a Catholic European meeting for deaf persons

  • A Maltese delegation made up of Fr Martin Micallef, Director of Id-Dar tal-Providenza,  Mr Natalino Psaila, a deaf person, and Mrs Rita Portelli, interpreter of the Maltese Sign Language, took part in the second Catholic European meeting for Deaf persons that took place in the city of Prague in the Czech Republic.

    This bi-annual meeting is meant for representatives of the Catholic Church in European countries, who are involved in pastoral work with deaf persons, to meet up and share experiences, projects as well as difficulties encountered with in their respective countries…

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