Monthly Archives: May 2017

“Draw this young parish community closer to God” – The Archbishop to the new parish priest of Pembroke

The Archbishop celebrates Mass on the installation of the new parish priest of Pembroke

  • Pussess tal-Kappillan Dun Reuben Micallef

    Parroċċa ta’ Pembroke

    21 ta’ Mejju 2017

    Għażiż Kappillan, Dun Reuben, Eċċellenza, għeżież membri ta’ din il-komunità u anke ħbieb ta’ Fr Reuben, mhux biss nilqagħkom imma huwa ta’ ferħ kbir għalija li nkun magħkom, naqsam magħkom din il-kelma ta’ Alla li għadna kemm smajna…

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The Catholic Church condemns Manchester’s terror attack

  • Pope Francis has sent a telegram expressing condolences to the victims of Monday night’s bombing of a concert venue in Manchester, England, and condemning the attack, in which at least 22 people were killed and 59 thers injured.

    Please find the full text of the telegram, below:

    His Holiness Pope Francis was deeply saddened to learn of the injury and tragic loss of life caused by the barbaric attack in Manchester, and he expresses his heartfelt solidarity with all those affected by this senseless act of violence…

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“He who preaches the word of God must give his life to preach it anytime and anywhere ” – Archbishop to seminarians who received the Ministry of Lector

The Archbishop celebrates Mass and gives the Ministry of the Lectorate to four seminarians

  • Omelija tal-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna

  • Is-Seminarju, Tal-Virtu, ir-Rabat

    19 ta’ Mejju 2017

    “Kull ma smajt mingħand Missieri, jiena għarraftulkom” (Ġw 15, 15).  L-ewwel atteġġjament li juża’ Ġesù, kull Nisrani, biex jiddeskrivi lilu nifsu, huwa l-atteġġjament tas-smigħ: “Kull ma smajt mingħand Missieri”.

    Dan l-atteġġjament huwa atteġġjament ta’ ubbidjenza. “Fil-bidu tal-ktieb hemm miktub fuqi biex jiena nagħmel ir-rieda tiegħu”…

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Regarding the advert published by Maltese Catholics United for the Faith

  • The Archdiocese of Malta categorically states that, while respecting the right of freedom of expression of every person or any other entity, it is not in any way involved with the propoganda by the Maltese Catholics United for the Faith.

    The Archdiocese of Malta conveys the teaching of the Church without resorting to any other name, and encourages everyone to fulfil their duty responsibly on the 3rd June, as outlined by the Bishops of Malta and Gozo in their Pastoral Letter for the General Elections 2017

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Philippines bans rosaries, icons on car dashboards

  • The Philippine authorities have banned hanging rosaries and religious icons off car dashboards because of safety concerns, prompting an outcry from the Catholic Church, which insists these items offer divine intervention on the nation’s chaotic roads.

    The ban, which will take effect on Friday (May 26), is part of a wide-ranging new law aimed at eliminating distractions for drivers…

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Pope highlights effects of unemployment on families

  • Pope Francis on Saturday highlighted the serious problem of unemployment. His words came during a meeting with participants attending an International Conference of the Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice Foundation which has been taking place in Rome this week.

    The Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice Foundation is a lay-led non-profit-organisation whose purpose it is to promote Catholic Social Doctrine. And is was on Saturday that Pope Francis met with those attending an international conference in the Vatican where he highlighted the fight against poverty and what he called the “grave problem” of unemployment…

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The Archbishop asks: “At the end of the day have I loved as Jesus loved us?”

The Archbishop celebrates Mass in Naxxar Parish Church as part of the pastoral visit in Naxxar

  • Omelija tal-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna
  • Knisja Parrokkjali, in-Naxxar

    21 ta’ Mejju 2017

    Hemm wegħda li Ġesù jagħmlilna llum li ta’ min naħsbu fuqha: “Inħobbu u nurih lili nnifsi” (Ġw 14, 21). Lil min jagħmilha din il-wegħda? Jagħmilha lil min  jipprova, minkejja d-dgħufija tiegħu, iżomm il-kmandamenti tiegħu. “Minn iżomm il-kmandamenti tiegħi u jħarishom, dak hu li jħobbni; u min iħobb lili, iħobbu wkoll il-Missier, u jien wkoll inħobbu u nurih lili nnifsi” (v…

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In surprise ‘mercy Friday’ visit, Pope Francis blesses homes of Rome’s poor

  • On Friday Pope Francis made a Year-of-Mercy style visit to a poor neighborhood on the outskirts of Rome, blessing the houses of a dozen people, as parish priests do every year during the Easter season.

    According to a May 19 Vatican communique, the Pope wanted to continue the “Mercy Friday” visits he made during the Jubilee of Mercy, which are signs “inspired by the corporal and spiritual works of mercy” he performed during the Holy Year…

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Pope calls consistory to create new cardinals

  • Pope Francis on Sunday announced a consistory for the creation of new Cardinals. He made the announcement at the end of the Regina Caeli in St Peter’s Square.

    The new Cardinals come from Mali, Spain, Sweden, Laos and El Salvador. The Consistory will take place on June 28th.

    Find below the list of new Cardinal designates:

    Archbishop Jean Zerbo of Bamako, Mali…

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