Monthly Archives: September 2016

Deepwater Horizon

  • ***

    Direttur: Peter Berg

    Atturi: Mark Wahlberg, Dylan O’Brien, Kate Hudson, Kurt Russell

    Ħin: 107 minuti

    Maħruġ minn KRS Releasing Limited

    Klassifika tal-Gvern: 12A

    Klassifika tal-Knisja: 12A

    Grupp ta’ nies li jaħdmu fuq oil rig tal-BP iħejju biex jerġgħu lura wara li qattgħu xi żmien mal-familji tagħhom…

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Pope: overcome spiritual desolation through prayer, not pills or drink

  • Pope Francis said silence and prayer is the way to overcome our darkest moments, rather than resorting to pills or alcoholic drinks to escape from our woes. His comments came during his homily at the morning Mass celebrated on Tuesday at the Santa Marta residence. 

    Taking his cue from the day’s first reading where Job was living through a spiritual desolation and was giving vent to his sorrows before God, the Pope’s homily focused on these dark moments of spiritual desolation that all of us experience at some point and explained how we can overcome them…

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The Gospel of the day: 28th September

  • Saint Luke 9:57-62
    As Jesus and His disciples were proceeding on their journey someone said to him, “I will follow you wherever you go.” Jesus answered him, “Foxes have dens and birds of the sky have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to rest his head.” And to another he said, “Follow me.” But he replied, “Lord, let me go first and bury my father.” But he answered him, “Let the dead bury their dead…

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“God is not calling you to be successful, but to be faithful” – The Archbishop

Archbishop's message on the Day of Christian Teaching with catechists and teachers of Religion at the start of a new catechetical year

  • Nhar l-Erbgħa 28 ta’ Settembru 2016, l-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna għamel Diskors f’Jum it-Tagħlim Nisrani mal-katekisti u l-għalliema tar-Reliġjon li se jibdew sena kateketika ġdida. Il-laqgħa saret fis-Santwarju Ħniena Divina, in-Naxxar.    L-Arċisqof semma’ diversi punti importanti dwar il-viżjoni ta’ kif katekist għandu jgħallem u jaġixxi matul il-formazzjoni tat-tfal li qed jgħallem. Fosthom, il-katekist għandu:   
    • Jattira lit-tfal b’dak li jattirahom
    • Jiffoka l-katekeżi tiegħu fuq id-dover ċiviku
    • Iwassal katekeżi bħala esperjenza ta’ fejqan
    • Iwassal lit-tfal bl-imħabba, il-ħniena ta’ Alla
    • Jirrakkonta b’ħeġġa stejjer ta’ qaddisin martri żgħażagħ
    • Ikun konxju mid-dgħufija tiegħu, tal-Knisja u tat-tfal li jgħallem
    • Jgħin lit-tfal jiżviluppaw intelliġenza li turi kompassjoni lejn ħaddieħor
    • Ma jiġġudikax is-sitwazzjoni tal-familji tat-tfal, imma minflok ipoġġi l-imħabba

      Message by Archbishop Charles J…

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Course for Couples: ‘Raġel u Mara Ħalaqhom’

  • For better, for ever – the secret to living your marriage vows ‘happily ever after’

    In a contemporary world where even the definition of ‘marriage’ is unclear, is it possible for a couple to live their marriage vows ‘happily ever after’? 

    Whether still engaged or newly-married, or even whether a couple has been married for years, this course (In Maltese) will help the participants to discover the secret of living more fully the gift of the Sacrament of Matrimony.  By living according to the teachings of the late Pope John Paul II on the Theology of the Body, they will be encouraged to discover the joy, intimacy and satisfaction that can be achieved in married life. 

    This course will provide the participants with a clear articulation of the Catholic vision of love and marriage…

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Pope meets with Hospital Sisters of Mercy

  • Pope Francis on Saturday held an audience with the “Hospital Sisters of Mercy,” and encouraged them in their mission despite challenges posed by secular culture. 

    Delivering his address in the Vatican’s Clementine Hall, Pope Francis expressed his gratitude to the sisters, and said they are “a concrete sign of how to express the Father’s mercy”.

    He recalled how Servant of God Teresa Orsini Doria Pamphili Landi, a noble lay woman who was supported by two priests, established the congregation in accord with Jesus’ call to care for the sick…

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The Gospel of the day: 27th September

  • Saint Luke 9:51-56

    Now it came to pass, when the time had come for Him to be received up, that He steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem, and sent messengers before His face. And as they went, they entered a village of the Samaritans, to prepare for Him. But they did not receive Him, because His face was set for the journey to Jerusalem…

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“Tourism for All – Promoting Universal Accessibility”

    1. “Tourism for All – Promoting Universal Accessibility” is the theme chosen by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) for World Tourism Day 2016, which will take place, as is custom, on September 27th. The Holy See has adhered to this initiative ever since its inception, being well aware of the great importance that this tourism has, as well as the challenges this phenomenon poses and the opportunities it creates for evangelization…
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More than 17,000 students in Church Schools start a new scholastic year

  • F’dawn il-jiem, 17,182 student qed jibdew sena skolastika ġdida fl-Iskejjel tal-Knisja, f’Malta u Għawdex. Dawn jinkludu 2,153 tifel u tifla li ser jibdew jattendu skola tal-Knisja għall-ewwel darba jew li biddlu l-iskola. L-istudenti fl-iskejjel tal-Knisja huma maqsumin kif ġej:

    • 1,023 student fil-livell ta’ kindergarten,
    • 7,840 student li jattendu l-iskejjel primarji,
    • 7,520 student li jattendu l-iskejjel sekondarji, u
    • 799 student li jattendu s-Sixth Forms…
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Pope Francis to Catechists: never tire of witnessing to Resurrection

  • Pope Francis celebrated Mass to mark the Jubilee of Catechists on Sunday – the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time and the Jubilee of Catechists in the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy.

  • Homily by Pope Francis

    In the second reading the Apostle Paul offers to Timothy, but also to us, some advice which is close to his heart.  Among other things, he charges him “to keep the commandment unstained and free from reproach” (1 Tim 6:14).  He speaks simply of a commandment.  It seems that he wants to keep our attention fixed firmly on what is essential for our faith.  Saint Paul, indeed, is not suggesting all sorts of different points, but is emphasizing the core of the faith.  This centre around which everything revolves, this beating heart which gives life to everything is the Paschal proclamation, the first proclamation: the Lord Jesus is risen, the Lord Jesus loves you, and he has given his life for you; risen and alive, he is close to you and waits for you every day.  We must never forget this.  On this Jubilee for Catechists, we are being asked not to tire of keeping the key message of the faith front and centre: the Lord is risen.  Nothing is more important;  nothing is clearer or more relevant than this.  Everything in the faith becomes beautiful when linked to this centrepiece, if it is saturated by the Paschal proclamation.  If it remains in isolation, however, it loses its sense and force.  We are called always to live out and proclaim the newness of the Lord’s love: “Jesus truly loves you, just as you are.  Give him space: in spite of the disappointments and wounds in your life, give him the chance to love you.  He will not disappoint you”…

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