A group of nine Syrian refugees, including two Christians, arrived in Rome on Thursday from the Kara Tepe refugee camp on the Greek island of Lesbos, following the visit of Pope Francis to the island on April 16, when he accompanied three families of refugees back to Rome. The Vatican Gendarmeria, with the help of Interior Ministry of Greece, the Greek Asylum Service, and the Community of Sant’Egidio, accompanied the refugees from Athens to Rome on Thursday…
On Saturday 18th June 2016, Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna received a courtesy visit by the former Archbishop of Canterbury, His Grace Rowan Williams, at Archbishop’s Curia, Floriana.
On Friday 17th June 2016, Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna visited Farsons, at the brewery in Mrieħel, and celebrated Mass with the management and employees. Homily by Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna
L-Imrieħel17 ta’ Ġunju 2016 Fl-Evanġelju ta’ San Mattew, Ġesù jagħtina ftit kelmiet li aħna nistgħu nsejħuluhom kliem ta’ għerf, teknikament kliem sapjenzjali u b’xi mod qiegħed jagħtina kliem ta’ għerf tal-qalb, dak li bl-Ingliż nistgħu nsejħulu: ‘the wisdom of the heart’, l-għerf tal-qalb…
Pope Francis said that prayers are not magic words for Christians and when we pray the ‘Our Father’ we can feel God looking at us and this prayer should be the cornerstone of our prayer life. His words came during his mass celebrated on Thursday morning in the chapel of the Santa Marta residence. Jesus always turned to the Father in the most challenging moments Taking his inspiration from the gospel reading where Jesus teaches his disciples to pray the “Our Father, the Pope’s homily was a reflection on the value and meaning of prayer in the life of a Christian…
Nhar is-Sibt, 11 ta’ Ġunju 2016, il-Papa Franġisku laqa’ f’udjenza dawk li kienu qed jieħdu sehem fil-Kungress “U Int tiekol l-ikel fuq il-mejda tiegħi dejjem” (2 Samwel 9: 1-13) organizzat mit-taqsima tal-Katekeżi tal-Persuni b’Diżabilità, fi ħdan l-Uffiċċju Kateketiku Nazzjonali Taljan, fl-okkażjoni tal-25 Anniversarju tal-Istituzzjoni. F’ħin minnhom, il-Papa warrab id-diskors imħejji li kellu u wieġeb għall-mistoqsijiet li sarulu minn zewġt ibniet u saċerdot fuq kif għandhom jiġi ndirizzati mingħajr biża’ d-differenzi u kif għandha tiġi evitata l-eskluzzjoni anke f’komunitajiet Insara…
** Direttur: Alberto Mar Atturi: (vuċijiet ta’) Jason Harris, Chris Edgerly, David Hoffman Ħin: 89 minuti Maħruġ minn KRS Releasing Limited Klassifika tal-Gvern: U Klassifika tal-Knisja: UPG Id-duo Hanna-Barbera ħolqu l-cartoons ta’ ‘Top Cat’ u għamluhom f’serje ta’ films qosra għal Walt Disney li kienu jintwerew fuq it-televiżjoni fis-snin ’60, fejn kienu populari ħafna. Fl-2012 Alberto Mar għamel film għaċ-ċinema bbażat fuq dawn il-cartoons, li fih Top Cat u sħabu, Benny, Fancy-Fancy, Choo-Choo, Spook u Brain, kollha qtates tat-triq fi New York, jagħmlu għadd ta’ serqiet…
Praying for our enemies can heal our hearts: that was Pope Francis’ message at Mass in the Casa Santa Marta chapel on Tuesday morning. Recalling his own childhood in Argentina, when people prayed that dictators would go to hell, the Pope recalled how Jesus himself tells us to love our enemies and to pray for those who persecute us. Reflecting on the Gospel reading from St Matthew where Jesus tells his disciples to love their enemies, Pope Francis noted that this instruction was in contrast to what the Doctors of the Law taught in those days: “You shall love your neighbour and hate your enemy”…
A book containing speeches which includes the In-Service Course for Priests in 2015
Ir-Rev. Prof. Emmanuel Agius u Rev. Dr John Berry għadhom kif ippubblikaw il-ktieb “Minn Viżjoni għar-Realtà: Mixja Flimkien b’Ferħ u Impenn”. Il-ktieb jinkludi taħditiet dwar il-ħtieġa li l-Knisja lokali tevalwa s-sinjali ta’ żminijietna bl-għan li tkompli taġġorna l-viżjoni u l-għażliet pastorali għas-snin li ġejjin. Dan jinkludi:
It-tibdiliet kulturali, politiċi, u soċjo-ekonomiċi f’Malta llum;
Il-viżjoni u d-direzzjoni tal-Knisja;
L-evangeliżżazzjoni: Mixja lejn fidi matura, u
Il-Knisja bħala qaddejja u għassiesa tal-ġustizzja…
An address by Pope Francis at the General Audience on 8th June 2016
Dear Brothers and Sisters, good morning! Before beginning the catechesis, I would like to greet a group of couples, celebrating their 50th wedding anniversaries. This, truly, is “the good wine” of the family! Yours is a testimony that the newlyweds – who I will greet later – and young people must learn. It is a beautiful testimony. Thank you for your testimony…