Speaking before the recitation of the Marian prayer and drawing inspiration from Sunday’s Gospel, the Pope said that “even today, in the face of certain misfortunes and tragic events, we can be tempted to ‘discharge’ the responsibility on the victims, or even God himself. But the Gospel, he said, invites us to reflect on what is our idea of God? “Do we believe that God is that way, or is it our own projection, a god made ‘in our image and likeness’?” The Holy Father stressed, that Jesus calls upon us to draw from painful events a warning that concerns everyone, because we are all sinners…
On Friday 26th February 2016, Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna led a Penitential Pilgrimage from Stella Maris church to the Jesus of Nazareth church, and later celebrated Mass, in Sliema. Homily by Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna
Knisja ta’ Ġesù Nazzarenu, Tas-Sliema26 ta’ Frar 2016 L-Evanġelju ta’ San Mark jispjegalna għaliex il-kwadru ta’ Ġesù Nazzarenu huwa kif inhu, bl-ilbies aħmar u l-kuruna tax-xewk (Mk 15, 17)…
On Friday 26th February 2016, Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna led a Penitential Pilgrimage from Stella Maris church to the Jesus of Nazareth church, and later celebrated Mass, in Sliema. Homily by Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna
Knisja ta’ Ġesù Nazzarenu, Tas-Sliema26 ta’ Frar 2016 L-Evanġelju ta’ San Mark jispjegalna għaliex il-kwadru ta’ Ġesù Nazzarenu huwa kif inhu, bl-ilbies aħmar u l-kuruna tax-xewk (Mk 15, 17)…
To truly live our faith, we must recognize the poor who are near to us. In them, Jesus Himself knocks at the door of our heart: that was Pope Francis’ message during the morning Mass at Casa Santa Marta on Thursday. Christians in a bubble of vanity In the Gospel of the day, Jesus tells the parable of the rich man “who dressed in purple garments and fine linen and dined sumptuously each day,” and who did not recognize that at his door there was a poor man named Lazarus, who was covered with sores…
Il-Bord għad-Dħul fl-Iskejjel tal-Knisja jixtieq javża li s‑Segretarjat tal‑Edukazzjoni Nisranija ser jilqa’ applikazzjonijiet tard (late applications) skont il‑Kriterju ‘Applikanti Oħra’, għad‑dħul fl‑iskejjel tal‑Knisja fl‑ewwel sena kindergarten, it‑tieni sena kindergarten, l‑ewwel sena primarja u l‑ewwel sena sekondarja. Dawn l‑applikazzjonijiet, għas-sena skolastika li tibda f’Settembru 2016, ser jintlaqgħu nhar il‑Ġimgħa, 26 ta’ Frar 2016, bejn id‑9:00 a.m. u s‑1:00 p.m., fil‑Kurja tal‑Arċisqof, il‑Furjana…
Pope Francis has answered 30 questions presented to him from children from around the world. Loyola Press is publishing the responses in a book due to be published on 1 March called ‘Dear Pope Francis’. The United States-based Jesuit publishing house approached Pope Francis about the idea last year, and received a positive response. They then asked Jesuits from around the world to collect questions from children aged 6-13, including Catholics and non-Catholics…
Pope Francis on Tuesday morning described Christianity as a religion that by its very nature must act for good, not a “religion of saying” made of hypocrisy and vanity. The Holy Father was speaking at Mass in the Chapel of the Casa Santa Marta in the Vatican. Click below to hear our report Following the readings of the day, Pope Francis reflected on God’s reality and the “fakeness” of so many Christians who treat the faith as though it were window dressing – devoid of obligation – or an occasion for aggrandizement rather than an opportunity for service, especially to our neediest neighbors…
**** Direttur: Ericson Core Atturi: Edgar Ramirez, Luke Bracey, Teresa Palmer, Delroy Lindo, Ray Winstone, Matias Varela, Clemens Schick u Tobias Santelmann Ħin tal-Film: 113 min Maħruġ minn KRS Releasing Ltd Klassifika taċ-Ċensura: 12A Klassifika tal-Knisja: 12 Johnny Utah hu atleta estrem, lest għal kull sfida. Flimkien ma’ sieħbu Jeff, jittanta fuq il-muturi tagħhom li jittraversaw fuq medda dejqa ta’ art għolja iżda li spiċċat bi traġedja meta Jeff ma jirnexxielhux iwettaqha b’suċċess…
Pope Francis has told members of the Curia to tend to their flocks with generosity and mercy and has urged them to become a ‘model’ for all. The Pope was speaking during his homily at Mass in St Peter’s Basilica on Monday morning, as he celebrated the Feast of the Chair of Peter and the Jubilee of Mercy for the Roman Curia and all the Institutions related to the Holy See. Before participating in the Mass, all those present gathered in the Paul VI Hall for a meditation on the theme “Mercy in our everyday life”, and together with the Holy Father walked in procession through the Holy Door and into the Basilica…