Monthly Archives: January 2016

Pope Francis to travel to Sweden for joint Protestant Reformation commemoration

  • Pope Francis will travel to Sweden in October for a joint ecumenical commemoration of the start of the Reformation, together with leaders of the Lutheran World Federation and representatives of other Christian Churches.

    The event will take place on October 31st in the southern Swedish city of Lund where the Lutheran World Federation was founded in 1947. While kicking off a year of events to mark the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, it will also highlight the important ecumenical developments that have taken place during the past 50 years of dialogue between Catholics and Lutherans…

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Renewal through Authentic Witness

  • The Feast of the Shipwreck of St Paul, only 10 days before the start of Holy Lent, should inspire us as Christians to prepare ourselves for this time of renewal. The faith which was revealed to Saint Paul in his conversion changed his life radically because he became a witness of the resurrection of Jesus. During his homily on the feast of the conversion of St Paul, Archishop Charles J…

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The Archbishop celebrates Mass on Christmas Day at Corradino Correctional Facility

  • Nhar il-Ġimgħa 25 ta’ Diċembru 2015, Jum il-Milied, l-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna ċċelebra mal-ħabsin, il-Quddiesa Stazzjonali fl-okkażjoni tas-Solennità tat-Twelid ta’ Sidna Ġesù Kristu, fil-Faċilità Korrettiva ta’ Kordin, Raħal Ġdid. Preżenti wkoll għal din il-quddiesa, il-Ministru tal-Intern u s-Sigurtà Nazzjonali, l-Onor. Carmelo Abela. Wara l-quddiesa, l-Arċisqof li kien akkumpanjat mill-Ministru Abela, żaru lir-residenti tas-sezzjoni femminili u ltqagħu mar-residenti tal-Faċilità Korrettiva ta’ Kordin li kellhom esperjenzi pożittivi ta’ rijabilitazzjoni…
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Pope Francis: Christian marriage “not an ideal for the few”

  • Pope Francis on Friday said the Church’s teaching on marriage is not an “ideal for the few,” but “a reality that, in the grace of Christ, can be experienced by all the baptized.”

    The Holy Father was speaking the Tribunal of the Roman Rota, the Vatican court which mainly deals with marriage annulment cases.

    In his address inaugurating the judicial year, Pope Francis said the court’s role as Tribunal of the Family, and its role as Tribunal of the Truth of the Sacred Bond are complementary…

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Pope changes Holy Thursday decree to include all people of God

  • Pope Francis has issued a decree that changes the way that the Holy Thursday Rite of the Washing of the Feet is celebrated.

    The decree, that says the rite should  include all members of God’s people, was published on Thursday by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments and signed by the prefect, Cardinal Robert Sarah…

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Communication and Mercy: A Fruitful Encounter

  • Dear Brothers and Sisters, The Holy Year of Mercy invites all of us to reflect on the relationship between communication and mercy. The Church, in union with Christ, the living incarnation of the Father of Mercies, is called to practise mercy as the distinctive trait of all that she is and does. What we say and how we say it, our every word and gesture, ought to express God’s compassion, tenderness and forgiveness for all…
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1,458 Church marriages in 2015

  • In-numru ta’ żwiġijiet fil-Knisja li ġew irreġistrati fl-Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta fis-sena 2015 kien ta’ 1,458, żieda fuq in-numru ta’ żwiġijiet irreġistrati fl-2014. 

    Mit-total ta’ żwiġijiet rreġistrati fl-2015, 1,248 żwieġ kienu bejn Maltin. Kien hemm ukoll 71 żwieġ bejn Maltin u barranin. Dawn kienu mqassmin hekk: 44 żwieġ bejn Kattoliċi Maltin u Kattoliċi barranin; 22 żwieġ bejn Kattoliċi Maltin u Insara mhux Kattoliċi barranin; 5 żwiġijiet ta’ Maltin ma’ barranin li mhumiex Insara…

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