Monthly Archives: December 2014

Exchanging New Year’s Greetings with State authorities

  • Nhar l-Erbgħa 31 ta’ Diċembru 2014, l-Isqof Charles J. Scicluna, Amministratur Appostoliku, u l-Arċisqof Emeritu Pawlu Cremona O.P. taw l-awguri ta’ sena ġdida lill-E.T. il-President ta’ Malta u s-Sur Preca, lill-Awtoritajiet tal-Istat u l-korpi kostitwiti, fil-Palazz tal-Arċisqof, il-Belt Valletta. 

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Homily by Bishop Charles J. Scicluna during end of year Thanksgiving Mass

  • A Blessing on our People! 

    As we conclude a memorable year in the history of Malta, our beloved country and nation, I would like to offer a short reflection on today’s first reading from the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God.

    The reading is taken from the Book of Numbers (Chapter 6, verses 22-27): “The Lord said to Moses, “Say to Aaron and his sons, thus you shall bless the people of Israel: you shall say to them, The Lord bless you and keep you: The Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you: The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace”…

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Homily by Bishop Charles J. Scicluna during end of year Thanksgiving Mass

  • A Blessing on our People! 

    As we conclude a memorable year in the history of Malta, our beloved country and nation, I would like to offer a short reflection on today’s first reading from the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God.

    The reading is taken from the Book of Numbers (Chapter 6, verses 22-27): “The Lord said to Moses, “Say to Aaron and his sons, thus you shall bless the people of Israel: you shall say to them, The Lord bless you and keep you: The Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you: The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace”…

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Padre Lombardi: Pope Francis’ year in review

  • Father Federico Lombardi SJ highlights some of the events that have made 2014 an extremely busy and significant year for Pope Francis. 

    In a long interview with Vatican Radio, the Director of the Vatican Press Office lists an impressive number of events, speeches, journeys and appeals pronounced by Pope Francis in the year gone by, and says that perhaps the most powerful images to linger in our minds are those of the Pope amongst the people: his reaching out to the faithful in every circumstance, the warmth of his embrace in particular towards children,  people with disabilities or ill health…

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    Direttur: Angelina Jolie
    Atturi: Jack O’Connell, Damhnall Gleeson, Miyavi, Garrett Hedlund, Finn Wittrock, Jai Courtney, Luke Treadaway, Travis Jeffery u John Patrick Smith
    Ħin tal-Film: 137 min
    Klassifika taċ-Ċensura: 15
    Klassifika tal-Knisja: 18

    Il-bidu tal-film jeħodna fis sena 1943 meta il-protoganist tal-film, Louis Zamperini, flimkien mal-ekwipaġġ ta’ ajruplan B-24, itemmu b’miraklu l-missjoni li kellhom fl-Oċean Paċifiku meta l-ajruplan  li kienu fuqu ħelisha ħafif u għalkemm milqut kemm il-darba rrnexxielu jinżel f’ Hawai…

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The Rewrite

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    Direttur: Marc Lawrence
    Atturi: Hugh Grant, Marisa Tomei, J.K. Simmons, Allison Janney
    Ħin: 107 minuti
    Klassifika taċ-Ċensura: 12A
    Klassifika tal-Knisja: 15

    Keith Michaels huwa ‘screenwriter’ ta’ Hollywood li tilef il-ħila li kellu tal-kitba u li issa għandu bżonn kbir li jagħmel xi ħaġa oħra biex jaqla’ x’jiekol. Huwa daq is-suċċess f’eta żgħażugħa u ħmistax il-sena ilu rebaħ Oscar għal-kitba ta’ film jismu’ Paradise Misplaced, iżda m’għaddix wisq żmien li ma’ bediex iduq ukoll id-disperazzjoni meta kellu sensila ta’ fjaski, nuqqas ta’ kummissjonijiet, iż-żwieġ tiegħu falla, u ibnu żgħażugħ ma’ jkellmux…

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Pope at Angelus: my thoughts with those from missing plane

  • Pope Francis said on Sunday that “his thoughts are with those on board the missing AirAsia plane that disappeared during a flight between Indonesia and Singapore.”  He added he was also thinking of two separate accidents involving two merchant ships and a ferry in the Adriatic Sea.  “I am close with my affection and prayer,” the Pope said, to the families and loved ones who are undergoing “these difficult situations with apprehension and suffering” and also to those involved in the rescue operations…

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Message of Bishop Charles J. Scicluna during the exchange of greetings with the general public

  • Il-Ħadd 28 ta’ Diċembru 2014
    Kurja tal-Arċisqof, il-Furjana

  • Nirringrazzjakom ħafna talli ġejtu biex nawguraw lil xulxin l-isbaħ xewqat f’dan iż-żmien tal-Milied, aħna u nippreparaw biex nibdew sena ċivili ġdida. 

    Nixtieq naqsam magħkom ħsieb żgħir li nixtieq noffrih għal kull wieħed u waħda minna, nibda minni nniffsi. Dan li se nitlob ma jiġix mill-kapaċitajiet tagħna, imma huwa frott talgħajnuna li jagħtina Alla: Ejjew nitolbu lill-Mulej biex f’din is-sena l-ġdida nkunu preżenza sabiħa, qawwija u ta’ servizz fis-soċjetà Maltija…

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Newspaper article on ‘Illum’ by Bishop Charles J. Scicluna

  • Familja Inklussiva

    Illum, il-Liturġija tal-Knisja Kattolika hija ddedikata għall-Familja Mqaddsa: Ġużeppi, Marija u Ġesù. Il-Vanġeli li jintużaw biex ifakkru din ir-realtà sabiħa huma Vanġeli fejn il-familja Mqaddsa kienet tinsab mhedda jew għaddiet minn xi nkwiet.

    Wieħed mill-Vanġeli jfakkarna fil-ħolma li kellu Ġużeppi, li fiha l-anġlu wissieh biex ma jmurx lura Nazaret, imma jmur l-Eġittu biex isalva l-ħajja tat-tarbija li kienet mhedda minn Erodi…

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Message of Bishop Charles J. Scicluna during the exchange of greetings with the general public

  • Il-Ħadd 28 ta’ Diċembru 2014
    Kurja tal-Arċisqof, il-Furjana

    ​Nirringrazzjakom ħafna talli ġejtu biex nawguraw lil xulxin l-isbaħ xewqat f’dan iż-żmien tal-Milied, aħna u nippreparaw biex nibdew sena ċivili ġdida. 

    Nixtieq naqsam magħkom ħsieb żgħir li nixtieq noffrih għal kull wieħed u waħda minna, nibda minni nniffsi. Dan li se nitlob ma jiġix mill-kapaċitajiet tagħna, imma huwa frott talgħajnuna li jagħtina Alla: Ejjew nitolbu lill-Mulej biex f’din is-sena l-ġdida nkunu preżenza sabiħa, qawwija u ta’ servizz fis-soċjetà Maltija…

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