Monthly Archives: April 2014

An exodus in five verbs

  • An exodus in five verbs
  • Bishop Charles J. Scicluna’s opinion piece published on The Sunday Times on Easter Sunday, 20th April 2014.

    Simon Peter had just professed his faith that his leader Jesus, the carpenter from Nazareth, was “the Christ of God”. Jesus ordered his group of disciples to tell no one and started talking about suffering, being rejected, dying and being raised on the third day…

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150 cardinals and 1000 bishops will be concelebrating with Pope Francis during Sunday’s Canonization ceremony

  • 150 cardinals and 1000 bishops will be concelebrating with Pope Francis during Sunday’s Canonization ceremony
  • The Director of the Holy See’s press office, Father Federico Lombardi gave another briefing to journalists where he gave details about official delegations scheduled to attend both the prayer vigil on Saturday night and the canonization Mass on Sunday morning.

    Father Lombardi told journalists that over 90 official delegations from various countries plus 24 heads of state or royalty are due to attend the prayer vigil…

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Ministry of Lectors for five seminarians

  • Ministry of Lectors for five seminarians
  • On Friday 2 May 2014, Archbishop Paul Cremona O.P. will institute five seminarians as Lectors. The ceremony will be held during the celebration of Mass at the Parish Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, Naxxar, at 6:30 p.m. The five seminarians, who are in their fifth year of formation at the Archbishop’s Seminary, are Sergio Fenech and Mark Mallia Pawley from St Sebastian’s Parish, Ħal Qormi, Claude Mifsud from the Parish of the Assumption of Mary, Mosta, James Saydon from the Parish of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, Naxxar, and Gilbert Scicluna from St Joseph’s Parish, Kalkara…
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The Courtyard Dialogues

  • The Courtyard Dialogues
  • A two-part series of dialogues between young people and select influencers on questions of faith, life and their in-betweens. The first Courtyard Dialogue, on Tuesday April 29, will centre on the theme of “Finding Meaning in Life”. The second Dialogue, the following Tuesday May 6, will discuss “The Role of the Church in Society”. Both evenings will be held at the newly restored courtyard within Palazzo de la Salle in Valletta, between 7:30pm and 9:00pm…

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Preparation course for Maltese getting married to foreigners

  • Preparation course for Maltese getting married to foreigners
  • Dar l-Emigrant u l-Catholic Enquiry Centre ser jorganizzaw laqgħat ta’ preparazzjoni għaż-żwieġ ta’ Maltin ma’ barranin f’Dar l-Emigrant, il-Belt Valletta. Mistiedna jattendu għal dawn is-seminars l-għarajjes Maltin li ser jiżżewġu ma’ barranin. Jistgħu jattendu l-koppja flimkien jekk il-parti barranija tkun Malta.  Jekk il-parti barranija ma tkunx tista’ tattendi għal xi raġuni jew oħra imbagħad isiru appuntamenti għall-laqgħat fuq bażi personali…

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Seminar about Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II

  • Seminar about Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II
  • Nhar l-Erbgħa 23 ta’ April 2014, ġewwa l-Parlament, il-Fondazzjoni IDEAT tellgħet seminar bit-tema “Ġwanni XXIII – Ġwanni Pawlu II: Papiet Differenti Għal Żminijiet Differenti”.
    L-iSpeaker l-Onorevoli Anġlu Farrugia kien mistieden jiftaħ is-seminar.  L-iSpeaker tenna d-diskors tiegħu fejn qal li dawn il-personaġġi, li mxew ħajja qaddisa, li kienu r-rgħajja spiritwali tagħna, taw ħajjithom għall-politika differenti minn dik li aħna nagħrfu ta’ rivalita’, ta’ wieħed kontra iehor…

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The Gospel of the day – 25th April

  • The Gospel of the day – 25th April
  • Easter Friday
    John 21,1-14

    Later on, Jesus revealed himself again to the disciples. It was by the Sea of Tiberias, and it happened like this: Simon Peter, Thomas called the Twin, Nathanael from Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee and two more of his disciples were together…

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New logo for id-Dar tal-Providenza

  • New logo for id-Dar tal-Providenza
  • Sean Cini’s design for a new logo for Id-Dar tal-Providenza had been chosen and announced by Fr Martin Micallef, Director of the Home during a Press Conference this morning (formats of the new logo as well as Sean’s biography and photos attached).

    Fr Martin said that the logo was designed on the most important factors:  Evangelical Love, Support and Self-Determination…

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Archbishop Paul Cremona and Bishop Mario Grech in Rome

  • Archbishop Paul Cremona and Bishop Mario Grech in Rome
  • L-Arċisqof ta’ Malta, Monsinjur Pawlu Cremona O.P. u l-Isqof ta’ Għawdex, Monsinjur Mario Grech jinsabu l-Vatikan biex fi tmiem din il-ġimgħa jattendu għall-kanonizzazzjoni tal-Beatu Papa Ġwanni XXIII u l-Beatu Papa Ġwanni Pawlu II. Huma mistennija jikkonċelebraw fil-Quddiesa li ser imexxi l-Papa Franġisku nhar il-Ħadd filgħodu fi Pjazza San Pietru. L-Arċisqof ħalla Malta lejn Ruma dalgħodu, filwaqt li l-Isqof Mario Grech ħalla Malta l-bieraħ, l-Erbgħa 23 ta’ April…
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The Gospel of the day – 24th April

  • The Gospel of the day – 24th April
  • Thursday in Easter Week

    Luke 24, 35-48
    The disciples told their story of what had happened on the road and how they had recognised him at the breaking of bread. They were still talking about all this when he himself stood among them and said to them, ‘Peace be with you!’ In a state of alarm and fright, they thought they were seeing a ghost…

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